Pattern Recognition Books
Fachbücher zur Mustererkennung bei Amazon
Fachbücher zur Mustererkennung bei Lehmanns
Fachbücher zur Objekterkennung bei Amazon
Fachbücher zur Objekterkennung bei Lehmanns
Allen, C.R.; Yung, H.C.: Vision Assistant software: A practical introduction to image processing and PR. Chapman & Hall, ISBN 0412592207
Allerhand, M.: Knowledge-based speech PR. Computer Press, ISBN 1850912602
Anzai, Yuichiro: PR and machine learning. Academic Press, ISBN 0120588307
Banks, S.: Signal processing, image processing and PR. Prentice Hall, ISBN 0138125791
Beale, Russell; Finlay, Janet: Neural networks and PR in human computer interaction. Ellis Horwood, ISBN 0136269958
Benker, H.: Ingenieurmathematik mit Computeralgebrasystemen. Braunschweig: Vieweg 1998, ISBN 3528056738
Bishop, Christopher M.; Hinton, Geoffrey: Neural networks for PR. Clarendon Press, ISBN 0198538642
Bow, Sing-Tze: PR and image preprocessing. Dekker, ISBN 0824785835
Brereton, R.G. [Ed.]: Multivariate PR in Chemometrics: Illustrated by Case Studies. Elsevier, ISBN 0444897836
Bunke, H.; Sanfeliu, A.: Syntactic and structural PR: Theory and applications. World Scientific, ISBN 9971505525
Burch, S.F.; Payne, R.G.: A physically based PR approach to ultrasonic characterisation of machined reflectors in steel. UK Atomic Energy, ISBN 0705810526
Carpenter, Gail A.; Grossberg, Stephen: PR by self-organizing neural networks. MIT Press, ISBN 0262031760
Chen, C.H.; Pau, L.F.: Handbook of PR and computer vision. World Scientific, ISBN 9810211368
Chen, C.H. [Ed.]: Neural networks in PR and their applications. World Scientific, ISBN 9810207662
Chen, C.H.: PR and signal processing. Kluwer, ISBN 9028609784
Cherkassy, V.; Friedman, J.H.: From statistics to neural networks: theory and PR applications. Berlin: Springer, ISBN 3540581995
Chien, Yi-Tzuu: Interactive PR. Marcel Dekker, ISBN 0824766318
Collings, N.: Optical PR using holographic techniques. Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0201145499
Coomans, D.; Broeckaert, I.: Potential PR in chemical and medical decision making. Research Studies, ISBN 0863800416
Das, P.P.; Chatterji, B.N.: PR, image processing and computer vision: Recent advances. Narosa Pub, ISBN 8173190860
Devroye, L.; Gyorfi, L.: A probabilistic theory of PR. Springer, ISBN 0387946187
Dori, D.; Bruckstein, A.: Shape, structure and PR. World Scientific, ISBN 9810222394
Duda, R.; Hart, P.: Pattern Classification. John Wiley 2001, ISBN 1428813837 (in ZLS)
Duda, R.; Hart, P.: Распознавание образов и анализ сцен. Moskau: Verlag Mir, 1976
Fukunaga, K.: Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition, Elsevier 1990
Gelsema, E.S.; Kanal, L.N.: PR and Artificial Intelligence. North-Holland, ISBN 0444871373
Girod, B.; Greiner, G.; Niemann, H. (editors): Principles of 3D Image Analysis and Synthesis. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers 2000
Johnsonbaugh, Richard; Gose, Earl: PR with image analysis. Prentice Hall, ISBN 0132364158
Klir, G.J.: New methods and theories in PR. Gordon & Breach, ISBN 2881244394
Lipinski, H.G.: Einführung in die Medizintechnische Informatik. München: Oldenbourg 1998
Krishnaiah, P.R.: Classification, PR and Reduction of Dimensionality. North-Holland
Maltoni, D. et al.: Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition (incl. CD). Berlin: Springer 2005, ISBN 0387954317
McLachlan, G. Discriminant analysis and statistical PR. John Wiley
Moharir, P.S.: PR transforms. Research Studies, ISBN 0863801374
Nadler, M.; Smith, E.: PR engineering. John Wiley, ISBN 0471622931
Niemann, H.: Methoden der Mustererkennung. Frankfurt: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft 1974
Niemann, H.: Pattern Analysis. Berlin: Springer 1982
Niemann, H.: Klassifikation von Mustern. Berlin: Springer 1983, ISBN 3540126422 (in ZLS)
Niemann, H.; Bunke, H.: Künstliche Intelligenz in Bild- und Sprachanalyse. Stuttgart: B.G. Teubner 1987
Niemann, H.: Pattern Analysis and Understanding. Berlin: Springer 1990
Niemann, H.: Klassifikation von Mustern. Berlin: Springer 2003 (online)
Nigrin, A.: Neural networks for PR. Bradford Books. ISBN 0262140543
Oja, E.: Subspace methods of PR. Research Studies, ISBN 0863800106
Pal, S.K.; Wong, P.P.: Genetic algorithms for PR. CRC Press, ISBN 0849394678
Pandya, A.S.; Macy, R.B.: PR with neural networks and C++. CRC Press, ISBN 0849394627
Pao, Y.H.: Adaptive PR and Neural Networks. Addison Wesley 1992
Paulus, D.W.R.: PR and Image Processing in C++. Vieweg 1995
Pavel, M.: Fundamentals of PR. Dekker, ISBN 0824788834
Plamondon, R.; Cheng, D.H.: PR architectures, algorithms and applications. World Scientific, ISBN 9810206046
Ranganathan, N. [Ed.]: VLSI and parallel computing for PR and artificial intelligence. World Scientific, ISBN 9810223129
Renton, Peter: Orthopaedic radiology: PR and differential diagnosis. Martin Dunitz, ISBN 0948269588
Ripley, B.D.: PR and neural networks. Cambridge UP, ISBN 0521460867
Sagerer, G.; Niemann, H.: Semantic Networks for Understanding Scenes. New York: Plenum Press 1997
Schalkoff, Robert J.: PR statistical, structural and neural approaches. John Wiley, ISBN 0471529745
Sinvhal, Amita; Sinvhal, Harsha: Seismic modelling and PR in oil exploration. Kluwer, ISBN 0792314875
Skrzypek, J.: Neural networks in vision and PR. World Scientific, ISBN 9810210140
Steinbrecher, R.: Bildverarbeitung in der Praxis. München, Wien: Oldenbourg 1993 (vergriffen) ISBN 3-486-22372-0
Suen, C.Y.; Wang, P.S.P.: Thinning methodologies for PR. World Scientific, ISBN 9810214820
Theodorides, S.; Koutroumbas, K.: Pattern Recognition. Academic Press 2008, ISBN 1597492728 (in ZLS)
Therrien, C.W.: Decision, estimation and classification: An introduction to PR and related topics. John Wiley Inc.
Udpa, S. and L.: Signal processing and PR for non destructive evaluation. Chapman & Hall, ISBN 0412431300
Vaughan, R.A. [Ed.]: PR and image processing in physics. IOP, ISBN 075030121X
Watanabe, Satosi: PR: Human and mechanical. John Wiley, ISBN 0471808156
Watt, R.: Vision and visual dysfunction: PR by man and machine. Macmillan Press, ISBN 0333496353
Young, Tzay Y.; Fu, King-Sun: Handbook of PR and image processing. Academic Press, ISBN 0127745602
Dr.-Ing. O. Hochmuth