Data Dictionary Summary Report


HACCEL   (Typedef)[xref]

haCenter   (Enumerator)
   [D_EXTERN.H, 48]

haLeft   (Enumerator)
   [D_EXTERN.H, 48]

hAlign   (Parameter)[xref]
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 771]

HANDLE   (Typedef)[xref]

HANDLE_MSG   (Macro)[xref]

HANDLETABLE   (Typedef)[xref]

Hardware   (Local Object)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 4206]

HardwareID   (Parameter)[xref]
   [dllmain.cpp, 66]

HardwareID   (Parameter)[xref]
   [HWIO.CPP, 287]

HardwareID   (Parameter)[xref]
   [HWIO.CPP, 334]

HardwareID   (Parameter)[xref]
   [HWIO.CPP, 567]

HardwareID   (Parameter)[xref]
   [HWIO.CPP, 738]

HardwareID   (Parameter)[xref]
   [HWIO.CPP, 958]

HardwareID   (Parameter)[xref]
   [HWIO.CPP, 1008]

HardwareID   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_LAYER.CPP, 766]

HardwareID   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 2993]

HardwareID   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 4154]

HardwareIo   (Class)[xref]
   [HWIO.H, 155]

HardwareIo::HardwareIo   (Public Function)[xref]
   [HWIO.CPP, 363]

HardwareIo::HardwareIo   (Public Function)[xref]
   [HWIO.CPP, 367]

HardwareIo::hDevice   (Protected Object)[xref]
   [HWIO.H, 159]

HardwareIo::Read   (Public Virtual Function)[xref]
   [HWIO.CPP, 398]

HardwareIo::Read   (Public Virtual Function)[xref]
   [HWIO.CPP, 424]

HardwareIo::Read   (Public Virtual Function)[xref]
   [HWIO.CPP, 450]

HardwareIo::szDeviceName   (Protected Object)[xref]
   [HWIO.H, 158]

HardwareIo::Write   (Public Virtual Function)[xref]
   [HWIO.CPP, 476]

HardwareIo::Write   (Public Virtual Function)[xref]
   [HWIO.CPP, 506]

HardwareIo::Write   (Public Virtual Function)[xref]
   [HWIO.CPP, 536]

HardwareIo::~HardwareIo   (Public Virtual Function)[xref]
   [HWIO.CPP, 388]

haRight   (Enumerator)
   [D_EXTERN.H, 48]

HBITMAP   (Typedef)[xref]

hBitmap   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 1155]

hBitmap   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 975]

hBitmap   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 1110]

hBitmap   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_DEVICE.CPP, 261]

hBmpDC   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 1112]

HBRUSH   (Typedef)[xref]

hBrush   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 1236]

hBrush   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 1271]

hBrush   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 1618]

hBrush   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 2580]

hBrushOld   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 2580]

hCBoxList   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TManageComboboxProtocolDlg.cpp, 24]

hCBoxList   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TManageComboboxProtocolDlg.cpp, 68]

hCBoxList   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TManageComboboxProtocolDlg.cpp, 83]

hCBoxList   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TManageComboboxProtocolDlg.cpp, 93]

hChildWnd   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 944]

hClip   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 565]

HCURSOR   (Typedef)[xref]

hCursorOld   (Local Object)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 1525]

hCursorOld   (Local Object)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 2312]

HDC   (Typedef)[xref]

hdc   (Parameter)[xref]
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 746]

hdc   (Parameter)[xref]
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 771]

hdc   (Parameter)[xref]
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 814]

hdc   (Parameter)[xref]
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 1138]

hdc   (Parameter)[xref]
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 1295]

hdc   (Parameter)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 1455]

hdc   (Parameter)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 1521]

hdc   (Parameter)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 1545]

hdc   (Parameter)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 1572]

hdc   (Parameter)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 1609]

hdc   (Parameter)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 1949]

hdc   (Parameter)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 2566]

hdc   (Parameter)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 2573]

hdc   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 975]

hdc   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 1103]

hdc   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 1336]

hdc   (Parameter)[xref]

hDC   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocol.cpp, 31]

hdc   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_DEVICE.CPP, 257]

hdc   (Local Object)[xref]
   [U_WINDOW.CPP, 1047]

hdcBack   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 982]

hdcMem   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 982]

hdcMeta   (Local Object)[xref]
   [TProtocol.cpp, 1269]

hdcObject   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 982]

hdcSave   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 982]

hdcTemp   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 982]

hDefPal   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 1457]

hDefPal   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 2583]

hDetectorList   (Local Object)[xref]
! aufnehmen aller verfuegbaren Detektoren in Combobox
   [S_INTERN.CPP, 95]

