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5.3 Reduction procedures

<F> Fusion of congruent nodes

INA searches for either two places or two transitions which are connected with all other nodes of the net in exactly the same way, so-called parallel nodes [Sta90, Definition 9.3 (87)].

Figure 5.2: A net with two parallel places and transitions (reduce_f.pnt)

Illustration 5.2 shows a net with two parallel places (p1 and p2) and two parallel transitions (t1 and t2).

You have to indicate directly the type of nodes to be investigated: Check places (P), transitions (T) or exit (E) ? After entering <P> or <T> to search for places or transitions, respectively, INA either states that no parallel nodes were found (No application possible!), or informs about how many nodes were deleted. Normally, always the nodes with the higher number are deleted. For parallel places, however, the place with the smaller number is deleted, if it contains more tokens [Sta90, Regel 3 (88)].

Figure 5.3: Reductions with respect to parallel nodes of the example net 5.2

When entering <P> , the net of example 5.2 becomes the net on the left of example 5.3. Since the place p2 had a higher number as p1, and p1 did not contain more tokens than p2, place p2 has been deleted. If further reduced with <T> , the right net of example 5.3 results. The transition t2 has been deleted, since it had a higher number than transition t1.

In the session report, you find the following protocol:

p2 deleted
 1 place(s) deleted 
t2 deleted
 1 transition(s) deleted

<M> Merging of equivalent places

This command merges equivalent places of the net. Two places p1 and p2 are equivalent, if

Figure 5.4: A net with equivalent places and their reduction (reduce_m.pnt)

In the net of example 5.4, the places p1 and p2 are equivalent.

In case INA finds two equivalent places p1 and p2, place p2 (with a higher number as p1), as well as its post-transition t2, are deleted, the tokens on p2 are added onto p1, and the arcs leading to p2 are directed towards p1 [Sta90, Regel 4 (89)].

The net on the right of example 5.4 is the result of the reduction of the net on the left. Place p2 and its post-transition t2 have been deleted, the token from p2 has been placed on p1, and the arc from t4 to p2 has been directed towards p1.

In the session report, you find the following protocol:

Merge equivalent places:
Transition  2 deleted, Place 2 deleted

<A> ELIMINATION of F(pF)=p -places

This command merges pre- and post-transitions. Here, pF denotes all post-transitions of the place p, and F(pF) all pre-places of the post-transitions of p. $F(pF)=\{p\}$ are the places p which are the only pre-places of their post-transitions.

A place with the following characteristics is sought:

Figure 5.5: A net which is reducible with <A> and the result (reduce_a.pnt)

The place p1 in the net on the left of example 5.5 satisfies the above conditions.

In case INA finds a place p that satisfies all conditions, appropriate transitions are fired, if necessary, to ensure that fewer than v tokens are on p. Then the pre-transitions $t_1,\ldots,t_k$, the place p itself, and the post-transitions $t_1',\ldots,t_n'$ are deleted; instead, $k\cdot n$ new transitions ti,j are inserted in such a way that firing ti,j has the same effect as firing ti followed by firing tj' x times - where x is the multiplicity of the arc from ti to p divided by v[Sta90, Regel 5 (90)]. INA states only the amount of deleted places.

In example 5.5, the net on the right results. Place p1 and the transitions t1,t2, and t4 have been deleted and replaced by the transitions t5 and t6. Firing t5 in the reduced net has the same effect as firing t4 and t1 in the old net, and similarly, t6 is fired instead of t4 and t2.

In the session report, you find the following protocol:

place elimination A:
New transition 5 replaces transitions 4 * 1
New transition 6 replaces transitions 4 * 2
Place 1 deleted

<B> ELIMINATION of (Fp)F=p -places

This command merges a pre-transition with post-transitions. Here, Fp denotes all pre-transitions of the place p, and Fp(F) all post-places of the pre-transitions of p. $Fp(F)=\{p\}$ are the places p which are the only post-places of their pre-transitions.

A place with the following characteristics is sought:

Figure 5.6: A net which is reducible with <B> and the result (reduce_b.pnt)

The place p3 in the net on the left of example 5.6 satisfies the above conditions.

In case INA finds a place which satisfies all conditions, the pre-transition t0, the place p itself, and the post-transitions $t_1',\ldots,t_n'$ are deleted; instead, n new transitions $t_1,\ldots,t_n$ are inserted in such a way that firing tj has the same effect as firing t0 followed by firing tj'[Sta90, Regel 6 (92)]. INA states only the amount of deleted places.

