File: PROTOCOL\TProtocolDlg.cpp
1 //******************************************************************************
2 //Datei : TProtocolDlg.cpp
3 //Projekt : XCTL
4 //Subsystem : Protokollbuch
5 //Autor : Jens Klier <>
6 // Institut fuer Informatik,
7 // Humboldt-Universitaet Berlin
8 //Inhalt : Implementation der Klasse TProtocolDlg
9 //******************************************************************************
10 //!neu klier Protokollbuch
12 #include "internls\evrythng.h"
13 #include "winresrc\rc_prtow.h" // Ressourcen-IDs
14 #include "help\help_def.h" // Help-IDs
15 #include <commdlg.h>
16 #include <commctrl.h>
18 #include "protocol\TProtocolLanguage.h"
19 #include "protocol\TProtocol.h"
20 #include "protocol\TProtocolDlg.h"
21 #include "protocol\TProtocolManagePrintDlg.h"
22 #include "protocol\TProtocolPasswortDlg.h"
24 //--||--\\--||--//--||--\\--||--//--||--\\--||--//--||--\\--||--//--||--\\--||--
26 extern TProtocolLanguage *ProtocolLanguage;
27 TProtocolDlg *ProtocolDlg;
28 TProtocolManagePrintDlg *ProtocolManagePrintDlg;
30 //Datum: 27.07.2002 extern TModelessDlg* TheModeless;
31 extern TModelessDlg *ProtoPrintDlg; //! neu Kullmann+Reinecker
33 // Subclass procedure
34 LRESULT WINAPI SkizzeSubclassProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
35 {
36 if (uMsg == WM_PAINT)
37 {
38 ProtocolDlg->RefreshPic();
39 ValidateRect(hwnd, NULL);
40 return TRUE;
41 }
43 return CallWindowProc(ProtocolDlg->wpOrigProc, hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
44 }
46 TProtocolDlg::TProtocolDlg() : bOkStatus(ENABLE), bReadOnlyStatus(ENABLE)
47 {}
50 TProtocolDlg::~TProtocolDlg()
51 {
52 Protocol->freePic();
53 //! neu Kullmann+Reinecker: TheModeless durch ProtoPrintDlg ersetzt
54 _FREEOBJ(ProtoPrintDlg);
55 }
57 // Aktivieren/Deaktivieren eines Dialogelementes
58 void TProtocolDlg::EnableDlgItem( int id , BOOL Status)
59 {
60 EnableDlgItem(hwndDlg, id , Status);
61 };
63 // Aktivieren/Deaktivieren eines Dialogelementes
64 void TProtocolDlg::EnableDlgItem( HWND hwnd, int id , BOOL Status)
65 {
66 EnableWindow( GetDlgItem(hwnd, id), Status);
67 };
69 // Sichtbarmachen/Verstecken eines Dialogelementes
70 void TProtocolDlg::ShowDlgItem( int id , int idShow)
71 {
72 ShowDlgItem( hwndDlg, id , idShow);
73 };
75 // Sichtbarmachen/Verstecken eines Dialogelementes
76 void TProtocolDlg::ShowDlgItem( HWND hwnd, int id , int idShow)
77 {
78 ShowWindow( GetDlgItem(hwnd, id), idShow );
79 };
81 // Ermittelt die Koordinaten des Rechteckes eines Dialogelementes
82 void TProtocolDlg::GetDlgItemRect( HWND hwnd, int id, LPRECT Rect )
83 {
84 int dx, dy, dx1, dy1;
85 RECT tmpRect;
87 GetWindowRect(hwnd, &tmpRect);
88 dx1= tmpRect.left;
89 dy1=;
90 dx= tmpRect.right - tmpRect.left;
91 dy= tmpRect.bottom -;
92 GetClientRect(hwnd, &tmpRect);
93 dx= dx - tmpRect.right;
94 dy= dy - tmpRect.bottom;
95 dx= (dx / 2) + dx1;
96 dy= (dy - (dx - dx1)) + dy1;
97 GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd, id), &tmpRect);
98 Rect->left= tmpRect.left - dx;
99 Rect->top= - dy;
100 Rect->right= tmpRect.right - dx;
101 Rect->bottom= tmpRect.bottom - dy;
102 };
104 void TProtocolDlg::SaveDlg(HWND hwnd, int id)
105 {
106 char buf[MaxString];
108 if ( (id == ProbeSkizzeDlg) && (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, id_ReadOnly) == 1) )
109 Protocol->SetProtocolValue(GetStatusId(), itoa(1, buf , 10));
110 ManageDlg(hwnd, id, Save);
111 };
113 void TProtocolDlg::RefreshDlg(HWND hwnd, int id)
114 {
115 ManageDlg(hwnd, id, Refresh);
116 };
118 BOOL TProtocolDlg::TestDlg(HWND hwnd, int id)
119 {
120 char buf[3*MaxParameterString];
122 if (id == ProbeSkizzeDlg)
123 {
124 if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, id_ReadOnly) == 1)
125 {
126 sprintf(buf, ProtocolLanguage->GetMessage(20), "Passwortschutz",