HDEVINFO   (Typedef)[xref]

hDlgItem   (Static Local Object)[xref]
   [MJ_OLD.CPP, 184]

hDlgItem   (Static Local Object)[xref]
   [M_TOPO.CPP, 237]

hDlgItem   (Static Local Object)[xref]
   [TP_GUI.CPP, 479]

Header   (Global Object)[xref]
   [detecmes.cpp, 1215]

HeaderGef   (Local Object)[xref]
   [A_EXTERN.CPP, 2767]

HeaderGef   (Local Object)[xref]
   [S_EXTERN.CPP, 1045]

HeadLine   (Local Object)[xref]
   [detecmes.cpp, 1379]

HeadLine   (Local Object)[xref]
   [detecmes.cpp, 1473]

HeadLine   (Local Object)[xref]
   [detecmes.cpp, 1653]

HeadLine   (Local Object)[xref]
   [detecmes.cpp, 1741]

HeadLine   (Local Object)[xref]
   [detecmes.cpp, 1783]

HeadLine   (Local Object)[xref]
   [detecmes.cpp, 1845]

HeadLine   (Parameter)[xref]
   [L_LAYER.CPP, 508]

HeadLine   (Parameter)[xref]
   [L_LAYER.CPP, 513]

HeadLine   (Parameter)[xref]
   [L_LAYER.CPP, 561]

HeadLine   (Parameter)[xref]
   [L_LAYER.CPP, 566]

HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY   (Macro)[xref]

HeapAlloc   (Function)[xref]

HeapFree   (Function)[xref]

HeapReAlloc   (Function)[xref]

HeapSize   (Function)[xref]

heightY   (Local Object)[xref]
so hoch sind die Beschriftungen insgesamt für das aktuelle 
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 846]

Help_AngleControlDlg   (Macro)[xref]
Dialog alte 'Manuelle Justage'
   [HELP_DEF.H, 98]

Help_AreaScan   (Macro)[xref]
Inhaltsverzeichnis AreaScan
   [HELP_DEF.H, 32]

Help_AreaScanDisplay   (Macro)[xref]
Darstellung von Meßwerten beim AreaScan
   [HELP_DEF.H, 50]

Help_AutomaticAdjustment   (Macro)[xref]
Inhaltsverzeichnis Automatische Justage
   [HELP_DEF.H, 99]

Help_CalibrateMotorsDlg   (Macro)[xref]
Dialog 'Grundstellung anfahren'
   [HELP_DEF.H, 18]

Help_Contents   (Macro)[xref]
   [HELP_DEF.H, 16]

HELP_CONTEXT   (Macro)[xref]

Help_Diffractometry   (Macro)[xref]
Inhaltsverzeichnis Diffraktometrie
   [HELP_DEF.H, 19]

Help_KeyCodes   (Macro)[xref]
   [HELP_DEF.H, 17]

Help_LineScan   (Macro)[xref]
Inhaltsverzeichnis LineScan
   [HELP_DEF.H, 20]

Help_LineScanDisplay   (Macro)[xref]
Darstellung von Meßwerten beim LineScan
   [HELP_DEF.H, 46]

Help_ManualAdjustment   (Macro)[xref]
Inhaltsverzeichnis Manuelle Justage
   [HELP_DEF.H, 59]

Help_ManualAdjustmentDlg   (Macro)[xref]
Dialog neue 'Manuelle Justage'
   [HELP_DEF.H, 60]

Help_Protocol   (Macro)[xref]
   [HELP_DEF.H, 104]

Help_ProtocolDiffractometry   (Macro)[xref]
Protokollbuch Diffraktometrie/Reflektometrie
   [HELP_DEF.H, 119]

Help_ProtocolEditSkizze   (Macro)[xref]
Zeichnen und Verändern der Lageskizze
   [HELP_DEF.H, 109]

Help_ProtocolTopography   (Macro)[xref]
Protokollbuch Topographie
   [HELP_DEF.H, 117]

Help_SetupAreaScanDlg   (Macro)[xref]
Dialog 'Einstellungen AreaScan'
   [HELP_DEF.H, 40]

