Short description

ATOSj was developed by Volker Janetschek and Nicos Tegos as part of their diploma thesis (german). It's a tool for the development and execution of automated regression tests of Graphic User Interfaces (GUIs) of Java applications, whose GUIs have been developed using the Swing or the SWT (up to v3.2) framework.

The manual test of a GUI can take much time and is error prone. ATOSj provides a graphical user interface for the creation, (automatic) execution and evaluation of HTS test sequences. The test sequences can be created and executed using the capture-and-replay-technique. ATOSj provides also support for editing captured test sequences or for creating them from scratch. It's possible to check conditions during the test, e.g. the value of a text field. Moreover ATOSj also supports the export of the test results as PDF reports.

Further information on the concept, usage of ATOSj and test scription language HTS can be obtained in the documentation section below.

Getting started

ATOSj is easy to use. You must fulfill only one condition, a installed Java version. Now you can unzip the zip-file and execute ATOSj.bat to start the program. At the moment, ATOSj supports the languages english and german.

zip-file (4.9 MB)


The sources of ATOSj can be downloaded as a zipfile (7.3 MB).


  • ATOSj User Guide (ger), ATOSj User Guide (eng)
    Here you find information on the features of ATOSj, how you can use ATOSj to create and execute your regression test sequences, how you create PDF reports of your test runs and how you can extend ATOSj for new components.

  • HTS-specification (ger) (Scripting language witch ATOSj use)
    Here you find a information on the syntax and semantics of the HTS scripting language.