Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
Institut für Informatik
Signalverarbeitung und Mustererkennung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Beate Meffert 2021
Semesterprojekte und Seminare der letzten Semester
geboren in
Lenzen (Elbe)
Abitur mit gleichzeitiger Ausbildung zum Funkmechaniker
Studium der Theoretischen Elektrotechnik an der Technischen Hochschule
Ilmenau (Diplom 1971)
1976 (1983) Promotion A (B) an der Math.-Nat. Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität
zu Berlin
1989 Berufung zur ordentlichen Professorin an der Sektion Elektronik der
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
seit 1993 Professorin für das Fachgebiet Signalverarbeitung und
Mustererkennung am Institut für Informatik der Humboldt-Universität
zu Berlin
Meffert B, Hochmuth O: Werkzeuge der Signalverarbeitung. 2. Auflage:
edoc-Server DOI 10.18452/19595
Harmuth HF, Meffert B:
Dirac's Difference Equation and the Physics of Finite Differences.
Vol. 154, Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics.
Elsevier 2008
Harmuth HF, Meffert B:
Dogma of the Continuum and the Calculus of Finite Differences
in Quantum Physics.
Vol. 137, Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics.
Elsevier 2005
Meffert B, Hochmuth O: Werkzeuge der Signalverarbeitung.
München: Pearson-Studium 2004 ISBN 3827370655
Harmuth HF, Meffert B:
Calculus of Finite Differences in Quantum Electrodynamics.
Vol. 129, Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics.
Elsevier 2003
Harmuth HF, Barrett TW, Meffert B:
Modified Maxwell Equations in Quantum Electrodynamics.
New Jersey, London:
World Scientific 2001
Weitere Bücher von Henning F. Harmuth:
Worm K, Meffert B: Image Based Mail Piece Identification Using Unsupervised Learning.
In: Advances in Data Analysis, Data Handling and Business Intelligence, S. 385-395
Fink A, Lausen B, Seidel W, Ultsch A (ed.), ISBN 978-3-642-01045-3, Berlin Heidelberg:
Meffert B, Winkler F: Signalverarbeitung im Weltraum. In: Informatik - Aktuelle Themen im historischen Kontext.
W. Reisig und J.-C. Freytag (Hrsg.), Berlin, Heidelberg:
2006, S. 221-240
Meffert B, Hochmuth O. et al:
Sensor station 2000 for acoustic and seismic
measurements of high dynamic range.
In Verification - Research Reports, No. 11.
Lenzen: Verlag Georg Grüneberg 2001
Zeitschriften und Konferenzbeiträge
- Radüntz T, Mühlhausen T, Freyer M, Fürstenau N, Meffert B: Cardiovascular Biomarkers’ Inherent Timescales in Mental Workload
Assessment During Simulated Air Traffic Control Tasks. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. Accepted: 19 September 2020
- Radüntz T, Freyer M, Meffert B: Ambiguous Goals during Human-Computer Interaction Induce Higher Mental Workload. In Harris D., Li WC. (eds) „Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics. Mental Workload, Human Physiology, and Human Energy“, HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12186. Springer, Cham, Print ISBN: 978-3-030-49043-0, DOI, pp. 81–90
- Radüntz T, Meffert B: Cross-Modality Matching for Evaluating User Experience of Emerging Mobile EEG Technology.
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems (2020), DOI: 10.1109/THMS.2020.2989380.
- Radüntz T, Fürstenau N, Mühlhausen T, Meffert B: Indexing Mental Workload During Simulated Air Traffic Control Tasks by Means of Dual Frequency Head Maps. Frontiers in Physiology 11(2020), DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2020.00300
- Radüntz T, Meffert B: User Experience of Seven Mobile EEG Devices: Experimental Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth. Vol 7, No 9(2019); DOI: 10.2196/14474
- Radüntz T, Mühlhausen T, Fürstenau N, Cheladze E, Meffert B: Cardiovascular Parameters for Mental Workload Detection of Air Traffic Controllers. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration, (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Bd. 903) 789-794, San Diego: Springer, February 2019, ISBN 9783030110505, DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-11051-2_120
- Radüntz T, Fürstenau N, Tews A, Rabe L, Meffert B: The Effect of an Exceptional Event on the Subjectively Experienced Workload of Air Traffic Controllers. In: Longo L, Leva MC (eds): Human Mental Workload: Models and Applications, H-WORKLOAD 2018, Revised Selected Papers. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 1012. Springer International Publishing, pp. 239-257. eBook ISBN 978-3-030-14273-5, DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-14273-5_14
- Appel M, Winkler F, Meffert B: Phase-based High-Precision Synchronization for Wireless Networks using FPGAs. In: Proceedings of IEEE Int. Symp. on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control, and Communication (ISPCS 2018). Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 2018, pp. 100-105
- Radüntz T, Scouten J, Hochmuth O, Meffert B: Automated EEG artifact elimination by applying machine learning algorithms to ICA-based features. J. Neural Eng. 14 (2017) 046004
- Radüntz T, Tahoun M, Salem M, Meffert B: Artifact Elimination in Neurosciences. In: Hassanien A, Shaalan E, Gaber T, Azar A, Tolba M (eds): Proc. Int. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics 2016, pp. 751-759, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-48308-5_72
- Appel M, Wermke F, Winkler F, Meffert B: Frequency Synchronization for Wireless Networks using FPGAs. In: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Monaco 2016, pp. 460-463
- Radüntz T, Scouten J, Hochmuth O, Meffert B: EEG Artifact Elimination by Extraction of ICA-Component Features using Image Processing Algorithms.
