1 // l_layer.cpp
    2 // (C) 1993,1994 by Heiko Damerow MPG AG "Roentgenbeugung"
    3 // Allgemeine Funktionen
    4 #include <direct.h>
    6 #include "internls\evrythng.h"  // GermanVersion
    7 #include "winresrc\rc_def.h"    // Ressourcen-IDs
    8 #include <commdlg.h>                    // OPENFILENAME
    9 #include <commctrl.h>                   // für SB_SETTEXT
   10 #pragma hdrstop
   12 #include "internls\l_layer.h"
   13 #include "datavisa\datavisa.h"  // lpDBase
   15 #include "utils\CheckMemory.h"  // CHECKMEM
   17 //--||--\\--||--//--||--\\--||--//--||--\\--||--//--||--\\--||--//--||--\\--||--
   19 //Datum: 02.07.2003 int bModulLoaded= FALSE;
   20 HINSTANCE hModuleInstance;
   21 LPDataBase _CURVECLASS lpDBase= 0; // 17.11.2002
   22 TBasicMain *BasicMain= 0; // wird mit InitBasicMain initialisiert; nicht freigeben!
   24 static char spVersion[]= "V 1.51 ("__DATE__")";
   26 //#############################################################################
   27 // sprachspezifische Konstanten
   28 //#############################################################################
   30 #ifdef GermanVersion
   31         const char _TITLE[]= "Über \"%s\"";           // Titelleistenbeschriftung
32 #else 33 const char _TITLE[]= "About \"%s\"";
34 #endif 35 36 //############################################################################## 37 // TAboutDlg 38 //############################################################################## 39 40 class _CURVECLASS TAboutDlg : public TModalDlg 41 { 42 public: 43 TAboutDlg ( void ) : TModalDlg( "ABOUT", hModuleInstance ) 44 {}; 45 46 private: 47 BOOL Dlg_OnInit ( HWND, HWND, LPARAM ) 48 { 49 char *buf= new char[ strlen(_TITLE) + strlen(APPLICATIONTITLE) ]; 50 sprintf(buf, _TITLE, APPLICATIONTITLE); 51 SetWindowText(GetHandle(), buf); 52 _FREELIST(buf); 53 return TRUE; 54 }; 55 }; 56 57 void _CURVECLASS WINAPI AboutTheMaker ( void ) 58 { 59 TAboutDlg *dlg= new TAboutDlg(); 60 if ( dlg ) dlg->ExecuteDialog(GetFrameHandle()); 61 _FREEOBJ(dlg); 62 }; 63 64 BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hModule, DWORD dwFunction, LPVOID) 65 { 66 switch (dwFunction) 67 { 68 case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: 69 //Datum: 02.07.2003 bModulLoaded= FALSE; 70 hModuleInstance= hModule; 71 lpDBase= new TDataBase(); 72 break; 73 74 case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: 75 _FREEOBJ(lpDBase); 76 77 //CHECKMEM("SPLIB.DLL"); //hp 78 break; 79 } 80 81 return TRUE; 82 } 83 84 LPCSTR _CURVECLASS WINAPI spGetVersion(void) 85 { 86 return (LPCSTR)spVersion; 87 } 88 89 HINSTANCE _CURVECLASS WINAPI spGetInstance(void) 90 { 91 return hModuleInstance; 92 } 93 94 //############################################################################# 95 // TBasicMain 96 //############################################################################# 97 98 TBasicMain::TBasicMain() { 99 strcpy(szDirectory, ""); 100 strcpy(szName, ""); 101 strcpy(szDrive, ""); 102 strcpy(szCFileName, ""); 103 strcpy(szHelpFile, ""); 104 strcpy(szPTopoDirectory, ""); 105 strcpy(szPDiffDirectory, ""); 106 strcpy(szPTopoBackupDirectory, ""); 107 strcpy(szPDiffBackupDirectory, ""); 108 strcpy(szPTopoName, ""); 109 strcpy(szPDiffName, ""); 110 strcpy(szPTopoFileName, ""); 111 strcpy(szPDiffFileName, ""); 112 strcpy(szHWFile, ""); 113 strcpy(szTestDevFile, ""); 114 strcpy(szMacroFileName, ""); 115 strcpy(Drive, ""); 116 strcpy(Dir, ""); 117 strcpy(Name, ""); 118 strcpy(Ext, ""); 119 strcpy(Path, ""); 120 121 