Taken and slightly adapted from the book:

Braude, E., “Software Engineering - An Object Oriented Perspective”, John Wiley and sons, 2001


Software Design Document for Encounter Role-Playing Game


History of versions of this document.

NN/NN/NN K. Peters: Initial draft

NN/NN/NN K. Peters: outline completed

NN/NN/NN E. Braun: detection of defects

NN/NN/NN K. Peters: incorporated comments by E. Braun

NN/NN/NN K. Peters: added decomposition by use case model and state model

25. July 2004 Update: Živana Komlenov (Novi Sad) analysed the document and removed remarks for students and other comments. Furthermore comments on deviation from IEEE Std 1016-1998 (Revision of IEEE Std 1016-1987) Recommended Practice for Software Design were added as endnotes in the text.

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

This document describes the design of the Encounter role-playing game.

1.2 Scope

This design is for the prototype version of Encounter, which is a demonstration of architecture, detailed design, and documentation techniques. The architecture is intended as the basis for interesting versions in the future. This description excludes the framework classes, whose design is provided in document SDD NN.

1.3 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations


2. References

"Role-Playing Game Architecture Framework".

Braude, E. J., Software Engineering: an Object-oriented perspective

UML: The Unified Modeling Language User Guide by G. Booch, J. Rumbaugh and I. Jacobson, Addison-Wesley Pub Co; ISBN: 0-201-57168-4

IEEE standard 1016-1987 (reaffirmed 1993) guidelines for generating a Software Design Document

3. Decomposition description[1]

The Encounter application is provided using three models: use case, class (object) model, and state. In addition, the relationship between the domain packages of Encounter and the framework will be shown.

3.1 Module decomposition (object model)

The package architecture for Encounter is shown in figure 5.49.

Figure 5.49 Architecture and Modularization of Encounter Role-Playing Game

The three packages are EncounterGame, EncounterCharacters and EncounterEnvironment. These have facade classes EncounterGame, EncounterCast, and EncounterEnvironment respectively. The facade class of each package has exactly one instantiation, and is an interface through which all dealings with the package take place. The remaining classes are not accessible from outside the package. (See section 3.2.1 and [Ga] for a complete description of the Facade design pattern.)

3.1.1 EncounterGame package

The EncounterGame package consists of the classes controlling the progress of the game as a whole. The package is designed to react to user actions (events). 

 3.1.2 EncounterCharacters package

The EncounterCharacters package encompasses the characters involved in the game. These include character(s) under the control of the player, together with the foreign characters.

3.1.3 EncounterEnvironment package 

The EncounterEnvironment package describes the physical layout of Encounter, including the areas and the connections between them. It does not include moveable items, if any.

3.2 Concurrent process decomposition

There are two concurrent processes in Encounter. The first is the main action of the game, in which the player manually moves the main character from area to adjacent area. The second consists of the movement of the foreign character from area to adjacent areas.

3.3 Data decomposition

The data structures flowing among the packages are defined by the Area, EncounterCharacter, and EncounterAreaConnection classes.

3.4 State model decomposition

Encounter consists of the states shown in figure 5.50.


Figure 5.50 Encounter State-Transition Diagram

3.5 Use case model decomposition[2]

Encounter consists of three use cases: Initialize and Engage Foreign Character, as shown in figure 5.51.


Figure 5.51 Encounter use cases

These use cases are explained in detail in the SRS, sections 2.2, and are detailed later in this document.

4. Dependency description[3]

This section describes the dependencies for the various decompositions described in section 3.

4.1 Inter-module dependencies (object model)

The dependencies among package interfaces are shown in figure 5.52.

Figure 5.52 Architecture of Encounter

The EncounterGame package depends on all of the other Encounter packages.

The EncounterEnvironment package is designed to depend on the EncounterCharacters package. This is because the game's character interaction takes place only in the context of the environment. In particular, Area objects are responsible for determining the presence of the player's character together with the foreign character.

Dependencies among non-interface classes are explained later in this document.

4.2 Inter-process dependencies

When an engagement takes place, the process of moving the main character about, and the process controlling the movement of the foreign character, interact.

4.3 Data dependencies

The data structures flowing among the packages are defined by the classes, whose mutual dependencies are described in section six of this document.

4.4 State dependencies

Each state is related to the states into which the game can transition from it.