127 "Nicht Aktiv", "Aktiv");
128 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_StatusLine, buf);
129 MessageBox(GetFocus(), buf, ProtocolLanguage->GetWarning(), MBINFO);
130 return FALSE;
131 }
132 if (bChangeSkizze)
133 {
134 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_StatusLine, ProtocolLanguage->GetMessage(69));
135 MessageBox(GetFocus(), ProtocolLanguage->GetMessage(69),
136 ProtocolLanguage->GetWarning(), MBINFO);
137 return FALSE;
138 }
139 }
140 return ManageDlg(hwnd, id, ChangeTest);
141 };
143 void TProtocolDlg::EnableDlg(HWND hwnd, int id, BOOL Status)
144 {
145 if (Status == ENABLE)
146 ManageDlg(hwnd, id, Enable);
147 if (Status == DISABLE)
148 ManageDlg(hwnd, id, Disable);
149 };
151 void TProtocolDlg::InitializeManagePrintDlg( TProtocolManagePrintDlg *ManagePrintDlg)
152 {
153 ProtocolManagePrintDlg= ManagePrintDlg;
154 };
156 void TProtocolDlg::EnableDialog( BOOL Status)
157 {
158 EnableDlg( hwndDlg, ProbeSkizzeDlg, Status );
159 EnableDlg( hwndDlg, CurrentDlg, Status );
160 EnableDlgItem( id_Next , Status );
161 EnableDlgItem( id_Back , Status );
162 EnableDlgItem( id_Copy , Status );
163 EnableDlgItem( id_Edit, Status );
164 if (Status == DISABLE)
165 {
166 EnableDlgItem( IDOK, Status );
167 EnableDlgItem( id_ReadOnly, Status );
168 }
169 else
170 {
171 EnableDlgItem( IDOK, bOkStatus );
172 EnableDlgItem( id_ReadOnly, bReadOnlyStatus );
173 }
174 EnableDlgItem( IDCANCEL, Status );
175 EnableDlgItem( IDPRINT, Status );
176 EnableDlgItem( id_Tab, Status );
177 //! neu Kullmann+Reinecker: TheModeless durch ProtoPrintDlg ersetzt
178 if ( ProtoPrintDlg )
179 ProtocolManagePrintDlg->EnableButton( Status );
180 };
182 void TProtocolDlg::EnableOk( BOOL Status)
183 {
184 bOkStatus= Status;
185 EnableDlgItem( IDOK, Status );
186 };
188 void TProtocolDlg::EnableReadOnly( BOOL Status)
189 {
190 bReadOnlyStatus= Status;
191 EnableDlgItem( id_ReadOnly, Status );
192 };
194 BOOL TProtocolDlg::TestChangeDlg( )
195 {
196 char lLfdNr[MaxString / 4], lLfdNr2[MaxString / 4];
197 BOOL bTest;
198 char buf[MaxString];
200 bTest= FALSE;
201 if (bDebug)
202 if (strcmp(Protocol->GetLfdNr(lLfdNr), GetDlgItemText_LfdNr(hwndDlg, lLfdNr2)) != 0)
203 {
204 sprintf(buf, "currentLfdNr: %s != DlgLfdNr: %s", lLfdNr, lLfdNr2);
205 MessageBox(GetFocus(), buf, "Debug Info", MBINFO);
206 }
207 if (!TestDlg(hwndDlg, ProbeSkizzeDlg) || !TestDlg(hwndDlg, CurrentDlg))
208 {
209 if (MessageBox(GetFocus(), ProtocolLanguage->GetMessage(18),
210 ProtocolLanguage->GetQuestion(),
211 MBASK) == IDYES)
212 {
213 bTest= TRUE;
214 if (!TestPflichtDlg(hwndDlg))
215 return bTest;
216 if (Protocol->IsProtocolReadOnly())
217 if (!GetPasswort(hwndDlg))
218 return bTest;
219 SaveDlg( hwndDlg, ProbeSkizzeDlg);
220 SaveDlg( hwndDlg, CurrentDlg);
221 Protocol->SavePicFile();
222 Protocol->SaveProtocolString();
223 LoadMeasurement(hwndDlg);
224 SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, id_StatusLine, ProtocolLanguage->GetMessage(62));
225 if ( ProtoPrintDlg )
226 ProtocolManagePrintDlg->SearchNew();
227 }
228 }
229 return bTest;
230 };
232 BOOL TProtocolDlg::ManageDlgItem(HWND hwnd, int id, int Nr, TAction Action)
233 {
234 char buf[MaxParameterString], buf2[MaxParameterString];
235 char buf3[3*MaxParameterString], buf4[MaxString];
236 HWND DlgHwnd;
238 DlgHwnd= GetDlgItem( hwnd, id);
239 switch (Action)
240 {
241 case DefaultTest: // Prueft ob ein Pflichtfeld einen Wert enthaelt
242 if ( IsWindowVisible(DlgHwnd) )
243 GetDlgItemText(hwnd, id, buf, MaxParameterString);
244 else
245 Protocol->GetProtocolValue(Nr, buf);
246 if ( strlen(buf) == 0 )
247 {
248 sprintf(buf, ProtocolLanguage->GetMessage(19),
249 Protocol->GetParameterNamen(Nr, buf2));