m_MainInstance= 0; 122 m_WndFrame= 0; 123 m_WndClient= 0; 124 m_WndScan= 0; 125 m_WakeUpMsg= 0; 126 m_CreateIniDefaults= FALSE; 127 128 m_WndStatusBar= 0; 129 }; 130 131 //****************************************************************************** 132 // Verwaltung von absoluten Dateinamen für alle benutzen Dateien 133 //****************************************************************************** 134 135 //klier 25.02.2003 überarbeitet 136 void TBasicMain::SetExeFilename(char* FileName) { 137 SplitFileName(FileName); 138 strcpy(szDirectory, Path); 139 strcpy(szName, Name); 140 strcpy(szDrive, Drive); 141 strupr(szDrive); 142 sprintf(szCFileName, "%s%s%s", szDirectory, szName, ".INI" ); 143 sprintf(szPTopoFileName, "%s%s", szDirectory, "PROTOCOL\\TOPOGRFY\\PROTTOPO.CSV"); 144 GetPrivateProfileString("ProtocolTopography", "ProtocolFile", szPTopoFileName, szPTopoFileName, _MAX_PATH, szCFileName); 145 if (!SetPTopoFile(szPTopoFileName)) 146 { 147 sprintf(szPTopoFileName, "%s%s", szDirectory, "PROTOCOL\\TOPOGRFY\\PROTTOPO.CSV"); 148 SetPTopoFile(szPTopoFileName); 149 } 150 sprintf(szPDiffFileName, "%s%s", szDirectory, "PROTOCOL\\DIFRKMTY\\PROTDIFF.CSV"); 151 GetPrivateProfileString("ProtocolDiffractometry", "ProtocolFile", szPDiffFileName, szPDiffFileName, _MAX_PATH, szCFileName); 152 if (!SetPDiffFile(szPDiffFileName)) 153 { 154 sprintf(szPDiffFileName, "%s%s", szDirectory, "PROTOCOL\\DIFRKMTY\\PROTDIFF.CSV"); 155 SetPDiffFile(szPDiffFileName); 156 } 157 strcpy(szPTopoBackupDirectory, szPTopoDirectory); 158 GetPrivateProfileString("ProtocolTopography", "BackupPath", szPTopoBackupDirectory, szPTopoBackupDirectory, _MAX_PATH, szCFileName); 159 if (!CreatePDirectory(szPTopoBackupDirectory)) 160 SetPTopoBackupDirectory(szPTopoDirectory); 161 strcpy(szPDiffBackupDirectory, szPDiffDirectory); 162 GetPrivateProfileString("ProtocolDiffractometry", "BackupPath", szPDiffBackupDirectory, szPDiffBackupDirectory, _MAX_PATH, szCFileName); 163 if (!CreatePDirectory(szPDiffBackupDirectory)) 164 SetPDiffBackupDirectory(szPDiffDirectory); 165 strcpy(Path, szDirectory); 166 GetPrivateProfileString("Steuerprogramm", "HardwareINIFilePath", Path, Path, _MAX_PATH, szCFileName); 167 if (Path[strlen(Path) - 1] == '\\') 168 sprintf( szHWFile, "%s%s", Path, "HARDWARE.INI" ); 169 else 170 sprintf( szHWFile, "%s%s", Path, "\\HARDWARE.INI" ); 171 sprintf( szTestDevFile, "%s%s", szDirectory, "TESTDEV.DAT" ); 172 sprintf( szHelpFile, "%s%s", szDirectory, "SPHELP.HLP" ); 173 } 174 175 //klier 16.03.2003 176 //verändern von szPTopoBackupDirectory 177 BOOL TBasicMain::SetPTopoBackupDirectory ( LPCSTR lDir ) 178 { 179 strcpy(szPTopoBackupDirectory, lDir); 180 WritePrivateProfileString("ProtocolTopography", "BackupPath", szPTopoBackupDirectory, szCFileName); 181 return CreatePDirectory(szPTopoBackupDirectory); 182 } 183 184 //klier 16.03.2003 185 //verändern von szPDiffBackupDirectory 186 BOOL TBasicMain::SetPDiffBackupDirectory ( LPCSTR lDir ) 187 { 188 strcpy(szPDiffBackupDirectory, lDir); 189 WritePrivateProfileString("ProtocolDiffractometry", "BackupPath", szPDiffBackupDirectory, szCFileName); 190 return CreatePDirectory(szPDiffBackupDirectory); 191 } 192 193 //klier 16.03.2003 überarbeitet 194 //verändert Name der Protokoll-Topographie-Datei 195 BOOL TBasicMain::SetPTopoFile ( LPCSTR FileName ) 196 { 197 SplitFileName(FileName); 198 sprintf(szPTopoFileName, "%s%s.CSV", Path, Name); 199 if (strcmp(strupr(Ext), ".CSV") != 0) 200 WritePrivateProfileString("ProtocolTopography", "ProtocolFile", szPTopoFileName, szCFileName); 