4.5 Layer dependencies

The Encounter application depends on the Role-playing game framework as shown in figure 5.53.

Figure 5.53 Framework / Application Dependency

Each application package uses exactly one framework package.

5. Interface Description

This section describes the interfaces for the object model. Note that several of the classes described are defined in the design description of the Role-playing Game Framework.

5.1 Module interfaces

5.1.1 Interface to the EncounterGame package

The interface to the EncounterGame package is provided by the theEncounterGame object of the EncounterGame facade class. It consists of the following.

1. EncounterGame getTheEncounterGame() // gets the only instance

2. GameState getState() // current state of the EncounterGame instance

3. void setState( GameState ) // -- of the EncounterGame instance

// Any event affecting the single EncounterGame instance:

4. void handleEvent( AWTEvent )

5.1.2 Interface to the EncounterCharacters package

The interface to the EncounterCharacters package is provided by the theEncounterCast object of the EncounterCast facade class. It consists of the following.

1. EncounterCast getTheEncounterCast() // gets the single instance

2. GameCharacter getThePlayerCharacter() // i.e., the unique character

3. GameCharacter getTheForeignCharacter() // the unique character

5.1.3 Interface to EncounterEnvironment package

The interface to the EncounterEnvironment package is provided by the theEncounterEnvironment object of the EncounterEnvironment facade class. It consists of the following.

1. EncounterEnvironment getTheEncounterEnvironment() // gets the facade object

5.2 Process interface

5.2.1 Player character movement process

The interfaces to the process which moves the player's character about the game, consists of the graphical user interfaces specified in the SRS. The process reacts to events described in section 3.4, and these are handled by the EncounterGame package, in accordance with its specification, described later in this document.

5.2.2 Foreign character movement process

The process of moving the foreign character is a separate process associated with, and controlled by the CharacterMovement object. This process is controlled by the methods inherited from java.lang.Thread.

6. Detailed design for Encounter

The overall architecture showing the relationships among the packages, and the domain classes, described in this section is shown in figure 6.52.

Figure 6.52 Video Game Architecture Packages, Showing Domain Classes

6.1 Module detailed design for Encounter

6.1.1 The EncounterGame package

The state diagram for Encounter is shown in chapter three. To realize these states and transitions, the EncounterGame package object model is designed as in figure 6.53.

Figure 6.53 Detailed Design of EncounterGame Package

There is exactly one instance of the EncounterGame class. The states of this object reflect the states and sub-states shown in the above state-transition diagram. The Engaging state aggregates an Engagement object that encapsulates the engagement of the game characters. The Engagement class aggregates a display called EngagementDisplay. The latter is mouse-sensitive, registering with an RPGMouseEventListener object. When the Encounter game is executed, this listener object references the EncounterGame object (an RPGame object). This enables EncounterGame to handle all events according to its state using the State design pattern. The EncounterGame package has the responsibility of directing the movement of the foreign character over time. This is performed by methods of the class CharacterMovement, which is a thread class.

State classes need to reference other packages in order to implement handleEvent(), and this is done through the facade objects EncounterCast and EncounterEnvironment. The EncounterGameDisplays sub-package of the EncounterGame package

Displays corresponding to some of the states are handled by a separate sub-package, EncounterGameDisplays, which is shown in figure 6.54.

Figure 6.54 Detailed Design of EncounterGameDisplays Sub-Package

QualListDispl is a list box consisting of the qualities of Encounter characters. QualValueDispl is a read-only text box for displaying the value of a quality. SetQualValueDispl is an editable text box for setting the value of a quality. EncounterDisplayItem abstracts the properties and methods of displayable Encounter items such as these.

EngagementDisplay is designed to display the current value of any selected quality. SetQualityDisplay is designed to enable the player to set the value of any quality. EncounterDisplay abstracts the properties of these displays, and is a mediator base class.

This document does not provide further details of the design of these classes. Sequence diagrams for event handling Player dismisses engagement display event

Figure 6.55 shows the sequence involved in dismissing the engagement display. (This dismissal event is shown on the state transition diagram.)

Figure 6.55 Sequence Diagram for Dismiss Engagement Display Player completes setup event

Figure 6.56 shows the sequence involved in setup completing.

Figure 6.56 Sequence Diagram for Player Completes Setup Player moves to adjacent area event

Figure 6.57 shows the sequence when the player moves to an adjacent area by clicking on a connection hyperlink. (This dismissal event is shown on the state transition diagram.)

