Publications of Ulf Leser (1996-2002)
- Felix Naumann, Ulf Leser (2000): "Cooperative Query Answering with Density Scores", COMAD 2000, Pune, India.
- Ulf Leser, Felix Naumann (2000): "Query Planning with Information Quality Bounds", FQAS 2000, Warschau, Poland. Springer-Verlag, pp. 85-95.
- Susanne Busse, Ralf Kutsche, Ulf Leser (2000): "Strategies
for the Conceptual Design of Federated Information Systems", EFIS 2000, Dublin, Ireland, IOS Press /Infix, pp. 23-32.
- Felix Naumann, Ulf Leser, Johann Christoph Freytag (1999): "Quality-driven Integration of Heterogeneous Information Systems", VLDB'99, Edinburgh. Morgan Kaufmann. pp. 447-458.
- Kim Jungfer, Ulf Leser, Patricia Rodriguez-Tome (1999): "Constructing IDL Views of Relational Databases", CAISE'99, Heidelberg, Germany. Springer Verlag LNCS 1626, pp. 255-269.
- Steffen Moeller, Ulf Leser, Wolfgang Fleischman, Rolf Apweiler (1999): "EDITtoTeEMBL: A Distributed Approach to High-Quality Protein Sequence Annotation", Bioinformatics, 15(3), pp.219-227 (this is a revised version of the 1998 GCB conference paper)
- Emmanuel Barillot, Ulf Leser, Philip Lijnzaad, Christophe Cussat-Blanc, Kim Jungfer, Fridiric Guyon, Guy Vaysseix, Carsten Helgesen and Patricia Rodriguez-Tome (1999): "A Proposal for a Standard CORBA Interface for Genome Maps", Bioinformatics, 15(2), pp. 157-169.
- Ulf Leser (1999): "Designing a Global Information Resource for Molecular Biology (Short paper)", Datenbanken in Büro, Technik und Wissenschaft (BTW), Freiburg, Germany, pp. 362-369,
Springer Verlag.
- Ulf Leser, Hugues Roest Crollius, Hans Lehrach, Ralf Sudbrak (1999): "IXDB,
an X Chromosome Integrated Database (update)", Nucleic Acids Research, 27(1), 123-127.
- Ulf Leser (1998): "Maintenance and Mediation in Federated Databases", Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS'98), Helsinki, pp.187-196. TR-19, University of Jyväskylä.
- Ulf Leser (1998): "Combining Heterogeneous Data Sources through Query Correspondence Assertions.", Workshop on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM98), in conjunction with CIKM 98, Bethesda, Maryland.
- Steffen Moeller, Ulf Leser, Wolfgang Fleischman, Rolf Apweiler (1998): "EDITtoTeEMBL:
A Distributed Approach to High-Quality Protein Sequence Annotation", 3rd German Conference on Bioinformatics, Cologne, Germany.
- Ulf Leser, Hans Lehrach, Hugues Roest Crollius (1998): "Issues
in Developing Integrated Genomic Databases and Application to the Human X Chromosome", Bioinformatics, Vol. 14(7), pp. 83-90.
- Ulf Leser, Robert Wagner, Andrei Grigoriev, Hans Lehrach, Hugues Roest Crollius (1998): "IXDB,
an X Chromosome Integrated Database", Nucleic Acids Research, Jan 1998, Vol. 26(1). p 108-111.
- Yaspo Marie-Laure, Leser Ulf, Lehrach Hans (1997) : "Updates and developments of ACeDB for chromosome-21 - integrating all published data in a common database (Meeting Abst)", Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics, 79(N1-2):39-39, 1997.
Technical reports, posters, and other
- Ulf Leser (2000): "Query Planning in Mediator Based Information Systems", Ph.D. Dissertation, TU Berlin.
- Heiko Müller, Ulf Leser (1999): "Integration durch Standards: Erfahrungen mit CORBA in Life Science Research". 4. Workshop Föderierte Datenbanken, Berlin, pp. 89-102
- Felix Naumann, Ulf Leser (1999): "Density Scores for Cooperative Query Answering". 4. Workshop Föderierte Datenbanken, Berlin, pp.103-116.
- Ulf Leser (1999): "Globale Anfragebeantwortung mit verteilten, heterogenen Datenquellen", Informatik'99, Springer, pp. 265-272 (in german).