201 strcpy(szPTopoDirectory, Path); 202 strcpy(szPTopoName, Name); 203 return CreatePDirectory(szPTopoDirectory); 204 } 205 206 //klier 16.03.2003 überarbeitet 207 //verändert Name der Protokoll-Diffraktometrie-Datei 208 BOOL TBasicMain::SetPDiffFile ( LPCSTR FileName ) 209 { 210 SplitFileName(FileName); 211 sprintf(szPDiffFileName, "%s%s.CSV", Path, Name); 212 if (strcmp(strupr(Ext), ".CSV") != 0) 213 WritePrivateProfileString("ProtocolDiffractometry", "ProtocolFile", szPDiffFileName, szCFileName); 214 strcpy(szPDiffDirectory, Path); 215 strcpy(szPDiffName, Name); 216 return CreatePDirectory(szPDiffDirectory); 217 } 218 219 //vollst. Name der <macroname>; <macroname> sollte auf ".mak" enden (z.B. "scan.mak" oder "standard.mak") 220 LPCSTR TBasicMain::GetMacroFile ( LPCSTR macroname ) 221 { 222 sprintf( szMacroFileName, "%s%s", szDirectory, macroname ); 223 return szMacroFileName; 224 } 225 226 //klier 16.03.2003 227 //Testet ob die Protokollverzeichnisse existieren, wenn nicht werden sie erstellt 228 BOOL TBasicMain::CreatePDirectory( LPSTR PDirectory ) 229 { 230 char buf[_MAX_DIR], *token; 231 232 if (PDirectory[strlen(PDirectory) - 1] != '\\') 233 strcat( PDirectory, "\\"); 234 SplitFileName(PDirectory); 235 strupr(Drive); 236 _chdrive(Drive[0] - 'A' + 1); 237 _chdir("\\"); 238 strcpy(buf, PDirectory); 239 strcat(buf, "\\SKIZZEN"); 240 token= strtok(buf, "\\"); 241 while ((token= strtok(NULL, "\\")) != NULL) 242 if ( _chdir(token) == -1) 243 { 244 if (mkdir(token) == -1) 245 { 246 MessageBox(GetFocus(), token, 247 "Verzeichniss kann nicht erstellt werden!", MBFAILURE); 248 return FALSE; 249 } 250 if (_chdir(token) == -1) 251 { 252 MessageBox(GetFocus(), token, 253 "Verzeichniss kann nicht geändert werden!", MBFAILURE); 254 return FALSE; 255 } 256 } 257 _chdrive(szDrive[0] - 'A' + 1); 258 _chdir("\\"); 259 strcpy(buf, szDirectory); 260 token= strtok(buf, "\\"); 261 while ((token= strtok(NULL, "\\")) != NULL) 262 _chdir(token); 263 return TRUE; 264 } 265 266 //zerlegt den kompletten Dateinamen in seine Bestandteile 267 void TBasicMain::SplitFileName ( LPCSTR DirFileName) 268 { 269 _splitpath( DirFileName, Drive, Dir, Name, Ext ); 270 sprintf( Path, "%s%s", Drive, Dir ); 271 } 272 273 void TBasicMain::SetStatusBarText( UINT aPart, LPCSTR aText ) { 274 char buf[MaxString], buf2[20]; 275 if ( aPart==piIndicator ) { // Ausgabe von "|", "/", "-", "\" 276 SendMessage(m_WndStatusBar, SB_SETTEXT, (WPARAM) 1, (LPARAM) aText); 277 } 278 279 if ( aPart==piStaticInfo || aPart==piAll ) { // Ausgabe der aktuellen Probe und des untersuchten Reflex 280 sprintf(buf, "%s", GetTarget()); 281 SendMessage(m_WndStatusBar, SB_SETTEXT, (WPARAM) 2, (LPARAM) buf); 282 283 GetReflection(buf2); 284 sprintf(buf, "%s", buf2); 285 SendMessage(m_WndStatusBar, SB_SETTEXT, (WPARAM) 3, (LPARAM) buf); 286 } 287 288 static char s_AdditionalInfo[MaxString]; 289 if ( aPart==piStatus || aPart==piAll ) { // Ausgabe der Zustands-Information 290 if ( aPart==piStatus ) strcpy( s_AdditionalInfo, aText ); // bei DRAWSTATUSALL letzte Meldung anzeigen 291 SendMessage(m_WndStatusBar, SB_SETTEXT, (WPARAM) 4, (LPARAM)s_AdditionalInfo); 292 } 293 294 static char s_StatusInfo[MaxString]; 295 if ( aPart==piInfo || aPart==piAll ) { 296 if ( aPart==piInfo ) strcpy( s_StatusInfo, aText ); // bei DRAWSTATUSALL letzte Meldung anzeigen 297 SendMessage(m_WndStatusBar, SB_SETTEXT, (WPARAM) 5, (LPARAM)s_StatusInfo); 298 } 299 }; 300 //****************************************************************************** 