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4.4.1 General remarks


In each state, the current marking is shown first, followed by a list of enabled transitions or steps, depending on the firing strategy:

 PL: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
 MA: 2 0 0 0 1 1 1
enabled: 1, 2, 3,
<r>eset | <b>ack | <w>rite | <s>tubborn set | <a>ll stubborn sets | <q>uit
Transition to fire >
A transition or step in the given list is selected by entering its number. The selected transition or step is then executed, and the resulting marking is displayed. For coloured nets, in addition to the transition number you also have to specify the firing colour, set apart by a semi-colon. If no transition is enabled INA returns the message: no transition has concession. In case you have entered the number of a disabled transition or step, firing is refused with the message no concession.

Under time allocation, the system time is also shown: transitional period from previous state=2 system time=10.

<cr> fire the first element

By entering <cr> , the option to always select and fire the first element of the given firing list is set.

<B> Back to the previous state

You can repeatedly reverse a firing procedure with <B> , and thus make alternative selections.

<R> Reset to the initial state

With this command, the initial state is restored, which allows to investigate a different path through the reachability graph. At the end of firing, you do not need to use this function, since it is automatically applied.

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© 1996-99 Prof. Peter H. Starke ( und Stephan Roch (roch@...)

INA Manual Version 2.2 (last changed 1999-04-19)