Radicon SCSCS
Mittlere Implementationsebene
Source Codes


  project:  radicon scscs pc driver (i486)
  module:   kisl1.c
  authors:  (c) 1993, 94 by Radicon Ltd.
            revised 2000 for Institut fuer Informatik, HU-Berlin by
              Sebastian Luehnsdorf (luehnsdo@informatik.hu-berlin.de)
              Alexander Schad (schad@informatik.hu-berlin.de)

  module initialization

/* include standard header files */
#include <stdio.h>

/* include custom header files */
#include "dfkisl.h"
#include "prkmpt1.h"
#include "radicon.h"

/* include FakeDevice support */
extern int FakeDevice;
extern int FakeData;

#ifdef DEBUG
extern int retspot_set;
extern int retspot_beg;
extern int retspot_get;
extern int retspot_init;
extern int retspot_tr;
extern int retspot_rc;
extern int retspot_out;
extern int retspot_in;
#endif // def DEBUG

/* buffer for the program (scs.prg) 2032 Bytes (0x7f0)*/
unsigned char bufprg[LNGPRG];

/* buffer receive/transmit message */
unsigned char bufmsg[LNGMSG];

  procedure: setprm
  purpose:   upload parameters to controller
  synopsis:  int CALLTYPE setprm( rd, rs, cph, cpl, ve, ftmr, imp, intg, snd,
                 ntrp )
  input:     int rd = data port address, (data register)
             int rs = control port address, that identifies controller (state
             unsigned short cph = upper threshold
             unsigned short cpl = lower threshold
             int ve = high voltage
             double ftmr = exposure time
             unsigned long imp = impulse count
             int intg = energy integral
             int snd = sound
             int ntrp = interrupt
  result:    0 = operation successful
             -1 = communication error
             -2 = controller can't make this function to present time or error
                  code function
             -3 = parameter error

#ifdef DEBUG
int retspot_set;
#endif // def DEBUG

int CALLTYPE setprm( rd, rs, cph, cpl, ve, ftmr, imp, intg, snd, ntrp )

  int rs, rd;       
  unsigned short cph, cpl;
  int ve;
  double ftmr;
  unsigned long imp;
  int intg;
  int snd;
  int ntrp;


  /* local variables */
  register int i, j;
  unsigned long wtmr;

#ifdef DEBUG
  retspot_set = retspot_beg = retspot_get = retspot_init = retspot_tr =
      retspot_rc = retspot_out = retspot_in = 0;
#endif // def DEBUG

  /* do nothing, if using FakeDevice */
  if (FakeDevice)
    return 0;

  /* format energy integral */
  bufmsg[0] = (unsigned char) intg;

  /* format sound */
  bufmsg[1] = (unsigned char) snd;

  /* format high voltage do bitshift to get next Byte*/
  bufmsg[7] = (unsigned char) ve;
  ve = (ve >> 8) & 0xff;
  bufmsg[8] = (unsigned char) ve;

  /* format lower threshold do bitshift to get next Byte*/
  bufmsg[9] = (unsigned char) cpl;
  cpl = (cpl >> 8) & 0xff;
  bufmsg[10] = (unsigned char) cpl;

  /* format upper threshold do bitshift to get next Byte*/
  bufmsg[11] = (unsigned char) cph;
  cph = (cph >> 8) & 0xff;
  bufmsg[12] = (unsigned char) cph;

  /* determine and format total counts do bitshift to get next Byte*/
  wtmr = ftmr * KMGHZ;
  bufmsg[13] = (wtmr & 0xff);
  bufmsg[14] = ((wtmr >> 8) & 0xff);
  bufmsg[15] = (wtmr >> 16) & 0xff;
  bufmsg[16] = (wtmr >> 24) & 0xff;

  /* format impulse count do bitshift to get next Byte*/
  bufmsg[17] = (imp & 0xff);
  bufmsg[18] = ((imp >> 8) & 0xff);
  bufmsg[19] = (imp >> 16) & 0xff;
  bufmsg[20] = (imp >> 24) & 0xff;

  /* format interrupt */
  bufmsg[21] = (ntrp & 0xff);

  /* transmit message for NCYCL cycles or until return value is 0 */
  for ( i = 0; i < NCYCL; i++ )
    j = tr_message( CF0, rd, rs, bufmsg, LNGMSG_TR );

    if (j == 0)

    if (j == -2)

#ifdef DEBUG
      retspot_set = 1;
#endif // def DEBUG

      /* controller can't make this function to present time or error code
          function */
      return -2;

  /* if max number of cycles reached and return value is not 0 */
  if (j != 0)