301 302 void _CURVECLASS WINAPI InitBasicMain(TBasicMain *aBasicMain) { 303 BasicMain= aBasicMain; 304 } 305 306 //****************************************************************************** 307 // Verwaltung von absoluten Dateinamen für alle benutzen Dateien 308 //****************************************************************************** 309 310 LPCSTR _CURVECLASS WINAPI GetDirectory( void ) 311 { 312 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->GetDirectory(); 313 else return ""; 314 } 315 316 LPCSTR _CURVECLASS WINAPI GetName( void ) 317 { 318 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->GetName(); 319 else return ""; 320 } 321 322 LPCSTR _CURVECLASS WINAPI GetHWFile( void ) 323 { 324 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->GetHWFile(); 325 else return ""; 326 } 327 328 LPCSTR _CURVECLASS WINAPI GetCFile( void ) 329 { 330 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->GetCFile(); 331 else return ""; 332 } 333 334 LPCSTR _CURVECLASS WINAPI GetHelpFile( void ) 335 { 336 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->GetHelpFile(); 337 else return ""; 338 } 339 340 LPCSTR _CURVECLASS WINAPI GetPTopoName( void ) 341 { 342 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->GetPTopoName(); 343 else return ""; 344 } 345 346 LPCSTR _CURVECLASS WINAPI GetPDiffName( void ) 347 { 348 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->GetPDiffName(); 349 else return ""; 350 } 351 352 LPCSTR _CURVECLASS WINAPI GetPTopoFile( void ) 353 { 354 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->GetPTopoFile(); 355 else return ""; 356 } 357 358 LPCSTR _CURVECLASS WINAPI GetPDiffFile( void ) 359 { 360 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->GetPDiffFile(); 361 else return ""; 362 } 363 364 LPCSTR _CURVECLASS WINAPI GetPTopoDirectory( void ) 365 { 366 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->GetPTopoDirectory(); 367 else return ""; 368 } 369 370 LPCSTR _CURVECLASS WINAPI GetPDiffDirectory( void ) 371 { 372 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->GetPDiffDirectory(); 373 else return ""; 374 } 375 376 //klier 25.02.2003 377 LPCSTR _CURVECLASS WINAPI GetPTopoBackupDirectory( void ) 378 { 379 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->GetPTopoBackupDirectory(); 380 else return ""; 381 } 382 383 //klier 25.02.2003 384 LPCSTR _CURVECLASS WINAPI GetPDiffBackupDirectory( void ) 385 { 386 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->GetPDiffBackupDirectory(); 387 else return ""; 388 } 389 390 //klier 16.03.2003 391 BOOL _CURVECLASS WINAPI SetPTopoBackupDirectory( LPCSTR lDir) 392 { 393 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->SetPTopoBackupDirectory(lDir); 394 else return FALSE; 395 } 396 397 //klier 16.03.2003 398 BOOL _CURVECLASS WINAPI SetPDiffBackupDirectory( LPCSTR lDir) 399 { 400 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->SetPDiffBackupDirectory(lDir); 401 else return FALSE; 402 } 403 404 //klier 16.03.2003 405 BOOL _CURVECLASS WINAPI SetPTopoFile( LPCSTR FileName ) 406 { 407 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->SetPTopoFile(FileName); 408 else return FALSE; 409 } 410 411 //klier 16.03.2003 412 BOOL _CURVECLASS WINAPI SetPDiffFile( LPCSTR FileName ) 413 { 414 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->SetPDiffFile(FileName); 415 else return FALSE; 416 } 417 418 LPCSTR _CURVECLASS WINAPI GetTestDevFile( void ) 419 { 420 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->GetTestDevFile(); 