Help_SetupContinuousScanDlg   (Macro)[xref]
Dialog 'Einstellungen ContinuousScan'
   [HELP_DEF.H, 31]

Help_SetupDynamicStepDlg   (Macro)[xref]
Dialog 'Einstellungen Dynamische Schrittweite'
   [HELP_DEF.H, 30]

Help_SetupStepScanDlg   (Macro)[xref]
Dialog 'Einstellungen StepScan'
   [HELP_DEF.H, 29]

HENHMETAFILE   (Typedef)[xref]

her   (Local Object)[xref]
   [DETECGUI.CPP, 295]

her   (Local Object)[xref]
Eingabe ungültig
   [DETECGUI.CPP, 341]

her   (Parameter)[xref]
   [detecmes.cpp, 1836]

hEventControlWnd   (Global Object)[xref]
   [detecuse.cpp, 557]

HFILE   (Typedef)[xref]

hFile   (Local Object)[xref]
! FILE * hFile;
   [A_EXTERN.CPP, 787]

hFile   (Local Object)[xref]
   [A_EXTERN.CPP, 2317]

hFile   (Local Object)[xref]
   [A_EXTERN.CPP, 2602]

hFile   (Local Object)[xref]
   [A_EXTERN.CPP, 2691]

hFile   (Local Object)[xref]
   [A_EXTERN.CPP, 2931]

hFile   (Local Object)[xref]
   [A_EXTERN.CPP, 3088]

hFile   (Local Object)[xref]
   [A_EXTERN.CPP, 3240]

hFile   (Local Object)[xref]
   [A_INTERN.CPP, 868]

hFile   (Local Object)[xref]
   [A_INTERN.CPP, 1191]

hFile   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 1319]

hFile   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 1548]

hFile   (Local Object)[xref]
   [S_EXTERN.CPP, 1150]

hFile   (Local Object)[xref]
   [S_EXTERN.CPP, 1369]

hFile   (Local Object)[xref]
   [S_EXTERN.CPP, 1440]

hFile   (Local Object)[xref]
   [S_EXTERN.CPP, 1475]

hFile   (Local Object)[xref]
   [HWIO.CPP, 184]

hfile   (Local Object)[xref]
   [L_LAYER.CPP, 624]

hfile   (Parameter)[xref]
   [L_LAYER.CPP, 633]

hFile   (Parameter)[xref]
   [L_LAYER.CPP, 731]

hFile   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_DEVICE.CPP, 198]

hFile   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_DEVICE.CPP, 222]

hFile   (Local Object)[xref]
   [TSteering.cpp, 1644]

HFILE_ERROR   (Macro)[xref]

HFONT   (Typedef)[xref]

hFont   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 1620]

hFont   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 2584]

hFont   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_DEVICE.CPP, 262]

hg   (Local Object)[xref]
benötigt  und , 
   [detecmes.cpp, 1425]

hg   (Local Object)[xref]
umrechnen auf Scale
umrechnen auf Scale
   [detecmes.cpp, 1453]

HGDIOBJ   (Typedef)[xref]

HGLOBAL   (Typedef)[xref]

HICON   (Typedef)[xref]

HIDE   (Macro)[xref]
   [TProtocolDlg.h, 17]

high   (Parameter)[xref]
   [DETECUSE.H, 605]

high   (Parameter)[xref]
   [Detec_hw.cpp, 1151]

highvoltage   (Parameter)[xref]
   [Detec_hw.cpp, 104]

HighWert   (Local Object)[xref]
   [detecmes.cpp, 2027]

HINSTANCE   (Typedef)[xref]

hInstance   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 127]

hInstance   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 288]

hInstance   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 495]

HIWORD   (Macro)[xref]

hk   (Local Object)[xref]
   [U_WINDOW.CPP, 468]

hk   (Local Object)[xref]
   [U_WINDOW.CPP, 1057]

hLib   (Local Object)[xref]
load simulation dll

hLogFile   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_JUSTAG.CPP, 33]

hLVCtrl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolLanguage.cpp, 833]

hLVCtrl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolManagePrintDlg.cpp, 51]

hLVCtrl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolManagePrintDlg.cpp, 73]

hLVCtrl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolManagePrintDlg.cpp, 98]

hMem   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 2489]

hMemBmp   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 1104]

hMemDC   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 1156]

hMemDC   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 1530]

hMemDC   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 1105]

hMemDC   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_DEVICE.CPP, 260]