Figure 6.57 Sequence Diagram for Player Moves to Adjacent Area Sequence diagrams for remaining events

The remaining events are handled very similarly to those described in sections

6.1.1.CM The CharacterMovement class

This class controls the movement of the foreign character.


This class inherits from java.lang.Thread.

Methods of CharacterMovement

public static EncounterGame run();

Starts the foreign character in the dungeon. Moves the foreign character from area to area via area connections, changing areas to a randomly selected neighbor, at random times averaging every two seconds.

6.1.1.EG The EncounterGame class

This is the facade singleton for the EncounterGame package.


This class inherits from RPGame in the framework.

Attributes of EncounterGame

EncounterGame encounterGameS: This is the singleton EncounterGame object

Constructors of EncounterGame

private EncounterGame():

Preconditions: none.

Postconditions: creates an EncounterGame instance.

Methods of EncounterGame

public static EncounterGame getTheEncounterGame();

Preconditions: none.

Postconditions: encounterGameS not null

Returns: encounterGameS

6.1.1.EN The Engagement class

This class encapsulates engagements between the player's character and the foreign character, and corresponds to requirement 3.2.EN.


public void engage(); // corresponds to requirement 3.2.EN.3.1

Preconditions: the player's character and the foreign character are in the same area.

Postconditions: the values of the characters' qualities are as required by SRS requirement 3.2.EN.3.1; the player's character and the foreign character are in random, but different areas.

6.1.1.ZZ The Engaging, Waiting, Preparing, and Reporting classes

[The "ZZ" numbering is used to collect classes that are not specified individually.]


These classes inherit from GameState in the framework package. Each of these classes implements its handleEvent() method in accordance with the sequence diagrams of section

6.1.2 The EncounterCharacters package

The design of the EncounterCharacters package is shown in figure 6.58. It is implemented by the Facade design pattern, with EncounterCast as the facade object.


Figure 6.58 EncounterCharacters Package

6.1.2.EC The EncounterCharacter class

This class encapsulates the requirements for Encounter characters that are not covered by RPGameCharacters. It satisfies requirements SRS 3.2.EC.

Class invariant: The values of qualValueI are non-negative  (see "attributes" below for the definitions of qualValueI).


This class inherits from GameCharacter in the framework package.

Attributes of EncounterCharacter

These satisfy requirement SRS 3.2.EC.1

private static final String[] qualityTypeS

This represents the qualities that Encounter characters possess. These are concentration, stamina, intelligence, patience, and strength.

private String imageFileI

Contains the gif image of the character

Private float[] qualValueI

This is an array containing the values of the qualities.

Private float[] oldValueI

This is an array containing the previous quality values

Constructor of EncounterCharacter

These satisfy requirements 3.2.EC.3 of the SRS 

Null constructor

Postcondition: the qualities are all equal fractions of 100.

protected EncounterCharacter( String nameP )


(1) the qualities are all equal fractions of 100.

(2) the character's name is NameP

Methods of EncounterCharacter

public void showCharacter()

Displays the character, facing left or right as specified.

Known defect: facing right vs. left is performed algorithmically: should be different images.

public float getQualityValue( String qualityP )

public synchronized void adjustQuality( String qualityP, float qualityValueP )

This method satisfies requirement 3.2.EC.3.2.

Invariants: none


qualityP is in qualityTypesS[]

AND qualityValueP >=0

AND qualityValueP <= the sum of the quality values


qualityP has the value qualityValueP


the remaining quality values are in the same proportion as prior to invocation,

except that values less than 0.5 are zero.

The following is the pseudocode for the method adjustQuality().

Set the stated quality to the desired amount

IF the caller adjusts the only non-zero quality value,

divide the adjustment amount equally among all other qualities.