421 else return ""; 422 } 423 424 LPCSTR _CURVECLASS WINAPI GetMacroFile( LPCSTR macroname ) 425 { 426 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->GetMacroFile( macroname ); 427 else return ""; 428 } 429 430 //****************************************************************************** 431 // Verwaltung weiterer gemeinsam genutzer Teile 432 //****************************************************************************** 433 434 HINSTANCE _CURVECLASS WINAPI GetMainInstance(void) 435 { 436 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->GetMainInstance(); 437 else return 0; 438 }; 439 440 HWND _CURVECLASS WINAPI GetFrameHandle(void) 441 { 442 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->GetFrameHandle(); 443 else return 0; 444 }; 445 446 HWND _CURVECLASS WINAPI GetScanHandle(void) 447 { 448 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->GetScanHandle(); 449 else return 0; 450 }; 451 452 HWND _CURVECLASS WINAPI GetClientHandle(void) 453 { 454 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->GetClientHandle(); 455 else return 0; 456 }; 457 458 UINT _CURVECLASS WINAPI GetWakeUpMsg(void) 459 { 460 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->GetWakeUpMsg(); 461 else return 0; 462 }; 463 464 BOOL _CURVECLASS WINAPI CreateIniDefaults(void) 465 { 466 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->CreateIniDefaults(); 467 else return TRUE; 468 }; 469 470 //17.11.2002 471 /*LPDataBase _CURVECLASS WINAPI GetDataBasePtr ( void ) { 472 if (!bModulLoaded) return NULL; 473 return (LPDataBase)lpDBase; 474 };*/ 475 476 //****************************************************************************** 477 // Info's in Statuszeile ausgeben 478 //****************************************************************************** 479 480 HWND _CURVECLASS WINAPI GetStatusBarHandle( void ) { 481 if ( BasicMain ) return BasicMain->GetStatusBarHandle(); 482 else return 0; 483 } 484 485 void _CURVECLASS WINAPI SetStatusBarText( UINT aPart, LPCSTR aText ) { 486 if ( BasicMain ) BasicMain->SetStatusBarText( aPart, aText ); 487 } 488 489 void _CURVECLASS WINAPI SetInfo(LPCSTR status_txt) 490 { 491 SetStatusBarText( piInfo, status_txt ); 492 }; 493 494 void _CURVECLASS WINAPI SetStaticInfo(LPCSTR status_txt) 495 { 496 SetStatusBarText( piStaticInfo, status_txt ); 497 }; 498 499 void _CURVECLASS WINAPI SetStatus(LPCSTR status_txt) 500 { 501 SetStatusBarText( piStatus, status_txt ); 502 }; 503 504 //############################################################################## 505 // Rest 506 //############################################################################## 507 508 BOOL _CURVECLASS WINAPI FileOpenDialog(LPCSTR HeadLine, LPSTR szFilter, LPSTR szFileName, LPCSTR StartupPath ) { 509 DWORD Filter= 1; 510 return FileOpenDialog( HeadLine, szFilter, szFileName, StartupPath, Filter ); 511 } 512 513 BOOL _CURVECLASS WINAPI FileOpenDialog(LPCSTR HeadLine, LPSTR szFilter, LPSTR szFileName, LPCSTR StartupPath, DWORD &aFilterIndex) 514 { 515 OPENFILENAME ofnTemp; 516 DWORD Errval; // Error value 517 char buf[5]; // Error buffer 518 char Errstr[50]= "GetOpenFileName returned Error #"; 519 char chSeperator= '|'; 520 int i; 521 522 ofnTemp.lStructSize= sizeof(OPENFILENAME); 523 ofnTemp.hwndOwner= GetFrameHandle(); // An invalid hWnd causes non-modality 524 ofnTemp.hInstance= 0; 525 ofnTemp.lpstrFilter= (LPSTR)szFilter; // See previous note concerning string 526 ofnTemp.lpstrCustomFilter= 0; 527 ofnTemp.nMaxCustFilter= 0; 