HMENU   (Typedef)[xref]

hmenu   (Local Object)[xref]
   [TProtocolLanguage.cpp, 257]

hMeta   (Local Object)[xref]
   [TProtocol.cpp, 1247]

hMeta   (Local Object)[xref]
   [TProtocol.cpp, 1268]

hModule   (Parameter)[xref]
   [dllmain.cpp, 34]

hModule   (Parameter)[xref]
   [HWIO.CPP, 29]

hModule   (Parameter)[xref]
   [L_LAYER.CPP, 64]

hModule   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_LAYER.CPP, 731]

hModule   (Parameter)[xref]
   [PROTOCOL.CPP, 512]

hModuleInstance   (Global Object)[xref]
   [dllmain.cpp, 27]

hModuleInstance   (Global Object)[xref]
   [HWIO.CPP, 23]

hModuleInstance   (Global Object)[xref]
   [L_LAYER.CPP, 20]

hModuleInstance   (Global Object)[xref]
   [M_LAYER.CPP, 17]

hModuleInstance   (Global Object)[xref]
Zeiger auf die Instanz der Allgemeine Einstellungen wird in m_mail.cpp

hMonitorList   (Local Object)[xref]
! bewirkt aufruf von Dlg_OnCommand mit den Kommandos cm_ParamSet und
! cm_SetupParameters
! Focus auf OK-Button der Box
HotKey's für Hilfe
Accelerator aus Ressourcen laden
   [A_INTERN.CPP, 148]

hMonitorList   (Local Object)[xref]
   [S_INTERN.CPP, 100]

hMonitorList   (Local Object)[xref]
! FIX Fehler 8
! neu 2Theta
   [S_INTERN.CPP, 301]

hMotorList   (Local Object)[xref]
   [S_INTERN.CPP, 110]

hOldBitmap   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 1113]

hOldBitmap   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_DEVICE.CPP, 261]

hOldBrush   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 1237]

hOldBrush   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 1272]

hOldBrush   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 1618]

hOldCursor   (Local Object)[xref]
Kennzeichnung Reportdatei
   [A_EXTERN.CPP, 2232]

hOldCursor   (Local Object)[xref]
! Headerteil anlegen in abhaengigkeit von den vorhandenen zusatzinfos
! alle zusatzinfos in Tabelle speichern +datei schliessen
   [A_EXTERN.CPP, 2321]

hOldCursor   (Local Object)[xref]
 Datei öffnen, Header einladen
   [A_EXTERN.CPP, 2431]

hOldCursor   (Local Object)[xref]
Daten an den Header anhaengen
   [A_EXTERN.CPP, 2624]

hOldCursor   (Local Object)[xref]
! Datei oeffnen + Statusinfo ausgeben
first point of last curve
! letzte Kurve der Datenbasis auswaehlen + alle Intens.werte der Kurve
! auslesen und als zeile an Datei anhaengen
07.05.2004 TheCurve->FastOpen();
   [A_EXTERN.CPP, 2695]

hOldCursor   (Local Object)[xref]
! neue DB
! neuer Scan-Report
! fuer jede Kurve Datei oeffnen + Header einlesen + Datenaufnahme
   [A_EXTERN.CPP, 3103]

hOldCursor   (Local Object)[xref]
   [A_EXTERN.CPP, 3345]

hOldCursor   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 143]

hOldCursor   (Local Object)[xref]
! FileType mit eingefuehrt - TScanWindow.eSaveFormat= bkFile (beim Einlesen)
! an Anfang der Kurve gehen + Speicher der Punkte fixieren
! setzt ActualIdx auf 0 oder auf MaxPointIdx, wenn pos>MaxPointidx
! hier ActualIdx=0
! folgendes wird mit FastOpen aktualisiert (betrifft Klasse Curve...)
! BOOL* lpPV; // Zeiger auf Datenfeld von Validate
07.05.2004 SecondCurve->FastOpen();
! FastPGet(x,y,z) holt Werte der Kurve und setzt ActualIdx++ (m_curve.cpp)
! Kurve Tripel für Tripel auslesen und zeilenweise in der Datei ablegen
07.05.2004 FastP...
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 1572]

hOldCursor   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 893]

