> Projekt: Software-Sanierung
> Projekt-Management > Installation,
Programmdateien und Web-Dokumentation > Guide
to compiling and using the XCTL system
Installation, Programmdateien und Web-Dokumentation
Guide to compiling and using the XCTL system
The XCTL system is a 16 Bit Windows application. It is used to operate several
cotroller cards but still can be run without any peripheral hardware and without
the controller cards. There is a special version of the application available
that is configured to use internal environment simulation. This version is being
used in our project for developing and primary testing. The following steps
describe how to install the application on your computer, how to compile the
corresponding sources with Borland C++ and how to run the application.
- Software requirements:
Microsoft Windows 3.1 (or higher)
Borland C++ 4.5 (or 5.02)
Pkunzip (or Winzip
or any tool that is able to extract files from .zip-archives)
- Copy the file XCTLSRCS.ZIP (about 1.3 MBytes)
to your local harddisk.
- Extract the contents of this file to a folder of your choice (default is
After extracting there will be a directory XCTLTEST which contains several
other directories (the "subsystems") and the file XCONTROL.IDE.
- Start Borland C++.
- Choose Project -> Open... and open XCONTROL.IDE.
- The default project options assume that your Borland C++ is installed in
If this is not the case you should adjust the path settings as follows:
- Choose Options -> Project -> Directories.
- Adjust the include path entry "c:\bc\include" to the appropriate
value (change "c:\bc" to the installation directory of your
Borland C++).
- Leave all other entries unchanged.
- You are able to switch from German to English language (in dialogs and menus)
by commenting out the "#define GermanVersion" line in "XCTLTEST\INCLUDE\WINRESRC\RC_DEF.H".
- You are now ready to compile the application using the appropriate entry
in the Project menu.
- After you have built the application you should copy the file SPHELP.HLP
to the directory "XCTLTEST\EXE" to have access to the online help
(that unfortunately is available in German only).
- To run the application execute DEVELOP.EXE (to be found in the directory
- Some suggestions on how to use the application are available in the requirements
specification "Manual
If you experience any problems feel free to send me an email message. My email
address is schuetzl@informatik.hu-berlin.de.
Kay Schützler