J. Neuroscience Methods 243 (2015) 84-93
- Knauer U, Meffert B: Fast computation of region homogeneity with application in a surveillance task.
ISPRS Technical Commission V Symposium, Newcastle, GB, 2010.
- Knauer U, Schüttler T, Schöning C, Bienefeld K, Meffert B: Combining detection algorithms for robust tracking of honeybees.
Jahrestagung der deutschen Bieneninstitute. Bochum, März 2010
- Knauer U, Mankiewicz S, Lüth G, Meffert B: Situationsabhängige Kombination eines gradientenbasierten Objekttrackings
mit Farbinformation. 15. GFaI-Workshop Farbbildverarbeitung, Berlin, Oktober 2009
- Knauer U, Meffert B: Evaluation based combining of classifers for monitoring honeybees.
In: IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision. Snowbird, USA, 7-8 Dec 2009
Salem M, Ghamry N, Meffert B: Daubechies Versus Biorthogonal Wavelets for Moving Object Detection in Traffic Monitoring Systems.
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Informatik, Informatik-Bericht Nº 229, März 2009, ISSN 0863-095X.
Salem M, Meffert B: Resolution Mosaic EM Algorithm for Medical Image Segmentation.
In: International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS 09),
Leipzig, June 2009
Salem M, Klaus K, Winkler F, Meffert B: Resolution Mosaic-based Smart Camera for Video Surveillance.
Third ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC 2009). Como (Italy), August 2009
Worm K, Meffert B: Robust image based document comparison using attributed relational graphs.
5th IASTED International Conference on Signal processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications (SPPRA),
Innsbruck, Österreich, Februar 2008, Proceedings bei Acta Press, pp. 116-121
Worm K, Meffert B: Surface Modifications for Robust Image Based Mail Piece Comparison.
In: Kise, K., Sako, H. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the Eight IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS),
IEEE Computer Society, September 2008, pp. 637-643, Nara, Japan
Haase M, Schmalisch G, Meffert B: Convergence properties of a new technique for estimating parameters in a nonlinear viscoelastic lung model in newborns.
Computers in Biology and Medicine 37 (2007) 1750-1758
Knauer U, Bienefeld K, Meffert B: Potential of digital image processing for the observation of honeybee behavior. Apidologie 38 (2007) 491
Blaschek R, Meffert B: Feature point matching for stereo image processing using nonlinear filters.
52. Int. Wiss. Kolloquium, Ilmenau, Germany, September 2007, Proceedings Band 2, pp. 315-320
Knauer U, Stein R, Meffert B: Detection of opened brood cells at an early stage.
52. Int. Wiss. Kolloquium, Ilmenau, Germany, September 2007, Proceedings Band 2, pp. 321-323
Salem M, Meffert B: Wavelet-based Image Segmentation for Traffic Monitoring Systems.
52. Int. Wiss. Kolloquium, Ilmenau, Germany, September 2007, Proceedings Band 2, pp. 347-352
Wegerich A, Blaschek R, Meffert B: Farbe als Merkmal zur Unterscheidung von Kraftfahrzeugen.
13. Workshop Farbbildverarbeitung 2007, Universität Koblenz-Landau, 4. - 5. Oktober 2007
Knauer U, Bienefeld K, Meffert B: Möglichkeiten der Bildverarbeitung für Verhaltensbeobachtungen von Bienenvölkern.
54. Jahrestagung der deutschen Bieneninstitute, Veitshöchheim, März 2007
Salem M, Meffert B: A Comparison between 2D- and 3D-Wavelet based Segmentation for Traffic Monitoring Systems.
3nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems, Cairo, Egypt, March 2007, Proceedings pp. 329-334
Winkler F, Meffert B, Langendörfer P, Fischer E: Indoor Localization based on Wireless LAN.
