Zugriffsstatistik für den Ftp-Server

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Informatik

* Zugriffsstatistik für den Ftp-Server

TOTALS FOR SUMMARY PERIOD Sat Jul 1 2017 TO Tue Aug 1 2017

Files Transmitted During Summary Period         49899
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period  102195315317
Systems Using Archives                           3496

Average Files Transmitted Daily                  1559
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily            3193603604

Daily Transmission Statistics

                 Number Of    Number of      Average    Percent Of  Percent Of
     Date        Files Sent  Bytes  Sent    Xmit  Rate  Files Sent  Bytes Sent
---------------  ----------  -------------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Sat Jul  1 2017        1254     1598677179  141.8 KB/s      2.51        1.56
Sun Jul  2 2017         822     1502582688  185.0 KB/s      1.65        1.47
Mon Jul  3 2017         843     1753158256  138.0 KB/s      1.69        1.72
Tue Jul  4 2017        1441     3922243710   75.5 KB/s      2.89        3.84
Wed Jul  5 2017        1212     2814009947   47.7 KB/s      2.43        2.75
Thu Jul  6 2017        1350     6338401287  112.3 KB/s      2.71        6.20
Fri Jul  7 2017        4613     5394887015  107.1 KB/s      9.24        5.28
Sat Jul  8 2017        3418     5256498719  287.7 KB/s      6.85        5.14
Sun Jul  9 2017        3171     2653437991   79.9 KB/s      6.35        2.60
Mon Jul 10 2017        1222     2896503995  152.1 KB/s      2.45        2.83
Tue Jul 11 2017        1414     2915869610   65.7 KB/s      2.83        2.85
Wed Jul 12 2017        1349     2707245870   85.0 KB/s      2.70        2.65
Thu Jul 13 2017        1688     3172278085   54.0 KB/s      3.38        3.10
Fri Jul 14 2017        1234     1823628412   52.8 KB/s      2.47        1.78
Sat Jul 15 2017        1235     2602631401  129.2 KB/s      2.47        2.55
Sun Jul 16 2017        1163     3789048981   51.4 KB/s      2.33        3.71
Mon Jul 17 2017         816     2357015267  152.6 KB/s      1.64        2.31
Tue Jul 18 2017        1035     4542595508  112.1 KB/s      2.07        4.45
Wed Jul 19 2017        1164     4010612014  215.9 KB/s      2.33        3.92
Thu Jul 20 2017        1062     2479247654   85.8 KB/s      2.13        2.43
Fri Jul 21 2017        3032     2796591151  123.6 KB/s      6.08        2.74
Sat Jul 22 2017         994     2038455779  230.6 KB/s      1.99        1.99
Sun Jul 23 2017        1563     2180449269  222.7 KB/s      3.13        2.13
Mon Jul 24 2017        1017     2281813723   74.6 KB/s      2.04        2.23
Tue Jul 25 2017        1266     5448116809  180.4 KB/s      2.54        5.33
Wed Jul 26 2017        2004     3336058473  181.0 KB/s      4.02        3.26
Thu Jul 27 2017        1880     4624946145   88.2 KB/s      3.77        4.53
Fri Jul 28 2017        1646     3975577358   92.1 KB/s      3.30        3.89
Sat Jul 29 2017        1417     2634910649  186.7 KB/s      2.84        2.58
Sun Jul 30 2017        1486     3106417200   86.4 KB/s      2.98        3.04
Mon Jul 31 2017        1838     4978362740  142.2 KB/s      3.68        4.87
Tue Aug  1 2017         250      263042432  203.0 KB/s      0.50        0.26

Total Transfers from each Archive Section (By bytes)

