Zugriffsstatistik für den Ftp-Server

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Informatik

* Zugriffsstatistik für den Ftp-Server

TOTALS FOR SUMMARY PERIOD Sat Oct 1 2016 TO Tue Nov 1 2016

Files Transmitted During Summary Period         57959
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period  158582685292
Systems Using Archives                           4136

Average Files Transmitted Daily                  1811
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily            4955708915

Daily Transmission Statistics

                 Number Of    Number of      Average    Percent Of  Percent Of
     Date        Files Sent  Bytes  Sent    Xmit  Rate  Files Sent  Bytes Sent
---------------  ----------  -------------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Sat Oct  1 2016        1349     2039302323  138.5 KB/s      2.33        1.29
Sun Oct  2 2016        2364     3846981040   50.6 KB/s      4.08        2.43
Mon Oct  3 2016        3437     3792715866  197.0 KB/s      5.93        2.39
Tue Oct  4 2016        4260     7327542708  273.5 KB/s      7.35        4.62
Wed Oct  5 2016        1715     3827602508   89.9 KB/s      2.96        2.41
Thu Oct  6 2016        1524    11602272434  308.7 KB/s      2.63        7.32
Fri Oct  7 2016        1021     1781102085   82.5 KB/s      1.76        1.12
Sat Oct  8 2016        2376     2594557876   61.7 KB/s      4.10        1.64
Sun Oct  9 2016        1273     5840262668   49.9 KB/s      2.20        3.68
Mon Oct 10 2016        1301     1721187516  118.9 KB/s      2.24        1.09
Tue Oct 11 2016        1643     4194612967   76.2 KB/s      2.83        2.65
Wed Oct 12 2016        2533    35968302027  497.2 KB/s      4.37       22.68
Thu Oct 13 2016        1582     4082927039  110.3 KB/s      2.73        2.57
Fri Oct 14 2016        1362     2339600876   38.0 KB/s      2.35        1.48
Sat Oct 15 2016        1578     5829854760  147.8 KB/s      2.72        3.68
Sun Oct 16 2016        2353     9448722161  413.6 KB/s      4.06        5.96
Mon Oct 17 2016        1563     4598519698  261.3 KB/s      2.70        2.90
Tue Oct 18 2016        1835     6707848223   61.7 KB/s      3.17        4.23
Wed Oct 19 2016        1557     2350237096   36.7 KB/s      2.69        1.48
Thu Oct 20 2016        1356     3369746517   58.3 KB/s      2.34        2.12
Fri Oct 21 2016        2188     2222941630   20.8 KB/s      3.78        1.40
Sat Oct 22 2016        1360     1987338750  109.5 KB/s      2.35        1.25
Sun Oct 23 2016        1125     3951247274  128.0 KB/s      1.94        2.49
Mon Oct 24 2016        1295     2276524178  134.1 KB/s      2.23        1.44
Tue Oct 25 2016        1820     3114771825   51.3 KB/s      3.14        1.96
Wed Oct 26 2016        2265     4292830872   20.5 KB/s      3.91        2.71
Thu Oct 27 2016        1646     3316938899   71.5 KB/s      2.84        2.09
Fri Oct 28 2016        4396     4644012665   60.5 KB/s      7.58        2.93
Sat Oct 29 2016        1211     1469886613   31.5 KB/s      2.09        0.93
Sun Oct 30 2016        1188     3584195616  118.9 KB/s      2.05        2.26
Mon Oct 31 2016        1368     3315433734   52.2 KB/s      2.36        2.09
Tue Nov  1 2016         115     1142664848  352.6 KB/s      0.20        0.72

Total Transfers from each Archive Section (By bytes)