528 ofnTemp.nFilterIndex= aFilterIndex; 529 ofnTemp.lpstrFile= (LPSTR)szFileName; // Stores the result in this variable 530 ofnTemp.nMaxFile= _MAX_PATH; 531 ofnTemp.lpstrFileTitle= NULL; 532 ofnTemp.nMaxFileTitle= 0; 533 ofnTemp.lpstrInitialDir= StartupPath; 534 ofnTemp.lpstrTitle= HeadLine; 535 ofnTemp.Flags= OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST; 536 ofnTemp.nFileOffset= 0; 537 ofnTemp.nFileExtension= 0; 538 ofnTemp.lpstrDefExt= NULL; 539 ofnTemp.lCustData= NULL; 540 ofnTemp.lpfnHook= NULL; 541 ofnTemp.lpTemplateName= NULL; 542 543 for (i= 0;szFilter[i] != '\0';i++) 544 if (szFilter[i] == chSeperator) 545 szFilter[i]= '\0'; 546 if ( !GetOpenFileName(&ofnTemp) ) 547 { 548 Errval= CommDlgExtendedError(); 549 if (Errval) 550 { // 0 value means user selected Cancel 551 sprintf(buf, "%ld", Errval); 552 strcat(Errstr, buf); 553 MessageBox(GetFrameHandle(), Errstr, "WARNING", MBSTOP); 554 } 555 return FALSE; 556 } else aFilterIndex= ofnTemp.nFilterIndex; 557 InvalidateRect(GetFrameHandle(), NULL, TRUE ); // Repaint to display the new name 558 return TRUE; 559 }; 560 561 BOOL _CURVECLASS WINAPI FileSaveDialog(LPCSTR HeadLine, LPSTR szFilter, LPSTR szFileName, LPCSTR StartupPath ) { 562 DWORD Filter= 1; 563 return FileSaveDialog( HeadLine, szFilter, szFileName, StartupPath, Filter ); 564 } 565 566 BOOL _CURVECLASS WINAPI FileSaveDialog(LPCSTR HeadLine, LPSTR szFilter, LPSTR szFileName, LPCSTR StartupPath, DWORD &aFilterIndex) 567 { 568 OPENFILENAME ofnTemp; 569 DWORD Errval; // Error value 570 char buf[5]; // Error buffer 571 char Errstr[50]= "GetSaveFileName returned Error #"; 572 char chSeperator= '|'; 573 int i; 574 575 ofnTemp.lStructSize= sizeof(OPENFILENAME); 576 ofnTemp.hwndOwner= GetFrameHandle(); // An invalid hWnd causes non-modality 577 ofnTemp.hInstance= 0; 578 ofnTemp.lpstrFilter= szFilter; // See previous note concerning string 579 ofnTemp.lpstrCustomFilter= 0; 580 ofnTemp.nMaxCustFilter= 0; 581 ofnTemp.nFilterIndex= aFilterIndex; 582 ofnTemp.lpstrFile= (LPSTR)szFileName; // Stores the result in this variable 583 ofnTemp.nMaxFile= _MAX_PATH; 584 ofnTemp.lpstrFileTitle= NULL; 585 ofnTemp.nMaxFileTitle= 0; 586 ofnTemp.lpstrInitialDir= StartupPath; 587 ofnTemp.lpstrTitle= HeadLine; 588 ofnTemp.Flags= OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_READONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT; 589 ofnTemp.nFileOffset= 0; 590 ofnTemp.nFileExtension= 0; 591 ofnTemp.lpstrDefExt= NULL; 592 ofnTemp.lCustData= NULL; 593 ofnTemp.lpfnHook= NULL; 594 ofnTemp.lpTemplateName= NULL; 595 596 for (i= 0;szFilter[i] != '\0';i++) 597 if (szFilter[i] == chSeperator) 598 szFilter[i]= '\0'; 599 if ( !GetSaveFileName(&ofnTemp) ) 600 { 601 Errval= CommDlgExtendedError(); 602 if (Errval) 603 { // 0 value means user selected Cancel 604 sprintf(buf, "%ld", Errval); 605 strcat(Errstr, buf); 606 MessageBox(GetFrameHandle(), Errstr, "WARNING", MBSTOP); 607 } 608 return FALSE; 609 } else aFilterIndex= ofnTemp.nFilterIndex; 610 InvalidateRect(GetFrameHandle(), NULL, TRUE); // Repaint to display the new name 611 return TRUE; 612 }; 613 614 BOOL _CURVECLASS WINAPI PathCanWrite(LPSTR szPath) 615 { 616 OFSTRUCT of; 617 char TestFile[ _MAX_PATH ], p[ _MAX_PATH ], drv[ _MAX_DRIVE+1 ], dir[ _MAX_DIR+1 ], name[ _MAX_FNAME+1 ], ext[ _MAX_EXT+1 ]; 618 strcpy(p, szPath); 619 if ( p[ max(0, strlen(p)-1) ] != '\\' ) 620 strcat( p, "\\" ); 621 _splitpath( p, drv, dir, name, ext ); 622 623 _makepath( TestFile, drv, dir, "check", "tmp" ); 624 HFILE hfile= OpenFile( TestFile, &of, OF_CREATE ); 625 if ( hfile!