What spreadsheets are to numbers, process mining is to events (bibtex)
by Matthias Weidlich
What spreadsheets are to numbers, process mining is to events (Matthias Weidlich), In Inform. Spektrum, volume 42, 2019.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Matthias Weidlich},
  title     = {What spreadsheets are to numbers, process mining is to events},
  journal   = {Inform. Spektrum},
  volume    = {42},
  number    = {5},
  pages     = {327--331},
  year      = {2019},
  url       = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00287-019-01198-7},
  doi       = {10.1007/s00287-019-01198-7},
  timestamp = {Sun, 25 Jul 2021 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl    = {https://dblp.org/rec/journals/insk/Weidlich19.bib},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org},
  pdf       = {https://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/%7eweidlima/pubs/weidlich_insk_2019_spreadsheets_numbers_process.pdf}