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2.3.4 File formats


In this section, you find descriptions of file formats in extended Backus-Nauer-Form (EBNF). The symbols: [ ] denotes an option, { } a repetition, | an alternative, `` '' a string, < > a syntactic unit, and ::= is the substitution symbol. The only particularity is the string ``<cr>'', which stands for the end-of-line symbol. Line breaks in the presentation are only used for formatting purposes, and have no meaning.

These descriptions serve as an interface, which makes it possible for you to attach any (graphical) editor, as long as you know the formats well enough so that you can write a program for translation into the INA -file format.

Syntax of a .pnt-file

The .pnt-net file consists of three sections separated by @ symbols. The sections contain information about the net structure, the places, and the transitions, respectively. As a rule, names consist of 16 characters, filled up with blanks if necessary. Some special symbols like ``_'' are also allowed. The upper bound for integers is system-dependent.

 <pnt-file> ::= <netheader> "<cr>"
                <netstruct> "<cr>"
                <placedata> "<cr>"
                <transdata> "<cr>"

<netheader> ::= "P   M   PRE,POST  NETZ " <netid>

    <netid> ::= <netnr> [ ":" <netname> ]

    <netnr> ::= <number>

  <netname> ::= <name>

<netstruct> ::= <placedef>
                { "<cr>" <placedef> }

 <placedef> ::= { "  " <placenr> " " <tokens> "    " [ <prelist> ] [ ", " <postlist> ] 

  <placenr> ::= <number>

   <tokens> ::= <number>

  <prelist> ::= { <transnr> [ ": " <arcmult> ] " " }

 <postlist> ::= { <transnr> [ ": " <arcmult> ] " " }
  <transnr> ::= <number>

  <arcmult> ::= <number>

<placedata> ::= "place nr.             name capacity time"
                { "<cr>       " <placenr> ": " <placename> "      " <capacity> <time> }

<placename> ::= <name>

 <capacity> ::= " " <nr> | "oo"

     <time> ::= <number>

<transdata> ::= "trans nr.             name priority time"
                { "<cr>       " <transnr> ": " <transname> "      " <priority>
                <time> }

<transname> ::= <name>

 <priority> ::= <number>

Example for a .pnt-file

Here is the file of net 2.1 ``Three programmers sharing two terminals'':

P   M   PRE,POST  NETZ 1:3_prog_2_term   
  0 2     4: 2 5 6, 1: 2 2 3
  1 0     1, 4
  2 0     2, 5
  3 0     3, 6
  4 1     4, 1
  5 1     5, 2
  6 1     6, 3
place nr.             name capacity time
       0: terminal_free          oo    0
       1: prog1_at_term          oo    0
       2: prog2_at_term          oo    0
       3: prog3_at_term          oo    0
       4: prog1_on_break         oo    0
       5: prog2_on_break         oo    0
       6: prog3_on_break         oo    0
trans nr.             name priority time
       1: login_prog1             0    0
       2: login_prog2             0    0
       3: login_prog3             0    0
       4: logout_prog1            0    0
       5: logout_prog2            0    0
       6: logout_prog3            0    0

Syntax of the .cnt-file

The .cnt-net file consists of the unfolded net structure (which describes the place colours, their initial markings, and the relations with the transition colours), and the place and transition colours. So far, there is no difference in the syntax compared to a .pnt-file. But in an additional fourth section, the folding information is included, i.e., the information which coloured places and transitions exist, and what their colours are.

 <cnt-file> ::= <pnt-file>
                <aggregat> "<cr>"

 <aggregat> ::= "AGGREGATION:<cr>"
                <placeaggr> "<cr>"

<placeaggr> ::= "places:<cr>"
                { "<cr>" <placecol> }

 <placecol> ::= "    " <placenr>:<placename> " " <placenr> { " " <placenr> }

<transaggr> ::= "transitions:<cr>"
                { "<cr> <transcol> }

 <transcol> ::= "    " <transnr>:<transname> " " <transnr> { " " <transnr> }

This syntax allows compatibility of the net files; so it is possible to fold .pnt-files, and to unfold .cnt-files, i.e., to ignore the folding information (see also chapter 2.5.1 on page [*]).

Example for a .cnt-file

Here is the file of the coloured net 2.2: ``Five dining philosophers''

P   M   PRE,POST  NETZ 2:Dinner          
  1 1     16 17, 2 6
  2 1     17 18, 3 7
  3 1     18 19, 4 8
  4 1     19 20, 5 9
  5 1     16 20, 1 10
  6 0     1, 11
  7 0     2, 12
  8 0     3, 13
  9 0     4, 14
 10 0     5, 15
 11 0     6, 11
 12 0     7, 12
 13 0     8, 13
 14 0     9, 14
 15 0     10, 15
 16 0     11, 16
 17 0     12, 17
 18 0     13, 18
 19 0     14, 19
 20 0     15, 20
place nr.             name capacity time
       1: fork1                  oo    0
       2: fork2                  oo    0
       3: fork3                  oo    0
       4: fork4                  oo    0
       5: fork5                  oo    0
       6: phil1                  oo    0
       7: phil2                  oo    0
       8: phil3                  oo    0
       9: phil4                  oo    0
      10: phil5                  oo    0
      11: phil1                  oo    0
      12: phil2                  oo    0
      13: phil3                  oo    0
      14: phil4                  oo    0
      15: phil5                  oo    0
      16: phil1                  oo    0
      17: phil2                  oo    0
      18: phil3                  oo    0
      19: phil4                  oo    0
      20: phil5                  oo    0
trans nr.             name priority time
       1: phil1                   0    0
       2: phil2                   0    0
       3: phil3                   0    0
       4: phil4                   0    0
       5: phil5                   0    0
       6: phil1                   0    0
       7: phil2                   0    0
       8: phil3                   0    0
       9: phil4                   0    0
      10: phil5                   0    0
      11: phil1                   0    0
      12: phil2                   0    0
      13: phil3                   0    0
      14: phil4                   0    0
      15: phil5                   0    0
      16: phil1                   0    0
      17: phil2                   0    0
      18: phil3                   0    0
      19: phil4                   0    0
      20: phil5                   0    0
    1:table               1     2     3     4     5 
    2:has_left            6     7     8     9    10 
    3:has_right          11    12    13    14    15 
    4:is_eating          16    17    18    19    20 
    1:take_left           1     2     3     4     5 
    2:take_right          6     7     8     9    10 
    3:start_eat          11    12    13    14    15 
    4:put_back           16    17    18    19    20 


In net files, you can insert any comments after the last @. These are not read, and will therefore be lost when the net is saved into a different file.

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© 1996-99 Prof. Peter H. Starke ( und Stephan Roch (roch@...)

INA Manual Version 2.2 (last changed 1999-04-19)