3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information
Systems, Cairo, Egypt, March 2007, Proceedings pp. 41-44
- Meffert B, Blaschek R, Knauer U:
Traffic Monitoring: Optical sensing system improves traffic-flow evaluation.
Laser Focus World, Features Online Articles, January 15, 2007
Knauer U, Zautke F, Bienefeld K, Meffert B: A Comparison of Classifiers for Prescreening of Honeybee Brood Cells.
Proc. ICVS 2007, Bielefeld, Germany, 2007.
Meffert B, Pichler F: Personal and Technical Resume of Henning F. Harmuth. Kharkov, Ukraine: Electromagnetic Phenomena 7(2007) 8-12
Meffert B: Personal Notes devoted to Henning F. Harmuth. Kharkov, Ukraine: Electromagnetic Phenomena 7(2007) 13-18
Knauer U, Dammeier Th, Meffert B: The Structure of Road Traffic Scenes as Revealed by Unsupervised Analysis of the Time Averaged Optical Flow.
Proc. 17th Int. Conf. on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering. Weimar, Germany, 2006
Foerster J, Hochmuth O, Meffert B u. a.: Infrared-monitored cold response in the assessment of Raynaud's phenomenon.
Clinical & Experimental Dermatology 31 (2006) 1, 6-12
Himmelsbach M, Knauer U, Winkler F, Meffert B, Zautke F, Bienefeld K: Automatische Auswertung des Ausräumverhaltens der Honigbiene (Poster).
52. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Bieneninstitute. Halle, Germany, 2005
Blaschek R, Meffert B: Automatisierte Korrespondenzsuche für die Stereobildverarbeitung.
Tagungsband 3D-NordOst, 5-12. Berlin, 2005
Knauer U, Himmelsbach M, Winkler F, Zautke F, Bienefeld K, Meffert B:
Application of an Adaptive Background Model for Monitoring Honeybees.
5th IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, & Image Processing, Benidorm, Spain, Sept. 2005, Proceedings pp. 46-50
Knauer U, Reulke R, Meffert B:
Fahrzeugerkennung und -verfolgung mittels mehrdimensionaler Farbhistogrammanalyse.
Farbbildverarbeitung 2005, Berlin, Oktober 2005, Tagungsband S. 93-100
Meffert B, Blaschek R, Knauer U, Reulke R, Schischmanow A, Winkler F:
Monitoring Traffic by Optical Sensors.
2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems (ICICIS 2005)
Proceedings, pp. 9-14
, Cairo, Egypt,
March 2005
Meffert B, Mertens K, Schneider G:
Forschendes Lernen - Begleitung diagnostischer und therapeutischer Verfahren in der Rehabilitationspädagogik.
Berlin: Humboldt-Spektrum 12 (2005) 3, S. 54-58
Meffert B:
Snoezelen und seine Wirkung auf Biosignale.
In: Mertens K, Verheul A (Hrsg.): Snoezelen - Anwendungsfelder in der Praxis. ISNA 2005, S. 89-98
- Schäfer D, von Wagner G, Hey S, Müller-Glaser KD, Meffert B:
Comperative study of different methods and constraints in heart rate variability spectrum estimation.
39. Kongress für Biomedizinische Technik, Nürnberg, Sept. 2005, In: Biomed. Tech. 50 (2005) 1, 143-144
- Weiß A, Meffert B:
freeSp - ein XML-basiertes Framework für die Softwareentwicklung verteilter signalverarbeitender Systeme.
Berliner XML-Tage, September 2005, Tagungsband S. 203-211
- Meffert B, Deschler S, Hinz S, Lüth G: Weiß A, Meffert B:
Biometrik. Ein aktueller Forschungsgegenstand - Exponat auf der CeBIT 2003. Berlin: Humboldt-Spektrum 10 (2003) Heft 1,
- Küstner D, Tato R, Kemp T, Meffert B:
Towards Real Life Applications in Emotion Recognition: Comparing Different Databases,
Feature Sets and Reinforcement Methods for Recognizing Emotions from Speech.
In: Affective Dialogue Systems.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(2004), Vol. 3068, pp. 25-35.
Meffert B, Hochmuth O:
Signale für die Abrüstung.
Berlin: Humboldt-Spektrum 8 (2001) 2, 16-20
Kell G, Hochmuth O, Winkler F, Meffert B:
Hochauflösende Messungen akustischer Signale unter Feldbedingungen.
27. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Akustik.
- Hochmuth O, Kell G, Winkler F, Weiss A, Linev S, Meffert B:
Mehrkanalige, hochauflösende Sensorstation für
die Klassifikation schwerer Landfahrzeuge.
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft
1 (2001) 484-485
Meffert B, Meffert H:
Optische Strahlung und ihre Wirkung auf die Haut. Biomedizinische Technik, 45 (2000) 98-104
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Institut für Informatik
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