#ifdef DEBUG
    retspot_set = 2;
#endif // def DEBUG

    return -1;

#ifdef DEBUG
  retspot_set = 0;
#endif // def DEBUG

  /* exit positively */
  return 0;


  procedure: begwrk
  purpose:   issue command to controller
  synopsis:  int CALLTYPE begwrk( fun, rd, rs )
  input:     fun = code of command to issue:
               1 = count impulses during exposure time
               2 = count time when number of impulses is set
               3 = intensimeter
               5 = stop controller
             int rd = data port address, (data register)
             int rs = control port address, that identifies controller (state
  result:    0 = operation successful
             -1 = communication error
             -2 = controller can't make this function to present time or error
                  code function
             -3 = parameter error (unknown command)

#ifdef DEBUG
int retspot_beg;
#endif // def DEBUG

int CALLTYPE begwrk( fun, rd, rs )
  int fun, rs, rd;

  register int i, j;
  /* buffer of receive/transmit message */
  unsigned char bufmsg[LNGMSG];

#ifdef DEBUG
  retspot_set = retspot_beg = retspot_get = retspot_init = retspot_tr =
      retspot_rc = retspot_out = retspot_in = 0;
#endif // def DEBUG

  /* do nothing, if using FakeDevice */
  if (FakeDevice)
    return 0;

  /* depending on the command to issue... (function code filter) */
  switch (fun)

    /* count impulses during exposure time */
    case 1:

    /* count time when number of impulses is set */
    case 2:

    /* intensimeter */
    case 3:

    /* stop controller */
    case 5:

      /* transmit message NCYCL cycles or until return value is 0 */
      for ( i = 0; i < NCYCL; i++ )
        j = tr_message( fun, rd, rs, bufmsg, 0 );

        if (j == 0)

        if (j == -2)

#ifdef DEBUG
            retspot_beg = 1;
#endif // def DEBUG

            return -2;

      /* if unknown return code */
      if (j != 0)

#ifdef DEBUG
        retspot_beg = 2;
#endif // def DEBUG

        /* return error code */
        return -1;

#ifdef DEBUG
      retspot_beg = 0;
#endif // def DEBUG

      /* exit positively */
      return 0;

    /* unknown command */
    default :

#ifdef DEBUG
      retspot_beg = 3;
#endif // def DEBUG

      /* return error code */
      return -3;


  procedure: getinf
  purpose:   get information from controller
  synopsis:  int CALLTYPE getinf( fun, rd, rs, ftmr, imp )
  input:     int fun = function code
             int rd = data port address, (data register)
             int rs = control port address, that identifies controller (state
             double ftmr = exposure time
             unsigned long imp = impulse count
  result:    0 = operation successful
             -1 = communication error
             -2 = controller can't make this function to present time or error
                  code function
             -3 = parameter error
             -4 = data isn't ready

#ifdef DEBUG
int retspot_get;
#endif // def DEBUG

int CALLTYPE getinf( fun, rd, rs, ftmr, imp )
  int fun, rd, rs;

  double * ftmr;
  unsigned long * imp;

  register int i, j;
  double wftmr;
  unsigned long wimp, wtmr, ww;
  unsigned char * p;
  int l;
  /* buffer receive message */
  unsigned char bufmsg[LNGMSG];

#ifdef DEBUG
  retspot_set = retspot_beg = retspot_get = retspot_init = retspot_tr =
      retspot_rc = retspot_out = retspot_in = 0;
#endif // def DEBUG

  if (FakeDevice)
    *ftmr = 0.0;
    *imp = 0;
    return 0;

  switch (fun)

    /* receive result time and impulses */
    case 9:

    /* receive current time and impulses */
    case 0x0b:

      for ( i = 0; i < NCYCL; i++ )

        l = 0;
        j = rc_message( fun, rd, rs, bufmsg, LNGMSG, &l );

        if ( j == 0 )

        if ( j == -2 )

#ifdef DEBUG
          retspot_get = 1;
#endif // def DEBUG

          return -2;

        if ( j == -4 )

#ifdef DEBUG
          retspot_get = 2;
#endif // def DEBUG

          return -4;


      if ( j != 0 )

#ifdef DEBUG
        retspot_get = 3;
#endif // def DEBUG

        /* error communicate */
        return -1;