                                                   ---- Percent  Of ----
     Archive Section      Files Sent Bytes Sent    Files Sent Bytes Sent
------------------------- ---------- ------------- ---------- ----------
/pub/Mirrors/doc               31746   55007648377    63.62      53.83
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.troll.no       3936   28317632540     7.89      27.71
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.kde.org        1672    6552330623     3.35       6.41
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.de.debia       7074    6015195663    14.18       5.89
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.gnu.org        3384    1963705237     6.78       1.92
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.mandrake         70    1740479973     0.14       1.70
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.kernel.o        282    1408270893     0.57       1.38
/pub/Mirrors/opencsw.org         354     584228605     0.71       0.57
/pub/Mirrors/Adsm                 90     180914672     0.18       0.18
Index/Informational Files          6     150873759     0.01       0.15
/pub/SNiFF/integrations          885     118712194     1.77       0.12
/pub/Mirrors/ibiblio.org.         56      65111023     0.11       0.06
/pub/Java/Linux                   46      18244909     0.09       0.02
/pub/Mirrors/tivoli               53      17070585     0.11       0.02
/pub/local/wbi                     1      17039360     0.00       0.02
/pub/local/simulant               64      13699928     0.13       0.01
/pub/Mirrors/www.apache.o         18       5992968     0.04       0.01
/pub/SNiFF/4.1.1_Unix             16       4015821     0.03       0.00
/pub/Java/Win32                    4       2814733     0.01       0.00
/pub/SNiFF/4.1.1_Win               9       2185628     0.02       0.00
/pub/Mirrors/WWW                  65       2102870     0.13       0.00
/pub/SNiFF/4.2_Win                13       1950239     0.03       0.00
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.openbsd.          3       1660854     0.01       0.00
/pub/SNiFF/misc                    5        907264     0.01       0.00
/pub/SNiFF/patches                 7        852111     0.01       0.00
/pub/SNiFF/4.2_Unix                4        738668     0.01       0.00
/pub/SNiFF                         6        504082     0.01       0.00
/pub/Linux/HU-Sound               14        395219     0.03       0.00
/pub/Mirrors/de.samba.org          5         32344     0.01       0.00
/pub/WWW/FastCGI                   1          1934     0.00       0.00
/pub/WWW/Squid                     2          1663     0.00       0.00
/pub/local/rbg                     2           174     0.00       0.00
/pub/Linux/Distributions           1           170     0.00       0.00
/usr/share/lib                     1           130     0.00       0.00
/pub/Work                          4           104     0.01       0.00