ELSE change the remaining qualities, retaining their mutual proportion,

Set each quality whose value is now less than 0.5 to zero

public float getQualityValue( String qualityP )

Preconditions: qualityP is a valid quality string

Returns: the value of qualityP

public float getOldValue( String qualityP )

Preconditions: qualityP is a valid quality string

Returns: the value of oldQualityP 

public float getTolerance()

Returns: the value below which quality values cannot go  

protected int maxNumCharsInName()

Returns: the maximum number of characters in the names of Encounter characters.

public float sumOfQualities()

Returns: the sum of the values of the qualities

This method satisfies requirement 3.2.EC.3.2

public void showCharacter( Component componentP, Graphics drawP, Point posP, int heightPixP, boolean faceLeftP )

Displays the character in componentP,

with center at posP, with height heightPixP, facing left if faceLeftP true

This method satisfies requirements 3.2.PC.1 and 3.2.PQ.1

private void setQuality( String qualityP, float valueP )

Preconditions: qualityP is a valid quality string

Sets the quality indicated by the parameter to valueP if the latter is >= 0.5, otherwise sets valueP to zero.

This method satisfies requirement 3.2.EC.2 (lower limit on nonzero quality values)

6.1.2.ES The EncounterCast class

The method specifications for this singleton, interface class is given in section 5 of this document.

6.1.2.FC The ForeignCharacter class

This class is analogous to PlayerCharacter, described next, and is designed to satisfy the SRS 3.2.FC

6.1.2.PC The PlayerCharacter class

This class is designed to satisfy the requirements 3.2.PC.


This class inherits from EncounterCharacter.


private static final PlayerCharacter playerCharacterS;

This is the singleton object representing the player's character.


public static final PlayerCharacter getPlayerCharacter();

This method returns playerCharacterS.

6.1.3 The EncounterEnvironment package

The classes of this package describe the environment in which the game takes place. It is shown in figure 6.59.

Figure 6.59 EncounterEnvironment Package

6.1.3.AR Area class

This class encapsulates the places in which the characters exist, and corresponds to requirement 3.2.AR.


This class inherits from GameArea.


private String nameI; // corresponding to requirement 3.2.AR.1.1

private Image imageI; // corresponding to requirement 3.2.AR.1.2

private String[] qualitiesI; // corresponding to requirement 3.2.AR.1.3

private Vector connectionHyperlinksI;


public void display() shows the area object's image on the monitor.

public static Area getArea( String areaNameP ) returns the area corresponding to areaNameP according to requirement 3.2.AR.2.2

public static AreaConnection getAreaConnection( String areaConnectionNameP ) returns the areaConnection object corresponding to areaConnectionNameP according to requirement 3.2.AR.2.2

6.1.3.CO EncounterAreaConnection class

This class encapsulates the ways to get from areas to adjacent areas. It inherits from AreaConnection, and corresponds to requirement 3.2.CO.


This class inherits from GameAreaConnection in the framework package.


private Area firstAreaI; // corresponding to requirement 3.2.CO.1.1

private Area secondAreaI; // corresponding to requirement 3.2.CO.1.1

Methods: these are accessors for the attributes above.

6.1.3.EE EncounterEnvironment class

This is the facade class for the EncounterEnvironment package.


private EncounterEnvironment encounterEnvironmentS; // the singleton Facade object

// [Area name][Area connection name]["North" | "South" | "East" | "West" ]:

private String[3] layoutS;


public static EncounterEnvironment getEncounterEnvironment ()

Returns: encounterEnvironmentS

public static String[3] getLayout()

Returns: layoutS

The remaining methods are specified by section 5 of this document.

6.1.3.CH ConnectionHyperlink class

This class encapsulates the ways to get from areas to adjacent areas. It corresponds to requirement 3.2.CH. This class implements the MouseListener interface.


private Connection connectionI; // the corresponding connection


The only meaningful method is mouseClick().

6.1.3.TH ThumbnailMap class

This class provides an image of the areas in the immediate vicinity of the player character.

Currently, the entire game environment is hard coded.


drawMap() draws the thumbnail picture in the Component parameter provided, scaling itself to the size of the component.

6.2 Data detailed design

There are no data structures besides those mentioned as part of the classes in section 6.1.


[1] The application of Encounter is described using three models: use case, class (object) model, and state. The IEEE standard is extended using sections 3.4 and 3.5 in order to describe these models. The other possible model is data flow, which has not been considered useful in this case. In the particular case of this video game, the state description is used as part of the requirement as well as the design.


[2] Here, as well as in 3.4 State model decomposition, subsection is added to the IEEE specification, which does not address the use case concept. It has been added at the end of the section so as not to disturb the standard order.


[3]  In this section, apart from usual parts (as suggested in the Annex A of the standard) there are two more subsections: 4.4 State dependencies and 4.5 Layer dependencies.