

S. Garda, L. Weber-Genzel, R. Martin and U. Leser. 2023. BELB: a Biomedical Entity Linking Benchmark . Bioinformatics; btad698.


S. Peidli, T. D. Green, C. Shen, T. Gross, J. Min, S. Garda, J. P. Taylor-King, D. S. Marks, A. Luna, N. Blüthgen and C. Sander. 2022. scPerturb: Information Resource for Harmonized Single-Cell Perturbation Data. Workshop learning meaningful representations of life @NeurIPS.

L. Weber, M. Sänger, S. Garda, F. Barth, C. Alt and U. Leser. 2022. Chemical-Protein Relation Extraction with Ensembles of Carefully Tuned Pretrained Language Models. Database (Oxford).

J.A. Fries+, L. Weber+, N. Seelam+, G. Altay+, D. Datta*, S. Garda*, M. Kang*, R. Su*, W. Kusa*, S. Cahyawijaya*, F. Barth*, S. Ott*, M. Samwald*, S. Bach*, S. Biderman*, M. Sänger* et al. (2022). BigBio: A Framework for Data-Centric Biomedical Natural Language Processing. Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Datasets and Benchmarks Track. + Shared First Author, * Shared Second Author.

S. Garda, F. Lenihan-Geels, S. Proft, S. Hochmuth, M. Schülke, D. Seelow and U. Leser. 2022. RegEl corpus: Identifying DNA regulatory elements in the scientific literature. Database (Oxford).

J.A. Fries*, N. Seelam*, G. Altay*, L. Weber*, M. Kang*, D. Datta*, R. Su*, S. Garda*, B. Wang, S. Ott, M. Samwald, W. Kusa (2022). Dataset Debt in Biomedical Language Modeling. Workshop on Challenges & Perspectives in Creating Large Language Models 2022 (accepted). *:Equal contribution


L. Weber, J. Münchmeyer, S. Garda and U. Leser. 2021. Extend, don't rebuild: Phrasing conditional graph modification as autoregressive sequence labelling. In Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pages 1213–1224, Online and Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. Association for Computational Linguistics.

S. Garda, J. M. Schwarz, M. Schülke, U. Leser, and D. Seelow. 2021. Public data sources for regulatory genomic features.. Medizinische Genetik


J. Risch, S. Garda and R. Krestel. 2020. Hierarchical document classification as a sequence generation task. In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2020 (pp. 147-155).

I. Namor, P. Totis, S. Garda and M. Stede. 2019. Mining Italian Short Argumentative Texts. In Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics.

J. Risch, S. Garda and R. Krestel. 2018. Book Recommendation Beyond the Usual Suspects. In International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries (pp. 227-239). Springer, Cham.

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