hOldCursor   (Static Local Object)[xref]
! neu cont
   [S_EXTERN.CPP, 549]

hOldCursor   (Local Object)[xref]
! auf ersten Messpunkt der Kurve gehen
! setzt Dateizeiger auf ende der Datei
07.05.2004 MainCurve->FastOpen();
! Bereichstartpunkt fuer ersten bereich festlegen
! holt einzelne tripel aus Kurve + fuegt sie an datei an
07.05.2004 FastP...
   [S_EXTERN.CPP, 1383]

hOldCursor   (Local Object)[xref]
! laden der Headerinformation mit abbruch und Fehlermeldung bei Fehler
   [S_EXTERN.CPP, 1501]

hOldFont   (Local Object)[xref]
! der Windows-Datentyp, der Handles fuer logische Stifte repraesentiert
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 818]

hOldFont   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 1620]

hOldFont   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 2584]

hOldFont   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_DEVICE.CPP, 262]

hOldMemBmp   (Local Object)[xref]
Hintergrund flächig ausfüllen
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 1106]

hOldPen   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 820]

hOldPen   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 1216]

hOldPen   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 1619]

hOldPen   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 1957]

hOldPen   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 1130]

HORZRES   (Macro)[xref]

host   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TSteering.cpp, 161]

host   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TSteering.cpp, 188]

HOTKEYF_ALT   (Macro)[xref]
   [U_WINDOW.H, 28]

HOTKEYF_CONTROL   (Macro)[xref]
   [U_WINDOW.H, 27]

HOTKEYF_EXT   (Macro)[xref]
die folgenden Konstanten entsprechen dem Parameter  wenn Dlg_OnCommand eintritt
   [U_WINDOW.H, 29]

HOTKEYF_SHIFT   (Macro)[xref]
   [U_WINDOW.H, 26]

hPal   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 1457]

hPal   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 2583]

HPALETTE   (Typedef)[xref]

HPBYTE   (Typedef)[xref]
   [EVRYTHNG.H, 47]

hpData   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 1458]

hpData   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 1767]

hpData   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 2135]

hpData   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 2492]

HPEN   (Typedef)[xref]

hPen   (Local Object)[xref]
! 32 bit Zeiger
! the POINT structure defines the x- and y-coordinates of a point
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 1216]

hPen   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 1619]

hPen   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 2581]

hPen   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 1129]

hPenBlack   (Local Object)[xref]
! the SIZE structure specifies the width and height of a rectangle
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 820]

hPenDot   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 820]

hPenDot   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 1957]

hPenOld   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 2581]

HPFLOAT   (Typedef)[xref]
   [EVRYTHNG.H, 48]

hpNewData   (Local Object)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 2491]

hpr   (Local Object)[xref]
Eingabe ungültig
   [DETECGUI.CPP, 355]

hPrevInst   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 127]

HPSTR   (Typedef)[xref]
   [EVRYTHNG.H, 46]

HPWORD   (Typedef)[xref]
   [EVRYTHNG.H, 49]

HRM   (Enumerator)
   [L_LAYER.H, 77]

hSuchList   (Local Object)[xref]
   [TProtocolLanguage.cpp, 651]

hSuchList   (Local Object)[xref]
   [TProtocolLanguage.cpp, 690]

ht   (Local Object)[xref]
! ht= _lopen("test",READ_WRITE);
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 1320]

ht   (Local Object)[xref]
   [U_WINDOW.CPP, 389]

ht   (Local Object)[xref]
Windows-Taste wird in Ressourcen nicht unterstützt !
   [U_WINDOW.CPP, 405]

hTab   (Local Object)[xref]
   [TProtocolLanguage.cpp, 333]

hTab   (Local Object)[xref]
   [TProtocolLanguage.cpp, 470]

hTabCtrl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolLanguage.cpp, 819]

HVTest   (Local Object)[xref]
Bei hoher Interrupt-Rate des Controllers ist eine größeres Delay zu verwenden
DelayTime( 1 );
sprintf(::buf,"Detektor-Rate: %ld", Header.HighADCCounts);
   [detecmes.cpp, 1478]

Hwb   (Enumerator)
   [Enums.h, 89]

hwb   (Local Object)[xref]
   [MJ_GUI.CPP, 498]

hwb   (Local Object)[xref]
   [MJ_OGUI.CPP, 650]