                                                   ---- Percent  Of ----
     Archive Section      Files Sent Bytes Sent    Files Sent Bytes Sent
------------------------- ---------- ------------- ---------- ----------
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.troll.no       8297  106086745180    14.32      66.90
/pub/Mirrors/doc               26877   23625053017    46.37      14.90
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.de.debia      13842    8598279688    23.88       5.42
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.mandrake         34    7305867653     0.06       4.61
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.kde.org        1171    5153629295     2.02       3.25
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.gnu.org        3715    2371693974     6.41       1.50
/pub/Mirrors/opencsw.org         798     973197394     1.38       0.61
/pub/SNiFF/patches               145     971258709     0.25       0.61
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.kernel.o        583     834149920     1.01       0.53
/pub/Mirrors/ibiblio.org.        544     697884674     0.94       0.44
/pub/Mirrors/Adsm                 36     377007239     0.06       0.24
Index/Informational Files         12     284566131     0.02       0.18
/pub/SNiFF/4.2_Unix               18     266133460     0.03       0.17
/pub/SNiFF/4.1.1_Unix             20     235311070     0.03       0.15
/pub/SNiFF/integrations         1370     224030158     2.36       0.14
/pub/SNiFF/4.2_Win                25     121218575     0.04       0.08
/pub/Mirrors/tivoli              108     112010397     0.19       0.07
/pub/SNiFF/4.1.1_Win              31     110916837     0.05       0.07
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.openbsd.         36      69551271     0.06       0.04
/pub/SNiFF/misc                   15      68164165     0.03       0.04
/pub/SNiFF/free_stuff             95      61303484     0.16       0.04
/pub/Java/Unix                     1      16842752     0.00       0.01
/pub/Java/Linux                   39       5704863     0.07       0.00
/pub/Linux                         3       4250849     0.01       0.00
/pub/Java/Win32                   87       3473408     0.15       0.00
/pub/local/simulant               15       2689584     0.03       0.00
/pub/SNiFF                         4       1006011     0.01       0.00
/pub/Mirrors/WWW                   1        460860     0.00       0.00
/pub/Linux/HU-Sound               16        223878     0.03       0.00
/pub/Mirrors/de.samba.org          5         32344     0.01       0.00
/pub/Mirrors/www.apache.o         10         26093     0.02       0.00
/pub/WWW/Squid                     2          1668     0.00       0.00
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.parc.xer          1           469     0.00       0.00
/pub/Linux/Distributions           1           170     0.00       0.00
/pub/Work                          2            52     0.00       0.00