=HFILE_ERROR ) { 626 _lclose( hfile ); 627 remove( TestFile ); 628 _makepath( szPath, drv, dir, "", "" ); 629 } 630 return ( hfile!=HFILE_ERROR ); 631 } 632 633 BOOL _CURVECLASS WINAPI SetFPOnData(HFILE hfile) 634 { 635 char data; 636 char *buf; 637 //! BOOL EoH= FALSE; 638 int cnt, cntfp; 639 640 // the file pointer will be set on the first character after 641 // the key [Data] and any whitespaces (\r \n \t _) 642 buf= new char[21]; 643 _llseek(hfile, 0, FILE_BEGIN); 644 cntfp= 0; 645 while (_lread(hfile, &data, 1)) 646 { 647 cntfp++; 648 if (data == '[') 649 { 650 cnt= 0; 651 while (_lread(hfile, &data, 1)) 652 { 653 cntfp++; 654 if ( data == ']' || cnt>5 ) 655 { 656 buf[cnt++]= 0; 657 if (strstr(buf, "Data")) 658 goto Finish; 659 else 660 goto SearchAgain; 661 } 662 buf[cnt++]= data; 663 } // after break 664 _FREELIST(buf); 665 return FALSE; 666 } 667 SearchAgain: 668 /*nur eine leere Anweisung, wegen SearchAgain-Label*/; 669 } 670 _FREELIST(buf); 671 return FALSE; 672 Finish: 673 while (_lread(hfile, &data, 1)) 674 { 675 if (data == ' ') 676 continue; 677 if (data == '\r') 678 continue; 679 if (data == '\n') 680 continue; 681 if (data == '\t') 682 continue; 683 _llseek(hfile, -1, SEEK_CUR); 684 685 _FREELIST(buf); 686 return TRUE; 687 } 688 _FREELIST(buf); 689 return FALSE; 690 } 691 692 //Datum: 03.02.2003 693 /*int _CURVECLASS WINAPI GetBufferLine(LPSTR src,LPSTR dst,int dstsize) { 694 static LPSTR Source= NULL; 695 static WORD cnt_s; 696 BOOL EoL= FALSE; 697 char data; 698 int cnt_d= 0; 699 700 if (src != NULL) 701 { 702 Source= src; 703 cnt_s= 0; 704 } 705 if (!Source) return FALSE; 706 if (Source[cnt_s] == '\0') return FALSE; 707 do { 708 data= Source[cnt_s++]; 709 switch(data) { 710 case '\n': 711 case '\r': 712 data= Source[cnt_s++]; 713 if(EoL) goto Ready; 714 EoL= TRUE; 715 continue; 716 717 case '\0': 718 dst[cnt_d]= '\0'; 719 return R_EndOfFile; 720 721 default: 722 dst[cnt_d++]= data; 723 } 724 } while(cnt_d < dstsize); 725 Ready: 726 dst[cnt_d]= '\0'; 727 return TRUE; 728 }; 729 */ 730 731 int _CURVECLASS WINAPI GetFileLine(int hFile, LPSTR dst, int dstsize) 732 { 733 char data; 734 BOOL EoL= FALSE; 735 int cnt= 0; 736 int rdl; 737 738 dst[cnt]= '\0'; 739 if (hFile == -1) 740 return FALSE; 741 do 742 { 743 rdl= _lread(hFile, &data, 1); 744 switch (data) 745 { 746 case '\n': 747 case '\r': 748 rdl= _lread(hFile, &data, 1); 749 if (EoL) 750 goto Ready; 751 EoL= TRUE; 752 continue; 753 754 case '\0': 755 dst[cnt]= '\0'; 756 return R_EndOfFile; 757 758 default: 759 if (EoL) 760 goto Ready; 761 dst[cnt++]= data; 762 } 763 } while (cnt < dstsize); 764 Ready: 765 _llseek(hFile, -1, SEEK_CUR); 766 dst[cnt]= '\0'; 767 if (cnt == dstsize) 768 { 769 // overflow dst 770 return R_Overflow; 771 }; 772 if (!rdl) 773 return R_EndOfFile; 774 return TRUE; 775 } 776 777 EUnitType _CURVECLASS WINAPI UnitEnum(LPSTR sz_unit) 778 { 779 char buf[MaxString]; 780 strcpy(buf, sz_unit); 781 strupr(buf); 782 if (strstr((LPSTR)buf, "GRAD")) 783 return utGrad; 784 if (strstr((LPSTR)buf, "SEKUNDEN")) 785 return utSekunden; 786 if (strstr((LPSTR)buf, "MINUTEN")) 787 return utMinuten; 788 if (strstr((LPSTR)buf, "MINUTS")) 789 return utMinuten; 790 if (strstr((LPSTR)buf, "MILLIMETER")) 791 return utMillimeter; 792 if (strstr((LPSTR)buf, "MIKROMETER")) 793 return utMikrometer; 794 if (strstr((LPSTR)buf, "MIKCOMETER")) 795 return utMikrometer; 796 if (strstr((LPSTR)buf, "CHANNEL")) 797 return utChannel; 798 return utNone; 799 } 800 