HWB   (Unknown Object)[xref]

hwb   (Local Object)[xref]
   [TCalculateCmd.cpp, 8]

hwGetInstance   (Function)[xref]
   [HWIO.CPP, 54]

hwGetVersion   (Function)[xref]
   [HWIO.CPP, 49]

hWindow   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 599]

hWindow   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 612]

hWindow   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 654]

hWindow   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 1093]

hWindow   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 1150]

hWindow   (Parameter)[xref]
   [U_WINDOW.CPP, 1148]

HWND   (Typedef)[xref]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [DETECUSE.H, 307]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [DETECUSE.H, 321]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_JUSTAG.CPP, 88]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_JUSTAG.CPP, 174]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [DETECGUI.CPP, 115]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [DETECGUI.CPP, 157]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [DETECGUI.CPP, 232]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [DETECGUI.CPP, 256]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [DETECGUI.CPP, 377]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [DETECGUI.CPP, 396]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [DETECGUI.CPP, 404]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [DETECGUI.CPP, 479]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [DETECGUI.CPP, 538]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [DETECGUI.CPP, 577]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [detecmes.cpp, 439]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [detecuse.cpp, 679]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [detecuse.cpp, 718]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [detecuse.cpp, 1300]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [detecuse.cpp, 1307]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 1063]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 200]

hWnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 495]

hwnd   (Local Object)[xref]
Ermitteln des des Fenster-Struktur-Zeigers
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 626]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 734]

hwnd   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 1155]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MJ_OGUI.CPP, 89]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MJ_OLD.CPP, 42]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MJ_OLD.CPP, 138]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MJ_OLD.CPP, 182]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MJ_OLD.CPP, 534]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MESPARAW.CPP, 111]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 485]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 512]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 553]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 840]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 856]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 872]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 1037]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 1053]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 1214]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 1227]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 1326]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 1338]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TManageComboboxProtocolDlg.cpp, 24]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TManageComboboxProtocolDlg.cpp, 109]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryDlg.cpp, 344]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryDlg.cpp, 365]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryDlg.cpp, 372]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryDlg.cpp, 381]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryDlg.cpp, 405]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryDlg.cpp, 418]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryDlg.cpp, 451]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryDlg.cpp, 457]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryDlg.cpp, 482]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryDlg.cpp, 524]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryDlg.cpp, 630]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryDlg.cpp, 750]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryDlg.cpp, 947]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryDlg.cpp, 952]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryDlg.cpp, 957]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryDlg.cpp, 962]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryManagePrintDlg.cpp, 38]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryManagePrintDlg.cpp, 62]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryManagePrintDlg.cpp, 67]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryManagePrintDlg.cpp, 75]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryManagePrintDlg.cpp, 81]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDlg.cpp, 34]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDlg.cpp, 64]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDlg.cpp, 76]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDlg.cpp, 82]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDlg.cpp, 104]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDlg.cpp, 113]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDlg.cpp, 118]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDlg.cpp, 143]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDlg.cpp, 232]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDlg.cpp, 360]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDlg.cpp, 423]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDlg.cpp, 442]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDlg.cpp, 463]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDlg.cpp, 485]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDlg.cpp, 557]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDlg.cpp, 847]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDlg.cpp, 870]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDlg.cpp, 897]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDlg.cpp, 930]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolLanguage.cpp, 238]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolLanguage.cpp, 284]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolLanguage.cpp, 290]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolLanguage.cpp, 330]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolLanguage.cpp, 461]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolLanguage.cpp, 467]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolLanguage.cpp, 606]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolLanguage.cpp, 648]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolLanguage.cpp, 687]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolLanguage.cpp, 718]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolLanguage.cpp, 736]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolLanguage.cpp, 772]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolManagePrintDlg.cpp, 109]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolManagePrintDlg.cpp, 124]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolManagePrintDlg.cpp, 144]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolManagePrintDlg.cpp, 369]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolManagePrintDlg.cpp, 375]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolManagePrintDlg.cpp, 438]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolParameterDlg.cpp, 32]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolParameterDlg.cpp, 58]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolPasswortDlg.cpp, 31]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolPasswortDlg.cpp, 38]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyDlg.cpp, 169]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyDlg.cpp, 182]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyDlg.cpp, 198]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyDlg.cpp, 209]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyDlg.cpp, 246]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyDlg.cpp, 258]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyDlg.cpp, 288]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyDlg.cpp, 294]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyDlg.cpp, 319]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyDlg.cpp, 354]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyDlg.cpp, 380]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyDlg.cpp, 397]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyDlg.cpp, 581]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyDlg.cpp, 586]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyDlg.cpp, 591]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyDlg.cpp, 596]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyManagePrintDlg.cpp, 38]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyManagePrintDlg.cpp, 69]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyManagePrintDlg.cpp, 74]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyManagePrintDlg.cpp, 82]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyManagePrintDlg.cpp, 92]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_DEVICE.CPP, 387]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_DLG.CPP, 51]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_DLG.CPP, 60]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_DLG.CPP, 107]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_TOPO.CPP, 125]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_TOPO.CPP, 182]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_TOPO.CPP, 234]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_TOPO.CPP, 696]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_TOPO.CPP, 736]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TP_GUI.CPP, 477]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TP_GUI.CPP, 748]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TSteering.cpp, 95]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TSteering.cpp, 131]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TSteering.cpp, 1460]

