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2.5.1 Token types

Subsections With this option, you can determine whether the tokens are coloured.

<B> black (indistinguishable) tokens

Hereby, you choose to work with (uncoloured) place/transition nets, whose markings consists of black indistinguishable tokens. [Sta90, Definition 2.2 (23)].

<C> coloured tokens

With this selection, you will work with coloured nets, which allows to work with coloured, i.e. distinguishable tokens [Sta90, Kapitel 20 (222-235)]. Please note: Coloured nets cannot be reduced with INA .
If you have set the token type of a coloured net to black, INA will ask: Forget the colour structure?; with <Y> , the colours are deleted [Sta90, Definition 20.3 (226)]. Warning: Information about the net can get lost this way!

If, on the other hand, you change the token type in the opposite way, the question appears: Fold the Net? If your answer is <Y> , you have to indicate how INA should fold it. The possible choices are [Sta90, Definition 20.2 and Bemerkung (225)]:

folding type necessary input effect
1-place;1-transition CPN <A> maximal folding
by hand <B> user-defined folding
trivially coloured CPN <C> no folding

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© 1996-99 Prof. Peter H. Starke ( und Stephan Roch (roch@...)

INA Manual Version 2.2 (last changed 1999-04-19)