- Ralf-Detlef Kutsche, Ulf Leser, Johann Christoph Freytag (ed.) (1999): "4. Workshop Föderierte Datenbanken", Proceedings. Technical Report TR99-15, TU Berlin.
- Felix Naumann, Ulf Leser, Johann Christoph Freytag (1999): "Quality-driven
Integration of Heterogeneous Information Sources", Technical Report HUB-IB-117, February 1999
- Susanne Busse, Ralf-Detlef Kutsche, Ulf Leser, Herbert Weber (1999): "Federated
Information Systems: Concepts, Terminology and Architectures", Technical Report TR99-9, TU Berlin (this is a revised, condensed and english version of the next report).
- Ulf Leser, Susanne Busse, Herbert Weber (1999): "Mediator-basierte,
verteilte heterogene Informationssysteme", Final report from a
1998/1999 Seminar. Unpublished (in german).
- Ulf Leser (1998): "Query
Mediation for Heterogeneous Data Sources", Workshop
on Federated Databases, December 1998, Magdeburg, pp 33-44. Shaker
Verlag, Aachen.
- Ulf Leser, Stefan Tai, Susanne Busse (1998): "Design
Issues of Database Access in a CORBA Environment", Workshop
"Integration of Heterogeneous Information Systems", Magdeburg, Germany,
- Ulf Leser (1997): "Ansaetze
zur Förderation molekulargenetischer Datenbanken". GI
Datenbank Rundbrief, Vol. 20, Nov 1997, p. 57-61.
Presentations, poster
- Ulf Leser (2000): "CORBA
in Life Science Research", Workshop Informationssysteme
in der Bioinformatik, Magdeburg.
- Ulf Leser (1999): "Query Mediation in Federated Information
Presentation at Dagstuhl Seminar on Systems Integration.
- Ulf Leser (1999): "The Emerging Life Science Research Standard
Maps". Presentation at the 1st OPM-JAVA-CORBA Workshop. At the
Resource Center of the German Human Genome Project (RZPD), Berlin.
- Kim Jungfer, Ulf Leser and Patricia Rodriguez-Tomé (1998):
CORBA Wrapper for Relational Databases". Poster
at the 2nd Conference on Objects
in Bioinformatics, Cambridge, UK, Aug. 1998.
- Ulf Leser, Patricia Rodriguez-Tome (1998): "Query Mediation
Biology" Poster
at the 2nd Conference
on Objects in Bioinformatics, Cambridge, UK, Aug. 1998.
- Robert Wagner, Ulf Leser, Hans Lehrach, Ralf Sudbrak (1998): "A
Comprehensive Database for the Human X Chromosome" Poster
at the 2nd Conference on Objects in
Bioinformatics, Cambridge, UK, Aug. 1998.
- Ulf Leser (1998): "A Mediator Approach to Database
Molecular Biology", Seminar at the
European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge, UK, March 1998
- Ulf Leser, Robert Wagner, Hans Lehrach, Hugues Roest Crollius
(1997): "IXDB:
An Integrated Database for Genomic Data of the Human X Chromosome".
Poster at the 2nd German
on Bioinformatics, September 1997, Munich, Germany..
- Ulf Leser, Robert Wagner (1997): "A guided tour through IXDB",
X Transcript consorium Meeting, Berlin, Sep. 1997.
- Ulf Leser, Robert Wagner, Hans Lehrach, Hugues Roest Crollius
"IXDB: Integration of genomic data for physical mapping of the human X
chromosome", 5th
International Conferences on Intelligent Systems for Molecular
Biology, June 1997, Halkidiki, Greece
- Ulf Leser (1997): "Integration und Foerderation verteilter
molekularbiologischer Datenbanken". Vortrag auf der GI-Fachgruppe
Datenbanken, Herbsttagung, Okt. 1997, Magdeburg
- Hugues Roest Crollius, Ulf Leser, Hans Lehrach (1996): "IXDB:
Integrated Database for the Human X Chromosome", Computer
Demonstration at the 7th Single
Chromosome Workshop on Human Chromosome X, October 1996, Hinxton,
- Marie-Laure Yaspo, Ulf Leser , Ela Hunt, Hans Lehrach (1996): "Towards
integrated database for chromosome 21", Computer Demonstration at
the Single Chromosome Workshop on Human Chromosome 21, May 1996, Cold
Spring Harbor, N.Y., USA.
Last updated: 2/2004