In example 5.6, the net on the right results. Place p3 and the transitions t0, t1, and t2 have been deleted and replaced by the transitions t5 and t6. Firing t5 in the reduced net has the same effect as firing t0 and t1 in the old net, and similarly, t6 is fired instead of t0 and t2.

In the session report, you find the following protocol:

place elimination B:
Transition 5 replaces transitions 1 * 0
Transition 6 replaces transitions 2 * 0
Place 3 deleted

<C> ELIMINATION of looping places

This command searches for bounded and unbounded places that satisfy the following conditions: Place p will be deleted, if there are no isolated transitions as a result. INA states the amount of deleted places.

Figure 5.7: A net with a reducible looping place (reduce_c.pnt)

In the net of example 5.7, the place p1 satisfies the above conditions, and is therefore deleted.

When you start to reduce with this command, INA asks the question Shall we delete only bounded places?. If you answer <Y> , only bounded places will be deleted, otherwise also unbounded places. A place p is unbounded, if firing a transition t adds more tokens to p than are subtracted from p, and the transition t is live, i.e., p is adequately marked.

If, in the net of example 5.7, the multiplicity of the arc from t1 to p1 is increased by one to two, then the place p1 is unbounded, and therefore it will not be deleted, if you have answered the question with <N> .

In the session report, you find the following protocol:

place elimination C:
only bounded places to be deleted
place elimination C:
bounded and unbounded places to be deleted
p1 deleted, was unbounded, if the net is live.

<U> DELETION of looping transitions

This command deletes all transitions t that satisfy the following conditions: This situation is described as a loop. In case INA finds such a transition, it is deleted. INA states the amount of deleted transitions.

Figure 5.8: A net with a reducible loop (reduce_u.pnt)

A simple example for a loop is net 5.8. Firing transition t1 does not alter the marking of the net. Since the transition t2 subtracts at least as many tokens as t1 from p1, t1 is deleted.

In the session report, you find the following protocol:

transition elimination U:
transition 1 deleted

<V> DELETION of single output transitions

This command merges a pre-place with post-places. A transition with the following characteristics is sought:

Figure 5.9: A net which is reducible with <V> (reduce_v.pnt)

The transition t0 of the net in example 5.9 satisfies the above conditions.

In case INA finds a transition which satisfies all conditions, t is fired repeatedly until p contains no more tokens. Then the transition t, the place p, and the pre-transitions $t_1,\ldots,t_k$are deleted; instead, k new transitions $t_j^\star$ are inserted in such a way that firing $t_j^\star$ has the same effect as firing tj followed by firing $t_j^\star$ x times -- where x is the multiplicity of the arc from tj to p. INA states only the amount of deleted places.

Figure 5.10: Reduction of Example net 5.9

In example 5.9, a single application of this rule yields the net on the left of example 5.10. First, the transition t0 is fired until the two tokens on p0 have left. This implies that there are three tokens on p3 and two on p4 then. Next, the transition p0, the place p0, and the transitions t1 and t2 are deleted and replaced by transitions t5 and t6. Firing t5 in the reduced net has the same effect as firing t1 and firing twice t0 in the old net, and similarly, t6 is fired instead of t2 and t0.

Altogether, the rule is applied three times, yielding the net on the right in example 5.10.

In the session report, you find the following protocol:

transition elimination V:
t0,p0 deleted.
t1,p1 deleted.
t2,p2 deleted.

<W> DELETION of PTP-sequences

INA searches for a transition t and two places p and q, which satisfy the following conditions: In such a situation, the places p and q are merged, and the transition t is deleted.

This transformation can transform bounded or non-live nets into unbounded or live nets, respectively; its application is therefore limited. However, you can deduce from the boundedness or non-liveness of the reduction result the boundedness or non-liveness of the original net. INA warns Non-liveness and boundedness are not preserved under this rule, and requests you to confirm the execution: Execute? If you answer this question with <N> , the command will not be executed.

Figure 5.11: A net which is reducible with <W> and the result (reduce_w.pnt)

The net on the left in example 5.11 is dead, since no transition can fire. After reducing with <W> , the deletion of the transition t1 and the merging of the place p1 into p0 yield the net on the right. This net is now live, since the transition t2 can always fire. Hence, a dead net has been transformed into a live net!

INA states the amount of deleted transitions, and writes another warning in the session report:

transition elimination W:
Boundedness and non-liveness are not preserved!

Nodes deleted:
p1, t1;

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© 1996-99 Prof. Peter H. Starke ( und Stephan Roch (roch@...)

INA Manual Version 2.2 (last changed 1999-04-19)