      /* read number of counts do Bitshifts to cycle through
      the four Bytes of the bufmsg that represent the longint*/
      p = bufmsg;
      wtmr = 0;

      ww = 0;
      ww = *p;
      wtmr = wtmr + ww;

      ww = 0;
      ww = *p;
      ww = ww << 8;
      wtmr = wtmr + ww;

      ww = 0;
      ww = *p;
      ww = ww << 16;
      wtmr = wtmr + ww;

      ww = 0;
      ww = *p;
      ww = ww << 24;
      wtmr = wtmr + ww;

      /* turn number of counts into exposure time */
      wftmr = wtmr;
      *ftmr = wftmr / (KMGHZ);

      /* read impulse count do Bitshifts to cycle through
      the four Bytes of the bufmsg that represent the longint*/
      wimp = 0;

      ww = 0;
      ww = *p;
      wimp = wimp + ww;

      ww = 0;
      ww = *p;
      ww = ww << 8;
      wimp = wimp + ww;

      ww = 0;
      ww = *p;
      ww = ww << 16;
      wimp = wimp + ww;

      ww = 0;
      ww = *p;
      ww = ww << 24;
      wimp = wimp + ww;

      *imp = wimp;

#ifdef DEBUG
      retspot_get = 0;
#endif // def DEBUG

      /* exit positively */
      return 0;

    /* parameter error */
    default :

#ifdef DEBUG
      retspot_get = 4;
#endif // def DEBUG

      return -3;


  procedure: init_b
  purpose:   load programm to monitor
  synopsis:  int CALLTYPE init_b ( pBuf, BufSize, rd, rs )
  input:     unsigned char * pBuf = buffer for data to transmit
             unsigned int BufSize = number of bytes to transmit
             int rd = data port address, (data register)
             int rs = control port address, that identifies controller (state
  result:    0 = operation successful
             -1 = communication error
             -2 = controller reject connect
             -3 = buffer length bigger than maximum length

#ifdef DEBUG
int retspot_init;
#endif // def DEBUG

int CALLTYPE init_b ( pBuf, BufSize, rd, rs )

  unsigned char * pBuf;
  unsigned int BufSize;
  int rd, rs;


  /* local variables */
  register int i, j;
  int d;

#ifdef DEBUG
  retspot_set = retspot_beg = retspot_get = retspot_init = retspot_tr =
      retspot_rc = retspot_out = retspot_in = 0;
#endif // def DEBUG

  /* do nothing, if using FakeDevice */
  if (FakeDevice)
    return 0;

  /* fail with error code -3, if file is bigger than LNGPRG bytes */
  if (BufSize > LNGPRG)

#ifdef DEBUG
      retspot_init = 1;
#endif // def DEBUG

      return -3;

  /* retrieve current time */
  i = crnt_time();

  /* timeout after reset controller for TMOUT * 50 mseconds */
  while (1)
    j = crnt_time();
    if (j - i < 0)
      i = j;
    if (j - i > TMOUT)

#ifndef __WIN32__

  /* d = inp(rd); */
    sub ax, ax; // initialize ax
    mov dx, rd; // copy data out of rd in dx (16 Bit)
    /* get data from port stored in dx and write data to the lower Byte (8 Bit)
        of the accumulator */
    in  al, dx; 
    mov d, ax; // copy data out of ax (16 Bit) to d

#endif // ndef __WIN32__

  /* stop controller */
  begwrk ( CF5, rd, rs );

  /* transmit message NCYCL cycles or until return value is 0 */
  for ( i = 0; i < NCYCL; i++ )
    j = tr_message( CFF, rd, rs, pBuf, BufSize );
    if ( j == -2 )

#ifdef DEBUG
      retspot_init = 2;
#endif // def DEBUG

      return -2;
    if ( j == 0 )

  /* if max number of cycles reached return error */
  if ( i == NCYCL )

#ifdef DEBUG
    retspot_init = 3;
#endif // def DEBUG

    return -1;

  /* ? */
  if ( d == MONIT )
    i = in_byte( rd, rs, &d );
    if ( d == PROGR )

#ifdef DEBUG
      retspot_init = 0;
#endif // def DEBUG

      return 0;

#ifdef DEBUG
  retspot_init = 0;
#endif // def DEBUG

  return 0;


  procedure: reset
  purpose:   reset controller
  synopsis:  void CALLTYPE reset( rs )
  input:     int rs = port address, that identifies controller (state register)
  result:    nothing

void CALLTYPE reset( rs )

  int rs;


  /* do nothing, if using FakeDevice */
  if (FakeDevice)

#ifndef __WIN32__

  /* first write state register (port address, that identifies controller) into
     data register. then write lower byte of accumulator register to the data
     register */
  _asm {
    mov dx, rs;
    out dx, al;

#endif // ndef __WIN32__


// __LastLine__

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