Zugriffsstatistik für den Ftp-Server

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Informatik

* Zugriffsstatistik für den Ftp-Server

TOTALS FOR SUMMARY PERIOD Mon Aug 1 2016 TO Thu Sep 1 2016

Files Transmitted During Summary Period        137166
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period  438155011872
Systems Using Archives                           4172

Average Files Transmitted Daily                  4286
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily           13692344121

Daily Transmission Statistics

                 Number Of    Number of      Average    Percent Of  Percent Of
     Date        Files Sent  Bytes  Sent    Xmit  Rate  Files Sent  Bytes Sent
---------------  ----------  -------------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Mon Aug  1 2016        2054     2152689537  134.3 KB/s      1.50        0.49
Tue Aug  2 2016        2675     7338071802  297.3 KB/s      1.95        1.67
Wed Aug  3 2016        2514     6022749682  223.3 KB/s      1.83        1.37
Thu Aug  4 2016        3718    26118742247  228.2 KB/s      2.71        5.96
Fri Aug  5 2016        1962     5123223184  221.9 KB/s      1.43        1.17
Sat Aug  6 2016        2236     4491540631  268.8 KB/s      1.63        1.03
Sun Aug  7 2016         686     4199451025  340.3 KB/s      0.50        0.96
Mon Aug  8 2016        1105     4369636896   98.6 KB/s      0.81        1.00
Tue Aug  9 2016        1878     5969599073   91.5 KB/s      1.37        1.36
Wed Aug 10 2016        4717     4205261098  131.7 KB/s      3.44        0.96
Thu Aug 11 2016        3443     5204944850  129.5 KB/s      2.51        1.19
Fri Aug 12 2016        2824     7164269502  449.2 KB/s      2.06        1.64
Sat Aug 13 2016       21668    32375143353  488.7 KB/s     15.80        7.39
Sun Aug 14 2016        1055     4650614599  216.6 KB/s      0.77        1.06
Mon Aug 15 2016        1451     8669314352  413.5 KB/s      1.06        1.98
Tue Aug 16 2016        4860     5848890158  187.0 KB/s      3.54        1.33
Wed Aug 17 2016        4782    10058013606  501.7 KB/s      3.49        2.30
Thu Aug 18 2016        3780     8801304352  338.1 KB/s      2.76        2.01
Fri Aug 19 2016        4604     6109704851   83.1 KB/s      3.36        1.39
Sat Aug 20 2016        3193     4439782445  190.8 KB/s      2.33        1.01
Sun Aug 21 2016        2983     6454370817  212.3 KB/s      2.17        1.47
Mon Aug 22 2016        3107     8310187704  114.2 KB/s      2.27        1.90
Tue Aug 23 2016        1801     2949820045  197.2 KB/s      1.31        0.67
Wed Aug 24 2016        1622     3735130726   82.6 KB/s      1.18        0.85
Thu Aug 25 2016        2575     7582252495   77.6 KB/s      1.88        1.73
Fri Aug 26 2016        3428     4895395582  172.3 KB/s      2.50        1.12
Sat Aug 27 2016        2288     4482408503  154.0 KB/s      1.67        1.02
Sun Aug 28 2016        3859     5610834539   95.4 KB/s      2.81        1.28
Mon Aug 29 2016        1889     5684876379  326.7 KB/s      1.38        1.30
Tue Aug 30 2016       15280    14268318474  332.5 KB/s     11.14        3.26
Wed Aug 31 2016        3597   184643428805  800.5 KB/s      2.62       42.14
Thu Sep  1 2016       19532    26225040560  596.9 KB/s     14.24        5.99

Total Transfers from each Archive Section (By bytes)