250 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_StatusLine, buf);
251 MessageBox(GetFocus(), buf, ProtocolLanguage->GetFailure(), MBFAILURE);
252 if ( !IsWindowVisible(DlgHwnd) )
253 {
254 SaveDlg( hwnd, CurrentDlg);
255 ShowDialog( GetDlg(id), SHOW );
256 }
257 SetFocus(DlgHwnd);
258 return FALSE;
259 }
260 if ((Nr == GetDatumId()) && !Protocol->TestDate(buf))
261 {
262 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_StatusLine, ProtocolLanguage->GetMessage(58));
263 MessageBox(GetFocus(), ProtocolLanguage->GetMessage(58),
264 ProtocolLanguage->GetFailure(), MBFAILURE);
265 SetFocus(DlgHwnd);
266 return FALSE;
267 }
268 break;
270 case ChangeTest: // Testet ein Feld ob es geaendert wurde
271 GetDlgItemText(hwnd, id, buf, MaxParameterString);
272 Protocol->GetProtocolValue( Nr, buf2);
273 if ( strcmp(buf, buf2) != 0 )
274 {
275 sprintf(buf3, ProtocolLanguage->GetMessage(20),
276 Protocol->GetParameterNamen(Nr, buf4),
277 Protocol->GetProtocolValue(Nr, buf2), buf);
278 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_StatusLine, buf3);
279 MessageBox(GetFocus(), buf3, ProtocolLanguage->GetWarning(), MBINFO);
280 return FALSE;
281 }
282 break;
284 case Save: // Speichert ein Feld und testet die zulaessige Parameterlaenge
285 GetDlgItemText(hwnd, id, buf, MaxParameterString);
286 if (!Protocol->SetProtocolValue(Nr, buf))
287 {
288 sprintf(buf3, ProtocolLanguage->GetMessage(21),
289 Protocol->GetParameterNamen(Nr, buf2), buf,
290 Protocol->GetParameterMaxLen(Nr));
291 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_StatusLine, buf3);
292 MessageBox(GetFocus(), buf3, ProtocolLanguage->GetFailure(), MBFAILURE);
293 }
294 break;
296 case Refresh: // Liest ein Feld aus dem Protokolldatensatz und zeigt es an
297 EnableDlgItem(hwnd, id, ENABLE);
298 Edit_LimitText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, id),
299 Protocol->GetParameterMaxLen(Nr));
300 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id, Protocol->GetProtocolValue( Nr, buf));
301 if ( Protocol->IsParameterReadOnly(Nr) && ((strlen(buf) > 0) ||
302 Protocol->IsProtocolOn()) || Protocol->IsProtocolDelete() )
303 EnableDlgItem(hwnd, id, DISABLE);
304 break;
306 case Enable: // Enabled ein Feld
307 if ( !(Protocol->IsParameterReadOnly(Nr) && ((strlen(buf) > 0) ||
308 Protocol->IsProtocolOn()) || Protocol->IsProtocolDelete()) )
309 EnableDlgItem(hwnd, id, ENABLE);
310 break;
312 case Disable: // Disabled ein Feld
313 EnableDlgItem(hwnd, id, DISABLE);
314 break;
315 }
316 return TRUE;
317 };
319 void TProtocolDlg::RefreshPic()
320 {
321 char c, t[MaxString];
322 int x, y;
323 RECT Rect;
325 SelectObject(hDC, hPenWhite);
326 GetDlgItemRect( hwndDlg, id_Skizze, &Rect );
327 for (int i= 0; i <= Rect.bottom -; i++)
328 {
329 MoveToEx(hDC, 0, i, NULL);
330 LineTo(hDC, Rect.right - Rect.left, i);
331 }
332 SelectObject(hDC, hPenBlack);
334 Protocol->ResetXY();
335 while (Protocol->GetXY( c, x, y, t ))
336 {
337 switch (c)
338 {
339 case 'M':
340 MoveToEx(hDC, x, y, NULL);
341 break;
343 case 'L':
344 LineTo(hDC, x, y);
345 break;
347 case 'T':
348 TextOut(hDC, x, y, t, strlen(t));
349 break;
351 default:
352 MessageBox(GetFocus(), ProtocolLanguage->GetMessage(23),
353 ProtocolLanguage->GetFailure(), MBFAILURE);
354 Protocol->DeletePicFile(Protocol->GetLfdNr(t));
355 }
356 }
357 };
360 void TProtocolDlg::Dlg_OnInit(HWND hwnd, HWND hwndCtl, LPARAM lParam)
361 {
362 HWND hwndSkizze;
363 RECT Rect;
364 char buf[MaxString];
366 if (!Protocol->Initialize())
367 {
368 DestroyWindow(hwnd);
369 return;
370 }
372 if ( GetPrivateProfileInt("Protocol", "Debug", 0, GetCFile()) == 1)
373 bDebug= TRUE;
374 else
375 bDebug= FALSE;
377 ProtocolDlg= this;
379 ProtocolLanguage->InitializeDlgLanguage(hwnd);
381 // Retrieve the handle of the edit control.
