@ARTICLE{Esposito2005, author = {Esposito, Larry W. and Colwell, Joshua E. and Larsen, Kristopher and McClintock, Willian E. and Stewart, A. Ian F. and Hallett, Janet Tew and Shemansky, Donald E. and Ajello, Joseph M. and Hansen, Candice J. and Hendrix, Amanada R. and West, Robert A. and Keller, H. Uwe and Korth, Axel and Pryor, Wayne R. and Reulke, Ralf and Yung, Yuk L.}, title = {Ultraviolet Imaging Spectroscopy Shows an Active Saturnian System}, journal = {Science}, year = {2005}, volume = {307}, pages = {1251-1255}, number = {5713}, abstract = {Neutral oxygen in the saturnian system shows variability, and the total number of oxygen atoms peaks at 4 x 10/34. Saturn´s aurora brithtens in response to solar-wind forcing, and the auroal spectrum resembles Jupiter´s. Phoebe´s surface shows variable water-ice content, and the data indicate it originated in the outer solar system. Saturn´s rings also show variable water abundance, with the purest ice in the outermost A ring. This radial variation is consistent with initially pure water ice bombarded by meteors, but smaller radial structures may indicate collisional transport and recent renewal events in the past 10/7 tp 10/8 years.}, keywords ={}, owner ={}, timestamp ={} }