M.Sc. Silvio Tristram
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M.Sc. Silvio Tristram Phone: +49 (30) 67055 7987 
Fax: +49 (30) 67055 385 
E-mail: silvio.tristram at informatik.hu-berlin.de 
Address: M.Sc. Silvio Tristram
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Math.-Nat. Fakultät II
Institut für Informatik
Computer Vision
Rudower Chaussee 25
12489 Berlin
Secretary's office: Nadja Ott
+49 (30) 2093 3901


  • Alumnus


  • classification procedures
  • feature detectors and matching
  • motion analysis
  • 3D image processing

Project Involvement

Curriculum Vitae 

1985Born in Leinefelde, Germany
2005A-Level at BG Mühlhausen
2006Technical assistant for computer science graduation at BS-UHK
2006 - 2007Staff duty soldier
2007 - 2012Computer science at the Technical University Ilmenau (Minor subject: Mathematics)
10/2010Bachelor of Science graduation in computer science
09/2010 - 02/2011Intership at the German Aerospace Center e.V. (site Berlin)
12/2012Master of Science graduation in computer science
11/2012 - 01/2014Scientific assistant at the Humboldt-University of Berlin, field computer vision

Publication List 


external link 3D-Bildanalyse mit Scene Flow-Algorithmen (Silvio and Ralf), In 33. Wissenschaftlich-Technische Jahrestagung der DGPF, Eckhardt Seyfert, volume 22/2013, pages 237-243, 2013.   external link bibtex-link


Scene Flow-Algorithmen zur Bewegungsanalyse in dreidimensionalen Bilddaten (Silvio), Master's thesis, Technische Universität Ilmenau, 2012.   external link bibtex-link


Ansätze zur automatischen Landnutzungsklassifikation von multimodalen und multitemporalen Satellitenbildaufnahmen mit Decision-Trees (Silvio), Bachelor's Thesis, 2010. (Bachelor's Thesis)   external link bibtex-link

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