Scope of the workshop:
- Nonparametric Methods
- Sequential Experimental Design
- Survival Analysis and Reliability
- Panel Data
- Simultaneous Statistical Inference
- Graphical Models and Network Analysis
- Nonparametric Regression and Density Estimation
- Multivariate Distributions and Copula
- Functional Data Analysis
- Cluster Analysis
- Bootstrap and Nonparametric Curve Estimation
- Nonparametric and Semiparametric Testing
- Stochastic Models and Statistics in Neuroimaging
- Statistics for Stochastic Processes
- SPC for time dependent data
- High-Dimensional Problems in Engineering
- Machine Learning
- Analysis, Testing and Change Detection in High Dimensions
- Distance-based Statistical Methods
- Discrete-Valued Time Series
- Energy Statistics
- Errors-in-Variables Models
- Optimal decision in change point models
The goals of the workshop are:
- to bring together researchers
- to illustrate new trends and challenges in theory and applications
- to foster interdisciplinary research
Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the journal Applied Stochastic Models in Industry and Business. The guest editors of this issue will be Adam Krzyzak (Concordia University Montreal, Canada) and Ansgar Steland (RWTH Aachen University, Germany).
Theoretical, methodological and applied contributions about the abovementioned topics are welcomed. In the past, the SMA workshops provided a stimulating and creative platform for senior researchers, PostDocs, Ph.D. students and researchers from industry.
Young researchers, particularly Ph.D. students, are strongly encouraged to participate. The workshop also intends to provide an opportunity to present and discuss on-going Ph.D. work and first results in an open-minded atmosphere.