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2.3.1 Important files

In this file, INA saves (unless it terminates irregularly) all options that you have set up during your session, for example the net type, the output formats, the depth of the reachability graphs to be constructed, etc. At the beginning of the next session, these options are automatically set up again. On this matter, see also chapter 2.5 starting on page [*], where the options which can be changed in the options menu are described. All other settings can only be modified at specific points in the program; you find descriptions in the corresponding chapters and sections of this manual.
This file is created at the end of a session upon request. All commands entered during this session are saved in it. If, upon re-starting INA , the question Same procedure as last time? is answered with <Y> , the stored commands are executed in the given sequence, i.e. the session is repeated. If meanwhile you enter <H> for halt INA switches to the terminal mode. In chapter 2.4.3, it will be illustrated how this may be used to analyze several nets successively according to the same scheme.

INA writes all results (and deductions) obtained during a session into this file. SESSION.ina is overwritten at the beginning of the next session. You should therefore rename this file beforehand, if it is still of importance. Further notes on this file can be found in chapters 2.4.1, 2.4.2 and 2.4.3.

Further files which may be in the current directory after an INA session:

Auxiliary file for calculation of invariants (in calculating minimal semi-positive invariants)
Auxiliary file which contains the initial net (is saved before the execution of the reduction steps - see page [*] in chapter 5.2)

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© 1996-99 Prof. Peter H. Starke ( und Stephan Roch (roch@...)

INA Manual Version 2.2 (last changed 1999-04-19)