September 16.
- M. Ivanovic, Novi Sad:
- New curricula in CS at Dept. of Mathematics and Informatics, Novi Sad
- B. Josanov, Novi Sad:
- New curriculum for software engineers in new Higher Business School, Novi Sad
- D. Bojic, Belgrade:
- Changes in the curriculum of ETF Belgrade (ppt
- N. Grujovic, R. Slavkovic, Kragujevac:
- An overview of TEMPUS project for designing and improving of CS curricula at University of Kragujevac
- P. Stanimirovic, Nis:
- An overview of TEMPUS project for designing and improving of some subjects in CS curriculum at Faculty of Science, Nis
- K. Bothe, Berlin:
- A joint course on software engineering: a challenge for cooperation,
education and research (pdf format)
- K. Zdravkova, Skopje:
- Concept of a multilingual virtual classroom network for a software engineering
module (ppt format)
September 17.
- Z. Budimac, Novi Sad:
- The structure of the SE course web site
- K. Bothe, Berlin:
- Five years of SE course at HU - experience, conclusions, didactic principles
(pdf format)
- K. Zdravkova, Skopje:
- SE curriculum in CC2001 made by IEEE and ACM: Overview and ideas for
our work (ppt format)
- K. Bothe, Berlin:
- 1. What is software engineering
- K. Zdravkova, Skopje:
- 3. Software process models - introduction
- K. Bothe, Berlin:
- 4. Basic concepts and software development documents
- K. Bothe, Berlin:
- 5. Results of the phase 'analysis and definition'
- N. Ibrajter, Novi Sad:
- Case study 'Seminar organization': Requirements specification (part of 5.)
September 18.
- K. Schützler, Berlin:
- M. Ivanovic, Novi Sad:
- V. Ajanovski, Skopje:
- Z. Putnik, Novi Sad:
- Z. Budimac, Novi Sad:
September 19.
- D. Bojic, Belgrade:
- Z. Budimac, Novi Sad:
- 24. Quality of software development and its standardization
- M. Kresojevic & I. Pribela, Novi Sad:
- Implementation of a case study (Seminar organization)
- K. Bothe, Berlin, Z. Budimac, Novi Sad:
- Assignments (practical exercises) in a SE course (ppt-Format)
- Other topics and discussion (examinations, literature, case studies:
present and future, further development of slides: additions + content
+ quality, organizational rules for further development of slides, version
management and information system) (ppt-Format)
- Round table discussion:
September 20.
- D. Bojic, Belgrade:
- Experience from the maintenance phase in international projects (ppt
- D. Tosic, Belgrade:
- From simple games to multi-layer applications in Java
- N. Mitic, Belgrade:
- Experience in the project of creating multi-media textbook in analytical geometry
- A. Misev, Skopje:
- Workshops on "SE over the internet" - ideas for our project organization
- K. Bothe, Berlin:
- B. Botev & R. Gospodinov, Plovdiv:
- Experiments with the XCTL system - Refactoring use case 'Line Scan'
- Z. Budimac, Novi Sad:
- New version of the requirements specification 'Manual Adjustment'
- D. Bojic, Belgrade:
- Porting XCTL from Borland C++ to Visual C++ (ppt
September 21.
© 2002, Kay Schützler (E-Mail,