Total Transfer Amount By Domain

             Number Of    Number of       Average    Percent Of  Percent Of
Domain Name  Files Sent   Bytes Sent     Xmit  Rate  Files Sent  Bytes Sent
-----------  ----------  --------------  ----------  ----------  ----------
ae                    7        13703615  214.1 KB/s      0.01        0.01
ar                    1            3744    3.7 KB/s      0.00        0.00
at                   11        11484566  675.6 KB/s      0.02        0.01
au                   16        31508475   29.6 KB/s      0.03        0.02
ba                   14        99619769  390.7 KB/s      0.02        0.06
be                   10        15360651  1280.1 KB/      0.02        0.01
bg                    1          438587  438.6 KB/s      0.00        0.00
bo                    1          510066   46.4 KB/s      0.00        0.00
br                   15       111066842  202.7 KB/s      0.03        0.07
by                   19        75191565    4.6 KB/s      0.03        0.05
ca                   29        95742512   72.4 KB/s      0.05        0.06
ch                   15        38252233  308.5 KB/s      0.03        0.02
cl                    1         1703936  426.0 KB/s      0.00        0.00
co                    3         4139952   58.3 KB/s      0.01        0.00
cu                    2         3005062   19.8 KB/s      0.00        0.00
cy                    1           11364   11.4 KB/s      0.00        0.00
cz                    6      1741275096  6355.0 KB/      0.01        1.10
de                 8330     13357254503  516.6 KB/s     14.37        8.42
dk                    9         4093468  341.1 KB/s      0.02        0.00
ee                    1          845004  845.0 KB/s      0.00        0.00
es                   12        44029956  733.8 KB/s      0.02        0.03
eu                    3         2059552  686.5 KB/s      0.01        0.00
fi                    6        11151969  484.9 KB/s      0.01        0.01
fr                   86       555732676  488.3 KB/s      0.15        0.35
gr                   14        60469609   35.7 KB/s      0.02        0.04
hu                  111       693195547  2390.3 KB/      0.19        0.44
il                    2         7745470  645.5 KB/s      0.00        0.00
in                    1        13852066   44.7 KB/s      0.00        0.01
it                  131      2054445884   78.5 KB/s      0.23        1.30
jp                  269       762985392  149.3 KB/s      0.46        0.48
kw                    1          737280  368.6 KB/s      0.00        0.00
lt                    1          216234  216.2 KB/s      0.00        0.00
mg                    1         1376256  196.6 KB/s      0.00        0.00
mx                    1         3424256  285.4 KB/s      0.00        0.00
my                    7         3784250  151.4 KB/s      0.01        0.00
na                    1         7538110    9.8 KB/s      0.00        0.00
nl                   26        86185166   65.9 KB/s      0.04        0.05
no                    7        19799695  618.7 KB/s      0.01        0.01
pk                    5      1698745584  378.3 KB/s      0.01        1.07
pl                  124      2392103718  226.7 KB/s      0.21        1.51
pt                   29        75277745   87.8 KB/s      0.05        0.05
pw                    4          262144   65.5 KB/s      0.01        0.00
ro                    3         9178980  706.1 KB/s      0.01        0.01
rs                    7         3622571  452.8 KB/s      0.01        0.00
ru                   98       164506326  658.0 KB/s      0.17        0.10
sd                   49        13031859    4.4 KB/s      0.08        0.01
se                   16       141739591  833.8 KB/s      0.03        0.09
sg                    5        11539764  311.9 KB/s      0.01        0.01
si                    2        14908668  2129.8 KB/      0.00        0.01
sk                    3      1797159777  572.2 KB/s      0.01        1.13
th                    6        18094457   17.9 KB/s      0.01        0.01
tr                    1         1056602   88.1 KB/s      0.00        0.00
tw                    3        73694632  1939.3 KB/      0.01        0.05
ua                   20        22854364  557.4 KB/s      0.03        0.01

Total Transfer Amount By Domain

             Number Of    Number of       Average    Percent Of  Percent Of
Domain Name  Files Sent   Bytes Sent     Xmit  Rate  Files Sent  Bytes Sent
-----------  ----------  --------------  ----------  ----------  ----------
ug                    1          734512  244.8 KB/s      0.00        0.00
uk                   45      1308061220  447.0 KB/s      0.08        0.82
ye                    3        12660100    9.3 KB/s      0.01        0.01
za                   10       477101271  545.9 KB/s      0.02        0.30
biz                   9        17698489  1769.8 KB/      0.02        0.01
cat                   1         3424256  155.6 KB/s      0.00        0.00
com               30159     48340701927  860.8 KB/s     52.04       30.48
edu                  24       203469719  2235.9 KB/      0.04        0.13
gov                   9         8964909  332.0 KB/s      0.02        0.01
mil                   6        29676718   44.4 KB/s      0.01        0.02
net                1256     35049773919  632.8 KB/s      2.17       22.10
org                   9        21596058   56.2 KB/s      0.02        0.01
aero                  1         1056602  1056.6 KB/      0.00        0.00
arpa                  1          672748  336.4 KB/s      0.00        0.00
unresolved        13428     46576018916   32.6 KB/s     23.17       29.37
hu-berlin.d        3450       159356768   46.1 KB/s      5.95        0.10

These figures only reflect ANONYMOUS FTP transfers.  There are many
sites which mount the archives via NFS, and those transfers are not
logged and reported by this program.


Tue Nov 1 05:00:01 MET 2016
ftpsoft at informatik.hu-berlin.de