Total Transfer Amount By Domain

             Number Of    Number of       Average    Percent Of  Percent Of
Domain Name  Files Sent   Bytes Sent     Xmit  Rate  Files Sent  Bytes Sent
-----------  ----------  --------------  ----------  ----------  ----------
ae                    2        42674567  820.7 KB/s      0.00        0.04
ao                    3        22614330   62.0 KB/s      0.01        0.02
ar                  218      3788746513  282.1 KB/s      0.44        3.71
at                    5         7634095  545.3 KB/s      0.01        0.01
au                   62       231235135  102.7 KB/s      0.12        0.23
ba                    4       167130420  3277.1 KB/      0.01        0.16
be                    9       109599284  149.3 KB/s      0.02        0.11
bg                    4        72635867  981.6 KB/s      0.01        0.07
bj                    1         4164407  126.2 KB/s      0.00        0.00
br                    2         1906121   39.7 KB/s      0.00        0.00
by                  135         2261676   16.8 KB/s      0.27        0.00
ca                   33       438449880  197.7 KB/s      0.07        0.43
ch                    9        44551604  2784.5 KB/      0.02        0.04
co                    3        52838024  249.2 KB/s      0.01        0.05
cu                    2         2574489  214.5 KB/s      0.00        0.00
cz                   10       234419428  407.7 KB/s      0.02        0.23
de                 4267      9590253747  733.3 KB/s      8.55        9.38
dk                    5        52754532  3103.2 KB/      0.01        0.05
ec                    2        42472426  106.4 KB/s      0.00        0.04
ee                    1           61521   61.5 KB/s      0.00        0.00
es                    3        16711279  983.0 KB/s      0.01        0.02
eu                   35        44822916  1067.2 KB/      0.07        0.04
fi                    7        50720287  1408.9 KB/      0.01        0.05
fj                    1         3264512    5.3 KB/s      0.00        0.00
fr                   49      1452215378  386.2 KB/s      0.10        1.42
gr                   11       137473468  587.5 KB/s      0.02        0.13
hk                    1        14778398  671.7 KB/s      0.00        0.01
hu                   31      2100029044  466.8 KB/s      0.06        2.05
id                    4          300388    0.3 KB/s      0.01        0.00
in                    4        18610643   85.8 KB/s      0.01        0.02
io                    1           61668   61.7 KB/s      0.00        0.00
it                   86       486801084  145.7 KB/s      0.17        0.48
jp                   40       268696411  111.5 KB/s      0.08        0.26
kr                   16          111545    7.0 KB/s      0.03        0.00
kz                    1            9153    9.2 KB/s      0.00        0.00
lu                    2        20335387  245.0 KB/s      0.00        0.02
lv                    3         9909543  1101.1 KB/      0.01        0.01
mg                    7       350999846   25.7 KB/s      0.01        0.34
nl                   35       452866162  193.9 KB/s      0.07        0.44
no                    4        46329690  5147.7 KB/      0.01        0.05
nu                    1          734076  367.0 KB/s      0.00        0.00
nz                    2         1020132  170.0 KB/s      0.00        0.00
pl                 1346       408412087  114.2 KB/s      2.70        0.40
pt                   19       199151287  693.9 KB/s      0.04        0.19
py                    1           16786   16.8 KB/s      0.00        0.00
ro                    5        56869314  1458.2 KB/      0.01        0.06
rs                   26        85205729  946.7 KB/s      0.05        0.08
ru                   49       636174436  502.1 KB/s      0.10        0.62
se                   12        17934860  640.5 KB/s      0.02        0.02
sg                    1         1628120  271.4 KB/s      0.00        0.00
si                    5        22371010  3195.9 KB/      0.01        0.02
sk                    8        57204579  583.7 KB/s      0.02        0.06
th                   19       174024597   33.7 KB/s      0.04        0.17
to                    1           61668   61.7 KB/s      0.00        0.00

Total Transfer Amount By Domain

             Number Of    Number of       Average    Percent Of  Percent Of
Domain Name  Files Sent   Bytes Sent     Xmit  Rate  Files Sent  Bytes Sent
-----------  ----------  --------------  ----------  ----------  ----------
tw                    2        45920050   97.7 KB/s      0.00        0.04
ua                   19        34324235  268.2 KB/s      0.04        0.03
uk                    4        94276941  668.6 KB/s      0.01        0.09
uy                    3        45157590  177.8 KB/s      0.01        0.04
vn                    1         4624849  165.2 KB/s      0.00        0.00
za                   18        72283435  1204.7 KB/      0.04        0.07
biz                   9        15918527  884.4 KB/s      0.02        0.02
com               29944     21337797126  481.1 KB/s     60.01       20.88
edu                   8       102410601  1765.7 KB/      0.02        0.10
gov                   1          438587  438.6 KB/s      0.00        0.00
mil                   2         2111113  422.2 KB/s      0.00        0.00
net                 556      6419330127  408.7 KB/s      1.11        6.28
org                   6       133917499  384.8 KB/s      0.01        0.13
info                  1          601859  601.9 KB/s      0.00        0.00
expert                2         6606362  2202.1 KB/      0.00        0.01
limited               1            6232    6.2 KB/s      0.00        0.00
unresolved        10302     51583258582   60.8 KB/s     20.65       50.48
hu-berlin.d        2407       251498053  104.5 KB/s      4.82        0.25

These figures only reflect ANONYMOUS FTP transfers.  There are many
sites which mount the archives via NFS, and those transfers are not
logged and reported by this program.

Tue Aug 1 05:00:01 MEST 2017
ftpsoft at informatik.hu-berlin.de