SMART: A tool for analyzing and reconciling schema matching networks (Nguyen Quoc Viet Hung, Thanh Tam Nguyen, Vinh Tuan Chau, Tri Kurniawan Wijaya, Zoltán Miklós, Karl Aberer, Avigdor Gal, and Matthias Weidlich), In 31st IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2015, Seoul, South Korea, April 13-17, 2015 (Johannes Gehrke, Wolfgang Lehner, Kyuseok Shim, Sang Kyun Cha, Guy M. Lohman, eds.), IEEE Computer Society, 2015.
Bibtex Entry:
author = {Nguyen Quoc Viet Hung and
Thanh Tam Nguyen and
Vinh Tuan Chau and
Tri Kurniawan Wijaya and
Zolt{\'{a}}n Mikl{\'{o}}s and
Karl Aberer and
Avigdor Gal and
Matthias Weidlich},
editor = {Johannes Gehrke and
Wolfgang Lehner and
Kyuseok Shim and
Sang Kyun Cha and
Guy M. Lohman},
title = {{SMART:} {A} tool for analyzing and reconciling schema matching networks},
booktitle = {31st {IEEE} International Conference on Data Engineering, {ICDE} 2015,
Seoul, South Korea, April 13-17, 2015},
pages = {1488--1491},
publisher = {{IEEE} Computer Society},
year = {2015},
url = {},
doi = {10.1109/ICDE.2015.7113408},
timestamp = {Sat, 09 Apr 2022 01:00:00 +0200},
biburl = {},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,},
pdf = {}