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4.1 Fundamentals

The execution of a net is offered in the main menu under <F> . In case no net was read yet, INA requests one, together with the time information, if necessary. Next, you can change the writing options, in order to have transition or colour names displayed. Afterwards, a menu is offered which lists the available functions:

<R>: Reset to the initial state            <B>: Back to the previous state
<W>: Write the actual marking to a file
<S>: Show the stubborn set used by the stubborn reduced reachability graph
<A>: All minimal stubborn sets to be shown           <Q>: Quit computation

Before each firing procedure, this menu is displayed again in a condensed form:

<r>eset | <b>ack | <w>rite | <s>tubborn set | <a>ll stubborn sets | <q>uit

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© 1996-99 Prof. Peter H. Starke ( und Stephan Roch (roch@...)

INA Manual Version 2.2 (last changed 1999-04-19)