382 hwndSkizze= GetDlgItem(hwnd, id_Skizze);
383 // Subclass the edit control.
384 wpOrigProc= (WNDPROC) SetWindowLong(hwndSkizze,
385 GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG) SkizzeSubclassProc );
387 hwndDlg= hwnd;
388 bLine= TRUE;
389 LButtonDown= bEdit= FALSE;
390 bLfdNrCorrect= TRUE;
391 hDC= GetDC(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, id_Skizze));
392 hPenWhite= CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(255, 255, 255));
393 hPenBlack= CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(0, 0, 0));
394 SelectObject(hDC, hPenBlack);
396 GetDlgItemRect( hwndDlg, id_EditText, &Rect );
397 dxText= Rect.right - Rect.left;
398 dyText= Rect.bottom -;
399 GetDlgItemRect( hwndDlg, id_Skizze, &Rect );
400 MoveWindow(GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, id_Skizze ), Rect.left,,
401 Rect.right - Rect.left, Rect.bottom -, FALSE);
403 hTab= GetDlgItem( hwnd, id_Tab );
405 Protocol->InitializeDefaultParameter();
406 InitializeDlgItems(hwnd);
408 if ( Protocol->LoadProtocolString(Protocol->GetLfdNr(buf)) == 1 )
409 {
410 CurrentDlg= DefaultDlg;
411 NewMeasurement(hwnd);
412 }
413 else
414 {
415 if (CurrentDlg == -1)
416 CurrentDlg= Protocol->GetCurrentDlg();
417 LoadMeasurement(hwnd);
418 }
419 ShowDialog(CurrentDlg, SHOW);
420 SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDOK));
421 };
423 void TProtocolDlg::Dlg_OnDestroy( HWND hwnd )
424 {
425 SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG) wpOrigProc);
426 };
428 void TProtocolDlg::ShowLfdNr(LPCSTR lLfdNr)
429 {
430 bLfdNrCorrect= TRUE;
431 EnableDialog(ENABLE);
432 if (Protocol->ReloadProtocolString(lLfdNr) != 0)
433 {
434 NewMeasurement(hwndDlg);
435 }
436 else
437 {
438 LoadMeasurement(hwndDlg);
439 }
440 };
442 BOOL TProtocolDlg::GetPasswort(HWND hwnd)
443 {
444 TModalDlg *dlg= 0;
445 char buf[MaxString];
447 GetPrivateProfileString( "Steuerprogramm", "PW", "", buf, MaxString, GetCFile( ) );
448 strrev(buf);
450 dlg= (TProtocolPasswortDlg *)new TProtocolPasswortDlg("ProtocolPasswortDlg", this);
451 if ( dlg ) dlg->ExecuteDialog(hwnd);
452 _FREEOBJ(dlg);
454 if (strlen(buf) != 0)
455 if (strcmp(buf, Passwort) == 0)
456 return TRUE;
457 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_StatusLine, ProtocolLanguage->GetMessage(24));
458 MessageBox(GetFocus(), ProtocolLanguage->GetMessage(24),
459 ProtocolLanguage->GetFailure(), MBFAILURE);
460 return FALSE;
461 };
463 void TProtocolDlg::NewMeasurement( HWND hwnd )
464 {
465 bChangeSkizze= FALSE;
466 if (Protocol->IsEmptyProtocolFile())
467 ShowDlgItem(id_Back, HIDE);
468 else
469 ShowDlgItem(id_Back, SHOW);
470 ShowDlgItem(id_Next, HIDE);
471 ShowDlgItem(id_Copy, HIDE);
472 EnableOk(ENABLE);
473 CheckDlgButton(hwnd, id_ReadOnly, 0);
474 EnableReadOnly(DISABLE);
475 SetDlgItemText_LfdNr(hwnd);
476 Protocol->SetDefaultParameter();
477 SetParameterStatus();
478 RefreshDlg(hwnd, ProbeSkizzeDlg);
479 RefreshPic();
480 RefreshCombobox();
481 RefreshDlg(hwnd, CurrentDlg);
482 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_StatusLine, ProtocolLanguage->GetMessage(63));
483 };
485 void TProtocolDlg::LoadMeasurement( HWND hwnd )
486 {
487 char buf[MaxString];
489 bChangeSkizze= FALSE;
490 if ( Protocol->IsFirstProtocolString() )
491 ShowDlgItem(id_Back, HIDE);