hwnd   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TSteering.cpp, 1485]

HWND_TOP   (Macro)[xref]

hwndCmd   (Local Object)[xref]
   [M_DLG.CPP, 63]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_JUSTAG.CPP, 88]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_JUSTAG.CPP, 174]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [DETECGUI.CPP, 232]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [DETECGUI.CPP, 256]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [DETECGUI.CPP, 396]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [DETECGUI.CPP, 404]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [DETECGUI.CPP, 479]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [DETECGUI.CPP, 538]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [DETECGUI.CPP, 577]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [A_INTERN.CPP, 104]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [A_INTERN.CPP, 172]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [A_INTERN.CPP, 397]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [A_INTERN.CPP, 843]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [A_INTERN.CPP, 956]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [A_INTERN.CPP, 1006]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [A_INTERN.CPP, 1119]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [A_INTERN.CPP, 1174]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [A_INTERN.CPP, 1189]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [A_INTERN.CPP, 1302]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 175]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 206]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 357]

hwndctl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 487]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [D_INTERN.CPP, 559]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [S_INTERN.CPP, 83]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [S_INTERN.CPP, 158]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [S_INTERN.CPP, 542]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [S_INTERN.CPP, 581]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [S_INTERN.CPP, 965]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [S_INTERN.CPP, 978]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MJ_OGUI.CPP, 89]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MJ_OLD.CPP, 42]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MJ_OLD.CPP, 182]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MJ_OLD.CPP, 534]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 485]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 553]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 840]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 872]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 1037]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 1053]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 1214]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 1227]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 1326]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [MOTORS.CPP, 1338]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryDlg.cpp, 418]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryDlg.cpp, 524]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryManagePrintDlg.cpp, 38]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDiffractometryManagePrintDlg.cpp, 67]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolDlg.cpp, 360]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolManagePrintDlg.cpp, 109]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolParameterDlg.cpp, 58]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolPasswortDlg.cpp, 38]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyDlg.cpp, 258]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyDlg.cpp, 354]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyManagePrintDlg.cpp, 38]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TProtocolTopographyManagePrintDlg.cpp, 74]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_DEVICE.CPP, 387]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_DLG.CPP, 51]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_DLG.CPP, 60]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_DLG.CPP, 107]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_TOPO.CPP, 125]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_TOPO.CPP, 234]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_TOPO.CPP, 696]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [M_TOPO.CPP, 736]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TP_GUI.CPP, 477]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TP_GUI.CPP, 748]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TSteering.cpp, 1460]

hwndCtl   (Parameter)[xref]
   [TSteering.cpp, 1485]

hwndCtl   (Local Object)[xref]
   [TSteering.cpp, 1645]

hwndSkizze   (Local Object)[xref]
   [TProtocolDlg.cpp, 362]

hwndStatusBar   (Local Object)[xref]
no extended styles 
name of status bar class 
no text when first created 
includes a sizing grip 
creates a child window 
ignores size and position 
handle to parent window 
child window identifier 
handle to application instance 
no window creation data 
Nachricht an StatusBar, wie die Unterteilungen aussehen sollen
   [M_MAIN.CPP, 509]

hwVersion   (Static Global Object)[xref]
   [HWIO.CPP, 27]