Programme of the Berlin Coordination Meeting


  1. Preparation of the 4th Workshop (September 2004, Zagreb)
  2. Discussion of future project themes
  3. Discussion of selected fields of interest

Detailed Program

'responsible' means
- to give some introduction
- after which we will start with the discussion of the participants

  1. Goals of this meeting (Klaus),
  2. Usage reports of the joint course (responsible: Zoran, Keti)
  3. Presentation of new topics of the JCSE:
  4. Review reports of JCSE topics connected with the Ohrid workshop: some conclusions (Zoran)
  5. Educational projects (Ioan)
  6. Case studies:
  7. National versions of the JCSE
  8. Tool support for producing national versions (Sam)
  9. New courses: evaluation of the questionnaires and conclusions
  10. Students feedback sheets (Klaus)
  11. XCTL (responsible: Kay)
  12. Preparation of the Zagreb workshop:

© 2004, Kay Schützler (E-Mail, Homepage)