492 else
493 ShowDlgItem(id_Back, SHOW);
494 if ( Protocol->IsLastProtocolString() )
495 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_Next, "new");
496 else
497 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_Next, "-->");
498 if (Protocol->IsProtocolOn() && !Protocol->IsProtocolOnBegin())
499 {
500 if (Protocol->IsLastProtocolString())
501 ShowDlgItem(id_Next, HIDE);
502 else
503 ShowDlgItem(id_Next, SHOW);
504 ShowDlgItem(id_Copy, HIDE);
505 }
506 else
507 {
508 ShowDlgItem(id_Next, SHOW);
509 ShowDlgItem(id_Copy, SHOW);
510 }
511 if (Protocol->IsMaxLfdNr())
512 {
513 if (Protocol->IsLastProtocolString())
514 ShowDlgItem(id_Next, HIDE);
515 ShowDlgItem(id_Copy, HIDE);
516 }
517 SetDlgItemText_LfdNr(hwnd);
518 Protocol->LoadPicFile(Protocol->GetLfdNr(buf));
519 if (!Protocol->IsProtocolReadOnly())
520 CheckDlgButton(hwnd, id_ReadOnly, 0);
521 else
522 CheckDlgButton(hwnd, id_ReadOnly, 3);
523 if (Protocol->IsProtocolOn())
524 {
525 EnableReadOnly(DISABLE);
526 if ( Protocol->IsLastProtocolString() && !Protocol->IsProtocolReadOnly() )
527 {
528 if ( Protocol->IsProtocolOnBegin() )
529 Protocol->SetDefaultParameter();
530 EnableOk(ENABLE);
531 }
532 else
533 EnableOk(DISABLE);
534 }
535 else
536 EnableReadOnly(ENABLE);
537 SetParameterStatus();
538 RefreshDlg(hwnd, ProbeSkizzeDlg);
539 RefreshPic();
540 RefreshCombobox();
541 RefreshDlg(hwnd, CurrentDlg);
542 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_StatusLine, "");
543 };
545 void TProtocolDlg::SetParameterStatus( )
546 {
547 if (Protocol->IsProtocolOn())
548 Protocol->SetOnDefaultParameterReadOnly();
549 else if (Protocol->IsProtocolDelete())
550 Protocol->SetAllParameterReadOnly();
551 else if (Protocol->IsProtocolReadOnly())
552 Protocol->SetDefaultParameterReadOnly();
553 else
554 Protocol->SetAllParameterReadWrite();
555 };
557 BOOL TProtocolDlg::Dlg_OnCommand(HWND hwnd, int id, UINT codeNotify)
558 {
559 char buf[MaxString], buf2[MaxString];
561 switch (id)
562 {
563 case id_Back:
564 bLfdNrCorrect= TRUE;
565 if (TestChangeDlg())
566 break;
567 Protocol->LoadLastProtocolString();
568 LoadMeasurement(hwnd);
569 break;
571 case id_Next:
572 bLfdNrCorrect= TRUE;
573 if (TestChangeDlg())
574 break;
575 if (Protocol->LoadNextProtocolString() == 1)
576 NewMeasurement(hwnd);
577 else
578 LoadMeasurement(hwnd);
579 break;
581 case id_Copy:
582 bLfdNrCorrect= TRUE;
583 if (TestChangeDlg())
584 break;
585 Protocol->CopyProtocolString();
586 NewMeasurement(hwnd);
587 break;
589 case id_LfdNrBereich:
590 case id_RTKNr:
591 case id_LfdNr:
592 if ( (codeNotify == EN_CHANGE) && IsDlgItemModify() )
593 {
594 if (bLfdNrCorrect)
595 {
596 bLfdNrCorrect= FALSE;
597 if (id == id_LfdNr)
598 if (TestChangeDlg())
599 {
600 SetDlgItemText_LfdNr(hwnd);
601 RefreshDlg(hwnd, ProbeSkizzeDlg);
602 RefreshPic();
603 RefreshDlg(hwnd, CurrentDlg);
604 break;
605 }
606 }
607 EnableDialog( DISABLE );
608 if ( TestDlgItemText_LfdNr(hwnd, buf) )
609 {
610 bLfdNrCorrect= TRUE;
611 EnableDialog( ENABLE );
612 if ( !Protocol->SearchProtocolString(buf) )
613 {
614 if (id == id_LfdNr)
615 {
616 Protocol->CopyProtocolString(buf);
617 NewMeasurement(hwnd);
618 }
619 }
620 else
621 {
622 Protocol->NewProtocolString();
623 Protocol->LoadProtocolString(buf);
624 LoadMeasurement(hwnd);
625 }
626 }
