August 25.
- Klaus Bothe:
- Three years of cooperation under the auspices of stability pact for SEE (ppt-format)
- Slavko Maric:
- Background concerning the home institute, education, and research (ppt-format)
- Kay Schuetzler, Ulrich Sacklowski, Klaus Bothe:
- Progression of the XCTL system (ppt-format)
- Asya Stoyanova-Doytcheva, Bojan Botev, Radin Gospodinov:
- Experiments with the XCTL system (...-format)
- Ulrich Sacklowski:
- Visualization of the use of XCTL by multimedia means (ppt-format)
- Milos Cvetanovic:
- Architectural investigation of XCTL by URCA (ppt-format)
- Anastas Misev, Vangel Ajanovski:
- Evaluation of databases on software projects (ppt-format)
- Vangel Ajanovski, Anastas Misev:
- International workshops on global software development (ppt-format)
August 26.
- Luan Jubica:
- Background concerning the home institute, education, and research (ppt-format)
- Klaus Bothe:
- The joint course on software engineering: past, present, and future (ppt-format)
- Zoran Budimac:
- Klaus Bothe, Zoran Budimac:
- Review reports: A means to collect experience and feedback (ppt-format)
- Zoran Budimac, Klaus Bothe:
- Style and usage guides for slides: textual and animated version (ppt-format)
- Klaus Bothe:
- Update policy (ppt-format)
- Katerina Zdravkova:
- Copyright policy (ppt-format)
- Zoran Budimac:
- Experience with the course in Novi Sad (ppt-format)
August 27.
- Ioan Jurca:
- Background concerning the home institute, education, and research (ppt-format)
- Klaus Bothe:
- On the structure of the course on software engineering (ppt-format)
- Zoran Budimac:
- 1. What is software engineering?
- Katerina Zdravkova:
- 3. Software process models
- Dragan Bojic:
- 4. Basic concepts for describing software development documents
- Zoran Budimac:
- 5. Results of the phase "analysis and definition"
- Mihajlo Kresojevic, Ivan Pribela, Natasa Ibrajter:
- Implementation of a case study ("Seminar Organization") (ppt-format)
- Natasa Ibrajter:
- 7. Basic concepts of function-oriented view
- Asya Stoyanova-Doytcheva:
- 11. Basic concepts of state-oriented view
August 28.
- Novica Nosovic:
- Background concerning the home institute, education, and research (ppt-format)
- Zoran Budimac:
- 10. Structured analysis
- 13. Object-oriented analysis
- Mirjana Ivanovic:
- 14. Formal software specifications
- Zoran Putnik:
- 15. Overview of design activities
- 16. Structured design
- 17. Object-oriented design
August 29.
- Damir Kalpic, Kresimir Fertalj:
- Background concerning the home institute, education, and research (ppt-format)
- Boro Jakimovski:
- Kay Schuetzler:
- 28. Configuration management
- Kay Schuetzler, Zoran Budimac:
- Assignments in a software engineering course (ppt-format)
- Sam Joachim:
- Current trends in e-learning and their impact on the JCSE (ppt-format)
- Emil Doytchev, Malina Georgieva, Stanimir Stoyanov:
- DeLC - Distributed e-learning center (...-format)
- Katerina Zdravkova:
- E-learning opportunities for the JCSE - prototype 1 (ppt-format)
- Stanimir Stoyanov, Emil Doytchev:
- E-learning opportunities for the JCSE - prototype 2 (...-format)
August 30.
© 2003, Kay Schützler (E-Mail,