Poster Submission
DILS 2006 will also have a poster session. Posters are published on the
DILS web site and will be displayed at the conference. They are not
part of the proceedings. In addition, selected posters will have the
chance to be presented in a flash presentation session. From each
accepted poster, at least one author must register for DILS06
Please submit poster abstracts directly to Ulf Leser:
Camera-ready Instructions for accepted papers
- Camera-ready submission deadline is May 16th
- Page limits are:
- Research paper: 16 pages
- Systems paper: 10 pages
- Short paper (research or systems) : 8 pages
- final papers are submitted at our Microsoft
Research Conference Management site
Please find detailed instructions for preparing the
camera-ready copy of your paper in Springer's
LNCS Author
and Volume Editor Instructions (section: Proceedings and Other
Multi-author Volumes). Your final manuscript, including the
bibliography, appendices, etc. must be in accordance with the
formatting instructions. Especially note that the pages should not be
To produce the workshop proceedings, we need the following items:
- The PDF version of your camera-ready manuscript (submitted
at our Microsoft
Research Conference Management site).
- The complete set of source files, such as Latex, Word, and
FrameMaker, of your camera-ready manuscript into a single zip-file by
email to naumann@informatik.hu-berlin.de. Please give your zip file a
name containing your paper ID.
- The completed copyright form.
Please fax your signed copyright form to +49 (30) 2093 5484
(attn: Felix Naumann).
Note that by sending the camera-ready version of your paper to us, you
confirm that you or one of your co-authors will register for the
Paper submission
DILS 2006 invites two
types of papers:
- Research papers describe novel methods, algorithms, or
models for solving problems relevant to the scope of DILS. The main
focus of such papers must be the advancement of research on data
integration or data management. Research papers must not be longer than
16 pages.
- Systems or experience papers describe innovative
realizations of systems solving problems relevant to DILS. These papers
need not present a new method, but the systems described must use
cutting-edge technology and must be up-and-running. Papers describing
commercial solutions are also welcome, as long as sufficient detail of
the problem and its technical solution are provided. Systems papers
must not be longer than 10 pages.
Submissions must be clearly marked as either research or experience
papers. Please use an appropriate subtitle to ensure correct judgement
by the DILS reviewers.
As for previous DILS conferences, accepted papers will be
published by
Springer in the LNBI (Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) series.
All papers must be previously unpublished and may not be under parallel
review at any other journal or conference. Submissions should be
formatted according to the LNCS guidelines (see http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html).
All submissions will be handled electronically. Acceptance of each
submission will be based by the expertise of at least three reviewers.
Submission is electronic via the Microsoft Conference Management Site: https://msrcmt.research.microsoft.com/DILS2006/