@INPROCEEDINGS{dlr60757, author = {Sascha Bauer and Eike Bretschneider and J\"urgen Rataj and Tilo Schumann}, title = {AIM ? APPLICATION PLATFORM INTELLIGENT MOBILITY}, booktitle = {16th World Congress for ITS Systems and Services}, year = {2009}, month = {September}, abstract = {In order to address the complexity of modern Intelligent Transportation Systems and Services (ITS) the German Aerospace Center will build an Application Platform for Intelligent Mobility (AIM) in the region of Brunswick, Germany. This large scale testing facility will connect research with every day applications and focuses on demand driven progress. AIM is designed to be a neutral and openly accessible platform for industry, public authorities and science, research and development. The versatile aspects of mobility and their interdependencies will be addressable in a real life environment with the scale of Brunswick city and surroundings. This paper introduces AIM and documents its progress.}, keywords ={}, url = {http://elib.dlr.de/60757/} }