Class/Type Cross Reference Report

ofstream    (Class)
    Type   [MSIMSTAT.CPP, 9]         theLogFile

OFSTRUCT    (Typedef)
  Declared as: struct _OFSTRUCT
    Type   [A_EXTERN.CPP, 794]       of
    Type   [A_EXTERN.CPP, 2318]      of
    Type   [A_EXTERN.CPP, 2603]      of
    Type   [A_EXTERN.CPP, 2692]      of
    Type   [A_EXTERN.CPP, 2937]      of
    Type   [A_EXTERN.CPP, 3089]      of
    Type   [A_EXTERN.CPP, 3241]      of
    Type   [A_INTERN.CPP, 867]       of
    Type   [A_INTERN.CPP, 1192]      of
    Type   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 1318]      of
    Type   [D_EXTERN.CPP, 1547]      of
    Type   [S_EXTERN.CPP, 1151]      of
    Type   [S_EXTERN.CPP, 1441]      of
    Type   [S_EXTERN.CPP, 1476]      of
    Type   [L_LAYER.CPP, 616]        of
    Type   [M_MAIN.CPP, 148]         of
    Type   [MSIMSTAT.CPP, 64]        of
    Type   [TProtocol.cpp, 147]      of
    Type   [TProtocol.cpp, 625]      of
    Type   [TProtocol.cpp, 1246]     of
    Type   [TProtocol.cpp, 1267]     of
    Type   [TSteering.cpp, 1647]     of

  Declared as: OPENFILENAMEA
    Type   [L_LAYER.CPP, 515]        ofnTemp
    Use   [L_LAYER.CPP, 522]         FileOpenDialog
    Type   [L_LAYER.CPP, 568]        ofnTemp
    Use   [L_LAYER.CPP, 575]         FileSaveDialog
    Type   [TProtocol.cpp, 148]      ofn
    Use   [TProtocol.cpp, 162]       TProtocol::ReloadProtocol
    Use   [TProtocol.cpp, 164]       TProtocol::ReloadProtocol
    Type   [TProtocol.cpp, 624]      ofn
    Use   [TProtocol.cpp, 633]       TProtocol::ImportProtocolFile
    Use   [TProtocol.cpp, 635]       TProtocol::ImportProtocolFile
    Type   [TProtocolParameterDlg.cpp, 60] ofn
    Use   [TProtocolParameterDlg.cpp, 84] TProtocolParameterDlg::Dlg_OnCommand
    Use   [TProtocolParameterDlg.cpp, 86] TProtocolParameterDlg::Dlg_OnCommand

ostream    (Class)
    Cast   [MSIMSTAT.CPP, 117]       InitializeMotorsSimulation