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2.4.1 Starting and exiting INA

To start the program, change to the directory which contains the net to be analyzed, and into which the files to be constructed should be stored. Then enter ina at the prompt.

If the file OPTIONS.ina is in the directory, it will be read. The file COMMAND.ina, on the other hand, will only be executed if you answer the question same procedure as last time? (which then appears at the beginning) with <Y> . In this case, the stored commands of the last session are repeated until <H> (for halt) is entered, or all commands have been executed.

If there is no COMMAND.ina, or the question above has been answered with <N> , the main menu appears on the screen and the selected options are displayed:

>>>>>>>>>>>>  Welcome to the Integrated Net Analyzer! <<<<<<<<<<<<
Version 2.2;                             Peter Starke, Berlin 1999

Current net options are:
    token  type: black        (for Place/Transition nets)
    time option: no times
    firing rule: normal
    priorities : not to be used
    strategy   : single transitions
    line length: 80

Do You want to
    edit ? .......................................E
    fire ? .......................................F
    analyse ? ....................................A
    reduce ? .....................................R
    read the session report ? ....................S
    delete the session report ? ..................D
    change options ? .............................O
    quit ? .......................................Q
 choice >

By pressing the indicated letters the corresponding functions are selected. To stop a command, or quit a menu, <Q> can be entered in most cases. At many points this will also cancel running computations prematurely.

In the main menu, the program is quit by entering <Q> . If there is still a net in the internal memory, INA will first ask whether you would like to save it, or whether it shall be discarded: Forget the net?. Moreover, you will be asked whether the commands to be entered should be saved: Save the commands to COMMANDS.ina?. In the affirmative case, they may be used in a future session. INA will also ask you whether you want to rename the current session-report in order to protect it from overwriting: Rename SESSION.ina? If so, INA requests a name for a Session output file , which is not allowed to already exist.

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© 1996-99 Prof. Peter H. Starke ( und Stephan Roch (roch@...)

INA Manual Version 2.2 (last changed 1999-04-19)