627 else
628 {
629 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_StatusLine, ProtocolLanguage->GetMessage(64));
630 }
631 SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, id));
632 }
633 break;
635 case id_ReadOnly:
636 if (Protocol->IsProtocolOn())
637 break;
638 switch (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, id_ReadOnly))
639 {
640 case 0:
641 if (Protocol->IsLastProtocolString())
642 {
643 if (MessageBox(GetFocus(), ProtocolLanguage->GetMessage(26),
644 ProtocolLanguage->GetQuestion(), MBASK) == IDNO)
645 break;
646 }
647 else
648 {
649 if (MessageBox(GetFocus(), ProtocolLanguage->GetMessage(27),
650 ProtocolLanguage->GetQuestion(), MBASK) == IDNO)
651 break;
652 }
653 CheckDlgButton(hwnd, id_ReadOnly, 1);
654 break;
656 case 1:
657 CheckDlgButton(hwnd, id_ReadOnly, 0);
658 break;
659 }
660 break;
662 case id_OKEdit:
663 GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, id_EditText, buf, MaxString / 4);
664 if (strlen(buf) > 0)
665 {
666 bChangeSkizze= TRUE;
667 Protocol->SetXY( 'T', xText, yText, buf );
668 }
669 ShowDlgItem( id_EditText, HIDE );
670 ShowDlgItem( id_OKEdit, HIDE );
671 ShowDlgItem( id_UnDo, SHOW );
672 if (bLine)
673 {
674 ShowDlgItem( id_LineButton, HIDE );
675 ShowDlgItem( id_LineText, SHOW );
676 ShowDlgItem( id_PointText, HIDE );
677 ShowDlgItem( id_PointButton, SHOW );
678 }
679 else
680 {
681 ShowDlgItem( id_PointButton, HIDE );
682 ShowDlgItem( id_PointText, SHOW );
683 ShowDlgItem( id_LineText, HIDE );
684 ShowDlgItem( id_LineButton, SHOW );
685 }
686 ShowDlgItem( id_Loeschen, SHOW );
687 ShowDlgItem( id_Cancel, SHOW );
688 ShowDlgItem( id_Edit, SHOW );
689 RefreshPic();
690 break;
692 case id_Loeschen:
693 if (MessageBox(GetFocus(), ProtocolLanguage->GetMessage(25),
694 ProtocolLanguage->GetQuestion(), MBASK) == IDYES)
695 {
696 Protocol->freePic();
697 RefreshPic();
698 EnableDlgItem(id_UnDo, DISABLE);
699 }
700 break;
702 case id_UnDo:
703 bChangeSkizze= TRUE;
704 if (!Protocol->UndoXY())
705 EnableDlgItem(id_UnDo, DISABLE);
706 RefreshPic();
707 break;
709 case id_PointButton:
710 bLine= FALSE;
711 ShowDlgItem( id_PointButton, HIDE );
712 ShowDlgItem( id_PointText, SHOW );
713 ShowDlgItem( id_LineText, HIDE );
714 ShowDlgItem( id_LineButton, SHOW );
715 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_StatusLine, ProtocolLanguage->GetMessage(65));
716 break;
718 case id_LineButton:
719 bLine= TRUE;
720 ShowDlgItem( id_LineButton, HIDE );
721 ShowDlgItem( id_LineText, SHOW );
722 ShowDlgItem( id_PointText, HIDE );
723 ShowDlgItem( id_PointButton, SHOW );
724 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_StatusLine, ProtocolLanguage->GetMessage(66));
725 break;
727 case id_Cancel:
728 bEdit= FALSE;
729 EnableDlgItem(id_UnDo, ENABLE);
730 ShowDlgItem( id_UnDo, HIDE );
731 ShowDlgItem( id_LineButton, HIDE );
732 ShowDlgItem( id_PointText, HIDE );
733 ShowDlgItem( id_PointButton, HIDE );
734 ShowDlgItem( id_LineText, HIDE );
735 ShowDlgItem( id_Loeschen, HIDE );
736 ShowDlgItem( id_Cancel, HIDE );
737 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_Edit, "Edit");
738 Protocol->LoadPicFile(Protocol->GetLfdNr(buf));
739 RefreshPic();
740 EnableDialog( ENABLE );
741 EnableDlgItem_LfdNr( ENABLE );
742 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_StatusLine, "");
