Integrated Net Analyser INA
V2.1 Release Note

In the sequel we list the differences between the versions 1.7 and 2.1 of 
the Integrated Net Analyser.

1. Facts

Facts are transition nodes that are supposed never to fire (dead transitions).
Facts have been used in INA to restrict the computation of the reachability
graph: a state in which a fact was enabled was not developed further (and
called a 'bad' state).

                   Facts are no longer supported in INA.

But the possibility to restrict the computation of the reachability graph is 
kept by using a 'bad' predicate: If the predicate is satisfied by a state, 
this state will not be developed further.

2. Self-modifying nets

In a self-modifying net an arc is inscribed by a formal sum of places. The 
weight of the arc then is the corresponding sum of the current marking. In 
INA until version 1.7 we had a rudimentary implementation of self-modification 
in which the number inscribed to an arc was interpreted as the number of a 
place, and the weight of the arc then was the marking of that place. Since 
this implementation does not meet the users' demands we omit it.

            Self-modifying nets (VALKs rule) are no longer supported.

3. Place-timed nets

In a place-timed net, for any place p there is assigned a duration d and any
token born at place p then has to wait there for d units of time until it may 
be consumed. Hence, the state of place-timed net contains for any place p and 
any time t d the number of tokens which have to wait for t units of time at 
place p , i.e. the states are matrix-valued. To handle and to store matrices 
costs a lot of space and time; on the other hand, our users prefer to use 
time restrictions on transitions or arcs rather than places:
                 Place-timed nets are no longer supported.

Safe place-timed nets can be easily simulated by arc-timed nets. If 'the' 
token at place p has to wait there for d units of time, associate the 
interval [d, oo] with every post-arc of p . This has the same effect as 
long as there is no second token that sets back the clock at place p.

4. Editing

In the editor we have the new function insert a run place. This function is of
practical interest e.g. for Timed nets, if you want only singleton steps to be
fired. The run place is marked with one token and loops around any transition
(colour), therefore it kills the net under the safe transition rule.
You also have the possibility to add a loop to the net. The loop consists of a
single place marked with one token having arcs to and from a single 
transition. If you associate a time constraint to this loop you can get 
(maybe only some of) the transient states.
A state is transient, if no transition is enabled but by the flow of time 
the state changes to a state where some transition is enabled. Transient 
states are not included in the reachability graph (to keep it small). 
Note, that the initial state may be transient.

5. Firing

Using by-hand simulation of a net with time constraints not only the actual
state and the enabled transition resp. steps are displayed but also the 
system time for the actual state.

6. Analysis

Analysis has been reorganized to make it more effective. This concerns mainly
the reachability analysis.

                 The file STATES.GRA is no longer supported.

Until INA 1.7 during the generation of a reachability or coverability graph 
information on the nodes of the graph except markings and clock positions had
been written to that file and analysis was split into two parts: First one 
had to decide all questions on reachability, then, after reading the file, 
the questions concerning liveness, paths and so on. The advantage was that 
after the first part one could switch off the computer and do the second part 
the next day, the disadvantage the time needed to write and read the file. 
We decided in favor of the time.

7. Structural Boundedness

In the analysis menu you can now choose the function decide structural 
boundedness. The algorithm then decides whether the (underlying) net is 
covered by semi-positive place-sub-invariants without computing them. 
A net is covered iff it is bounded under any initial marking.

8. Non-reachability Test

The analysis menu now offers the function non-reachability test of a partial
marking using the state equation. The algorithm decides whether the given
partial marking is not reachable without computing a part of the state space
using the state equation. A partial marking is not reachable if the state 
equation has no solution.

9. Predicates

In reachability analysis and model checking we work with (state) predicates.
A predicate is a disjunction of conjunctions of negated or non-negated atoms
(disjunctive normal form). An atom is an assertion of the form

              low <= value <= upp (with 0 <= low <= upp <= oo)

For marking atoms, value is the token load of a certain place; in the case of 
a time atom, value is interpreted as the clock position of a certain 
transition or (in arc-timed nets) of a certain place. So the atom
    m1: low =1, upp=2;
is satisfied by all states where the place p1 holds one or two tokens. 
Predicates are used as 'bad' predicates during the generation of the 
reachability graph, for the computation of minimal paths and in the
CTL-model checker.

10. Minimal Paths

Computation of minimal paths has been extended. In the analysis menu you
can now choose the new function compute a minimal path from the initial state
to satisfy a predicate.
Until INA 1.7 you only can compute minimal paths to partial markings. Given
a predicate INA now computes a minimal path to a state, that satisfies this
predicate. You can choose minimal length, minimal time and minimal value.

11. Reachability analysis

Using the function compute a reachability graph you have to set only a few
options concerning the type of reduction to be applied. Then the graph is
computed faster than by INA 1.7. Not only the number of states generated but
also the number of arcs is written to the session report. After that you will
reach the graph analysis menu where the following new functions are offered:

convert a set of states to a predicate
  The predicate defined will be satisfied by exactly the given states.

define an enabledness predicate
  The predicate defined will be satisfied by exactly those states which 
  enable at least one of the given transitions.

check a CTL-formula
  You have to specify a formula of the Computation Tree Logic (using the 
  temporal quantifiers EX AX EF AF EG AG EU AU EB AB and predicates defined 
  before). Then it is checked whether the formula holds at the initial state.

compute strongly connected components
  The strongly connected components (not only the terminal ones) and their
  reachability relation are computed.

inspect a result file
  If you need you can display the session report or any other file.

The other analysis functions known from INA 1.7 are maintained with one
exception: to draw the graph as a tree is no longer supported.

Remark: Please, be sure that none of the files OPTIONS.INA or
COMMAND.INA created by an earlier version of INA is present in
the directory that you start INA 2.1 from!