801 float _CURVECLASS WINAPI CalcValueInUnit(EUnitType aUnit, float fValParam) 802 { 803 switch (aUnit) 804 { 805 case utGrad: 806 return ( fValParam / 3600.0 ); 807 808 case utMinuten: 809 return ( fValParam / 60.0 ); 810 } 811 return fValParam; 812 } 813 814 float _CURVECLASS WINAPI CalcValueFromUnit(EUnitType aUnit, float fValParam) 815 { 816 switch ( aUnit ) 817 { 818 case utGrad: 819 return ( fValParam * 3600 ); 820 821 case utMinuten: 822 return ( fValParam * 60 ); 823 } 824 return fValParam; 825 } 826 827 //Datum: 03.02.2003 828 /*LPSTR _CURVECLASS WINAPI UnitStr(TUnitType n_unit) { 829 switch(n_unit) { 830 case Grad: 831 return "Grad"; 832 833 case Minuten: 834 return "Minuten"; 835 836 case Sekunden: 837 return "Sekunden"; 838 839 case Millimeter: 840 return "Millimeter"; 841 842 case Mikrometer: 843 return "Mikrometer"; 844 845 case Channel: 846 return "Channel"; 847 848 default: 849 return "None"; 850 851 } 852 };*/ 853 854 //hp 855 static double dCountFreq= 0; 856 const double dDelayMin= 100; // Faktor für Delay() 857 void _CURVECLASS WINAPI InitializeDelay() 858 { 859 LARGE_INTEGER freq; 860 861 if(QueryPerformanceFrequency(&freq)) 862 { 863 dCountFreq= freq.QuadPart; // Counts je 1Sekunde 864 dCountFreq= dCountFreq / 1000000; // Counts je 1µs 865 dCountFreq= dCountFreq * dDelayMin;// unsere Basis, dauer von Delay(1); 866 } 867 else 868 MessageBox(0,"Das System besitzt eine minimale Zeitauflösung von 1 Millisekunde. Dieser ungünstige Wert kann zu Fehlfunktionen führen.","XCTL",MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK); 869 } 870 871 void _CURVECLASS WINAPI Delay(long count) 872 { 873 LARGE_INTEGER liStartCount, liStopCount; 874 //double dPerfCount= liPerfCount.QuadPart 875 double dFinishCount= 0; 876 877 if (dCountFreq) 878 { 879 QueryPerformanceCounter(&liStartCount); // Startwert holen 880 liStopCount.QuadPart= liStartCount.QuadPart; 881 dFinishCount= dCountFreq * count + liStartCount.QuadPart; 882 while (dFinishCount > liStopCount.QuadPart) 883 QueryPerformanceCounter(&liStopCount); 884 } 885 else 886 { 887 if (count == 0) 888 return; 889 count= count / 100; 890 if(!count) // leider gibt es auf diesem System keine höherauflösende Funktion als Sleep mit 1ms auflösung 891 count= 1; // daher ist alles unter count 100 gleich 1ms 892 Sleep( (DWORD) count ); 893 } 894 } 895 896 void _CURVECLASS WINAPI ProcessMessages(UINT32 Ticks) { 897 UINT start= ::GetTickCount(); 898 do { 899 MSG msg; 900 if ( PeekMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE) ) { 901 TranslateMessage(&msg); 902 DispatchMessage(&msg); 903 } 904 } while ( ::GetTickCount()-start<Ticks ); 905 } 906 /* 907 void _CURVECLASS WINAPI Delay(long count) 908 { 909 if (count == 0) 910 return; 911 count= count / 100; //bei ca 30 Takten/Addition, Bsp: (5000 * 11 + 920) * 30 / 33Mhz => ~ 0,05s= 50ms => faktor 100 912 if(!count) //leider gibt es keine höherauflösende Funktion als Sleep mit 1ms auflösung 913 count= 1; // daher ist alles unter count 100 gleich 1ms 914 Sleep( (DWORD) count ); 915 //hp 916 }*/ 917 /* 918 void _CURVECLASS WINAPI Delay(long count) 919 { 920 921 long d1, corr=920*14, m=0; 922 if(count == 0) return; 923 if(count>0) 924 count--; 925 for(d1=0;d1<(count*11+corr);d1++) 926 m=m+1; 927 928 }*/ 929 void _CURVECLASS WINAPI DelayTime(int MilliSec) 930 { 931 if (MilliSec == 0) 932 return; 933 Sleep( (DWORD) MilliSec ); 934 935 } 936 937 //Datum: 16.08.2002 maxi, maxl, maxf, maxd, mini, minl, minf, mind verschoben nach U_VALUES.CPP 938 939 // __LastLine__ 940