743 break;
745 case id_Edit:
746 if (Protocol->IsProtocolDelete())
747 break;
748 if (bEdit)
749 {
750 bEdit= FALSE;
751 EnableDlgItem(id_UnDo, ENABLE);
752 ShowDlgItem( id_UnDo, HIDE );
753 ShowDlgItem( id_LineButton, HIDE );
754 ShowDlgItem( id_PointText, HIDE );
755 ShowDlgItem( id_PointButton, HIDE );
756 ShowDlgItem( id_LineText, HIDE );
757 ShowDlgItem( id_Loeschen, HIDE );
758 ShowDlgItem( id_Cancel, HIDE );
759 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_Edit, "Edit");
760 RefreshPic();
761 EnableDialog( ENABLE );
762 EnableDlgItem_LfdNr( ENABLE );
763 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_StatusLine, ProtocolLanguage->GetMessage(67));
764 }
765 else
766 {
767 bEdit= TRUE;
768 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_Edit, "Ok");
769 ShowDlgItem( id_UnDo, SHOW );
770 if (bLine)
771 {
772 ShowDlgItem( id_LineButton, HIDE );
773 ShowDlgItem( id_LineText, SHOW );
774 ShowDlgItem( id_PointText, HIDE );
775 ShowDlgItem( id_PointButton, SHOW );
776 }
777 else
778 {
779 ShowDlgItem( id_PointButton, HIDE );
780 ShowDlgItem( id_PointText, SHOW );
781 ShowDlgItem( id_LineText, HIDE );
782 ShowDlgItem( id_LineButton, SHOW );
783 }
784 ShowDlgItem( id_Loeschen, SHOW );
785 ShowDlgItem( id_Cancel, SHOW );
786 RefreshPic();
787 EnableDialog( DISABLE );
788 EnableDlgItem_LfdNr( DISABLE );
789 EnableDlgItem( id_Edit, ENABLE );
790 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_StatusLine, ProtocolLanguage->GetMessage(68));
791 }
792 break;
794 case id_Help:
795 if (bEdit)
796 WinHelp(hwnd, GetHelpFile(), HELP_CONTEXT, Help_ProtocolEditSkizze);
797 else
798 WinHelp(hwnd, GetHelpFile(), HELP_CONTEXT, Help_Protocol);
799 break;
801 case IDCANCEL:
802 if (TestChangeDlg())
803 break;
804 if (Protocol->IsProtocolOn())
805 {
806 if (MessageBox(GetFocus(), ProtocolLanguage->GetMessage(22),
807 ProtocolLanguage->GetQuestion(), MBASK) == IDNO)
808 break;
809 else
810 Protocol->SetProtocolOn(FALSE);
811 }
812 _FREEOBJ(ProtoPrintDlg);
813 return FALSE;
815 case IDOK:
816 if ( bDebug )
817 {
818 if (strlen(Protocol->GetLfdNr(buf)) == 0)
819 MessageBox(GetFocus(), "LfdNr leer bei Ok", "Debug Info", MBINFO);
820 if (strcmp(GetDlgItemText_LfdNr(hwnd, buf2), buf) != 0)
821 MessageBox(GetFocus(), "LfdNr != CurrentLfdNr bei Ok", "Debug Info", MBINFO);
822 }
823 if (!TestPflichtDlg(hwnd))
824 break;
825 if (Protocol->IsProtocolOn())
826 Protocol->ChangeProtocolOnStatus();
827 SaveDlgItems(hwnd);
828 if (Protocol->IsProtocolReadOnly())
829 if (!GetPasswort(hwnd))
830 break;
831 SaveDlg( hwnd, ProbeSkizzeDlg);
832 SaveDlg( hwnd, CurrentDlg);
833 Protocol->SavePicFile();
834 Protocol->SaveProtocolString();
835 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_StatusLine, "");
836 SetStaticInfo("");
837 _FREEOBJ(ProtoPrintDlg);
838 return FALSE;
840 default:
841 return FALSE;
842 }
843 return TRUE;
844 };
847 void TProtocolDlg::Dlg_OnLButtonUp(HWND hwnd, int x, int y, UINT codeNotify)
848 {
849 RECT Rect;
851 if (bEdit)
852 {
853 if (LButtonDown)
854 {
855 LButtonDown= FALSE;
856 if ( bLine )
857 {
858 GetDlgItemRect( hwndDlg, id_Skizze, &Rect );
859 if ( (x > Rect.left) && (x < Rect.right) && (y > && (y < Rect.bottom) )
860 {
861 LineTo( hDC, x - Rect.left, y - );
862 Protocol->SetXY( 'L', x - Rect.left, y - );
