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2.5.2 Time option

Subsections Here you can choose between different clocked net types [Sta90, Kapitel 17 (192-196)]:

<N> no times

With this selection, no clocks will be used. The dialogue continues with the next option.

<D> durations

To each transition a duration can be assigned. [Sta90, Kapitel 18 (197-208)].

<I> intervals

A time interval can be assigned to transitions <T> (as earliest and latest firing time after being enabled), or arcs <A> (as permeability of arcs) [Sta90, Kapitel 19 (209-221)].
If you have decided in favour of interval-clocking (with <I> ), you will be required to determine which net elements are to be clocked ( <T> for transitions, <A> for arcs). However, in the duration-clocking mode (with <D> ), only transitions can be clocked, which is therefore automatically set. The representation of states depends on the selected time option. You can get an overview, together with some examples, in chapter 4.2 on page [*]ff. Notes on the firing behaviour of clocked nets can be found in chapter 4.4.2 on page [*]ff.

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© 1996-99 Prof. Peter H. Starke ( und Stephan Roch (roch@...)

INA Manual Version 2.2 (last changed 1999-04-19)