Instituts-Logo Logik in der Informatik
Prof. Dr. Nicole Schweikardt

AlMoTh 2018

Algorithmic Model Theory Meeting 2018

The AlMoTh 2018 meeting will take place at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin on March 5 and March 6, 2018.
The talks will be held in the lecture hall 3'001, Rudower Chaussee 25 (Johann von Neumann-Haus).

Abstracts and registration

In case you want to give a talk, please send title and abstract (at most 1 page) to by February 12, 2018.
Registrations should be send to by March 2, 2018, or on site.


Abstracts of the announced talks can be found here.


Here you can find a pdf file containing the programme, directions and a map.

Program Monday, March 5

12:55-13:00Nicole SchweikardtWelcome
13:00-13:25Martin Otto
TU Darmstadt
Modal Logics with Questions
13:25-13:50Martin Ritzert
RWTH Aachen
Learning MSO-definable Hypotheses on Strings and Trees
13:50-14:15Matthias Niewerth
Universität Bayreuth
MSO Queries on Trees: Enumerating Answers under Updates Using Forest Algebras

14:15-14:40Coffee Break

14:40-15:05Nicole Schweikardt
Gaifman normal forms for counting extensions of first-order logic
15:05-15:30Julian Bitterlich
TU Darmstadt
finite f-inverse covers do exist
15:30-15:55Markus Schmid
Uni Trier
Regular Expressions with Backreferences - Hardness and Tractability of Matching
15:55-16:20Marco Voigt
Max Planck Institute, Saarbrücken
On Implicit Dependence and Independence between Quantified First-Order Variables

16:20-16:55Coffee Break

16:55-17:20Svenja Schalthöfer
RWTH Aachen
What is Choiceless Logspace?
17:20-17:45Christoph Berkholz
The Relation between Polynomial Calculus, Sherali-Adams, and Sum-of-Squares Proofs
17:45-18:10Peter Lindner
RWTH Aachen
Theories of Automatic Structures within the Exponential Time Hierarchy
18:10-18:35Yijia Chen
Fudan University
A parameterized halting problem, the linear time hierarchy, and the MRDP theorem


Program Tuesday, March 6

09:00-09:25Nils Vortmeier
Uni Dortmund
Reachability and Shortest Distances under Multiple Changes
09:25-09:50Jens Keppeler
Answering UCQs under updates
09:50-10:15Erich Grädel
RWTH Aachen
Provenance Analysis Beyond First-Order Logic

10:15-10:45Coffee Break

10:45-11:10Daniel Neuen
RWTH Aachen
Towards faster isomorphism tests for bounded degree graphs
11:10-11:35Daniel Wiebking
RWTH Aachen
Isomorphism of Bounded Tree Width Graphs
11:35-12:00Gaurav Rattan
RWTH Aachen
Weisfeiler-Leman Meets Homomorphisms

12:00-12:15Coffee Break

12:15-12:40Sebastian Siebertz
University of Warsaw
First-order interpretations of bounded expansion classes
12:40-13:05Stephan Kreutzer
On Zero-One and Convergence Laws for Graphs Embeddable on a Fixed Surface

AlMoTh Dinner

On Monday, March, 5, at 8p.m. a joint dinner will take place at the Olympia Greek Food, Rudower Chaussee 5a (close to S-Bahn station Adlershof)

Reaching us / Public Transport

Directions to the meeting venue, including a map, can be found on the here.


In addition to the Mensa (where a mensa-card is necessary), the area surrounding the campus offers a couple of further lunch options. Here is a short list of suggestions (in alphabetical order):

More information can be found in the flyer.


Mailing List

News about the AlMoTh 2018 meeting will appear on this website and announced on the las-almoth mailing list. If you are currently not on this mailing list, you may subscribe yourself here.

Past workshops   (AlMoTh / AFM-Seminar / AF-Seminar)

29. AlMoTh 2017 in Hannover
28. AlMoTh 2016 in Siegen
27. AlMoTh 2015 in Bayreuth
26. AlMoTh 2014 in Kassel
25. AlMoTh 2013 in Berlin (TU)
24. AlMoTh 2012 in Ilmenau
23. AlMoTh 2011 in Leipzig
22. AlMoTh 2010 in Frankfurt/Main
21. AlMoTh 2009 in Dortmund
20. AlMoTh 2008 in Freiburg
19. AlMoTh 2007 in Aachen
18. AlMoTh 2006 in Aachen
17. AlMoTh 2005 in Darmstadt
16. AlMoTh 2004 in Berlin
15. AlMoTh 2003 in Marburg
14. Aachen-Freiburg-Mainz Seminar 2002 in Aachen
13. Aachen-Freiburg-Mainz Seminar 2001 (Nov.) in Freiburg
12. Aachen-Freiburg-Mainz Seminar 2001 (May) in Mainz
11. Aachen-Freiburg-Mainz Seminar 2000 (Nov.) in Aachen
10. Aachen-Freiburg-Mainz Seminar 2000 (May) in Freiburg
9. Aachen-Freiburg-Mainz Seminar 1999 in Mainz
8. Aachen-Freiburg-Mainz Seminar 1998 (Nov.) in Aachen
7. Aachen-Freiburg-Mainz Seminar 1998 (Jul.) in Freiburg
6. Aachen-Freiburg-Mainz Seminar 1997 (Oct.) in Mainz
5. Aachen-Freiburg-Mainz Seminar 1997 (Apr.) in Aachen
4. Aachen-Freiburg-Mainz Seminar 1996 (Oct.) in Freiburg
3. Aachen-Freiburg-Mainz Seminar 1996 (Feb.) in Mainz
2. Aachen-Freiburg Seminar 1994 or 1995 in Aachen or Freiburg
1. Aachen-Freiburg Seminar 1994 (Feb.) in Freiburg


In case of any questions concerning AlMoTh 2018, please feel free to write a mail to

Last modified: 2.03.2018