863 }
864 }
865 }
866 }
867 };
870 void TProtocolDlg::Dlg_OnLButtonDown(HWND hwnd, UINT codeNotify1, int x, int y, UINT codeNotify2)
871 {
872 RECT Rect;
874 if (bEdit)
875 {
876 if ( !LButtonDown )
877 {
878 GetDlgItemRect( hwndDlg, id_Skizze, &Rect );
879 if ( (x > Rect.left) && (x < Rect.right) && (y > && (y < Rect.bottom) )
880 {
881 bChangeSkizze= TRUE;
882 EnableDlgItem(id_UnDo, ENABLE);
883 LButtonDown= TRUE;
884 MoveToEx( hDC, x - Rect.left, y -, NULL );
885 Protocol->SetXY( 'M', x - Rect.left, y - );
886 if (bLine)
887 {
888 xMove= x - Rect.left;
889 yMove= y -;
890 }
891 }
892 }
893 }
894 };
897 void TProtocolDlg::Dlg_OnMouseMove(HWND hwnd, int x, int y, UINT codeNotify)
898 {
899 RECT Rect;
900 char buf[MaxString];
902 if (bEdit)
903 {
904 GetDlgItemRect( hwndDlg, id_Skizze, &Rect );
905 if ( (x > Rect.left) && (x < Rect.right) && (y > && (y < Rect.bottom) )
906 {
907 if ( LButtonDown )
908 if ( bLine )
909 {
910 RefreshPic();
911 MoveToEx( hDC, xMove, yMove, NULL );
912 LineTo( hDC, x - Rect.left, y - );
913 sprintf(buf, " Linie: %d, %d --> %d, %d", xMove, yMove, x - Rect.left, y -;
914 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_StatusLine, buf);
915 }
916 else
917 {
918 LineTo( hDC, x - Rect.left, y - );
919 Protocol->SetXY( 'L', x - Rect.left, y - );
920 sprintf(buf, " Position: %d, %d", x - Rect.left, y -;
921 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_StatusLine, buf);
922 }
923 }
924 else
925 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_StatusLine, "");
926 }
927 };
930 void TProtocolDlg::Dlg_OnRButtonDown(HWND hwnd, UINT codeNotify1, int x, int y, UINT codeNotify2)
931 {
932 RECT Rect;
933 int dx1, dx2;
934 SIZE size;
935 char buf[MaxString / 4];
937 if ( bEdit )
938 {
939 if ( !LButtonDown )
940 {
941 GetDlgItemRect( hwndDlg, id_Skizze, &Rect );
942 if ( (x > Rect.left) && (x < Rect.right) && (y > && (y < Rect.bottom) )
943 {
944 EnableDlgItem(id_UnDo, ENABLE);
945 if ( (dyText + y) > Rect.bottom )
946 y= Rect.bottom - dyText;
947 xText= x - Rect.left;
948 yText= y -;
949 dx1= dxText;
950 if ( (dx1 + x) > Rect.right )
951 {
952 dx1= Rect.right - x;
953 GetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_EditText, buf, MaxString / 4);
954 GetTextExtentPoint(hDC, buf, strlen(buf), &size);
955 while ( > dx1)
956 {
957 buf[strlen(buf) - 1]= '\0';
958 GetTextExtentPoint(hDC, buf, strlen(buf), &size);
959 }
960 SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id_EditText, buf);
961 }
962 MoveWindow(GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, id_EditText ), x, y, dx1, dyText, TRUE);
963 GetDlgItemRect( hwndDlg, id_OKEdit, &Rect );
964 dx2= Rect.right - Rect.left;
965 MoveWindow(GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, id_OKEdit ), x + dx1, y, dx2, dyText, TRUE);
966 ShowDlgItem( id_Loeschen, HIDE );
967 ShowDlgItem( id_Edit, HIDE );
968 ShowDlgItem( id_UnDo, HIDE );
969 ShowDlgItem( id_LineButton, HIDE );
970 ShowDlgItem( id_PointText, HIDE );
971 ShowDlgItem( id_PointButton, HIDE );
972 ShowDlgItem( id_LineText, HIDE );
973 ShowDlgItem( id_Cancel, HIDE );
974 ShowDlgItem( id_EditText, SHOW );
975 ShowDlgItem( id_OKEdit, SHOW );
976 SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwnd, id_EditText));
977 }
978 }
979 }
980 };
983 // LastLine