                                                   ---- Percent  Of ----
     Archive Section      Files Sent Bytes Sent    Files Sent Bytes Sent
------------------------- ---------- ------------- ---------- ----------
/pub/Mirrors/doc               82189  246834111225    59.92      56.33
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.troll.no      14425  141724546615    10.52      32.35
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.de.debia      32724   37499089159    23.86       8.56
/pub/Mirrors/Adsm                267    2537051108     0.19       0.58
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.gnu.org        3044    2144965586     2.22       0.49
/pub/Mirrors/tivoli             1640    2036638947     1.20       0.46
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.mandrake         92    1960515846     0.07       0.45
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.kde.org        1102    1127376263     0.80       0.26
/pub/local/wbi                     1     336199680     0.00       0.08
/pub/SNiFF/4.2_Win               195     281944420     0.14       0.06
Index/Informational Files         27     276326595     0.02       0.06
/pub/SNiFF/4.2_Unix               47     260070963     0.03       0.06
/pub/SNiFF/4.1.1_Unix             14     233980732     0.01       0.05
/pub/Mirrors/opencsw.org         159     212444333     0.12       0.05
/pub/SNiFF/4.1.1_Win              24     163370977     0.02       0.04
/pub/Mirrors/ibiblio.org.         75     129273785     0.05       0.03
/pub/local/rbg                     4     129049717     0.00       0.03
/pub/SNiFF/integrations          463      88756209     0.34       0.02
/pub/Java/Linux                   48      65888585     0.03       0.02
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.kernel.o        438      45736224     0.32       0.01
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.openbsd.         16      39009835     0.01       0.01
/pub/Java/Win32                   14      13041664     0.01       0.00
/pub/local/simulant               85       7050211     0.06       0.00
/pub/Mirrors/www.apache.o          4       3655644     0.00       0.00
/pub/SNiFF/patches                27       2323005     0.02       0.00
/pub/SNiFF                         3       1004999     0.00       0.00
/pub/Mirrors/WWW                   8        923587     0.01       0.00
/pub/Linux                         1        478707     0.00       0.00
/pub/Linux/HU-Sound               11        168221     0.01       0.00
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.parc.xer          3         15852     0.00       0.00
/pub/WWW/Squid                     2          1685     0.00       0.00
/pub/Mirrors/de.samba.org          1           785     0.00       0.00
/pub/Linux/Distributions           2           340     0.00       0.00
/pub/Work                          9           234     0.01       0.00
/pub/WWW/FastCGI                   2           134     0.00       0.00

Total Transfer Amount By Domain

             Number Of    Number of       Average    Percent Of  Percent Of
Domain Name  Files Sent   Bytes Sent     Xmit  Rate  Files Sent  Bytes Sent
-----------  ----------  --------------  ----------  ----------  ----------
ad                    1        11730636  1466.3 KB/      0.00        0.00
ae                    2         2242551  448.5 KB/s      0.00        0.00
at                   19        49118241  701.7 KB/s      0.01        0.01
au                   27        66194174   35.8 KB/s      0.02        0.02
ba                    3        81651723  358.1 KB/s      0.00        0.02
bb                    1         7538110  1884.5 KB/      0.00        0.00
be                   12        24699788  380.0 KB/s      0.01        0.01
br                    5        16445886  288.5 KB/s      0.00        0.00
bt                    3         2227010    1.9 KB/s      0.00        0.00
by                    8         5100899  255.0 KB/s      0.01        0.00
ca                   40       605104221  446.6 KB/s      0.03        0.14
ch                    9        11371331  758.1 KB/s      0.01        0.00
cn                    1           65536   65.5 KB/s      0.00        0.00
co                    7        64244530  146.0 KB/s      0.01        0.01
cz                  966     20067990326  2544.4 KB/      0.70        4.58
de                27134     48098683091  674.6 KB/s     19.78       10.98
dk                    4         9048962   24.8 KB/s      0.00        0.00
ec                    1        13852066  989.4 KB/s      0.00        0.00
ee                    1         1056602  1056.6 KB/      0.00        0.00
es                    4         3948900  493.6 KB/s      0.00        0.00
eu                    2         1671030  835.5 KB/s      0.00        0.00
fi                    6        14457543  187.8 KB/s      0.00        0.00
fr                   63       513179069  412.5 KB/s      0.05        0.12
gr                   13        33407357  340.9 KB/s      0.01        0.01
hu                   11        14529902  908.1 KB/s      0.01        0.00
id                    1         7538110   57.5 KB/s      0.00        0.00
il                    1        14778398  568.4 KB/s      0.00        0.00
in                   10       405989300   90.2 KB/s      0.01        0.09
ir                   17       119285176  312.3 KB/s      0.01        0.03
it                   61       942537458  303.3 KB/s      0.04        0.22
jp                  183        99631906   31.2 KB/s      0.13        0.02
ke                    1         1327342  442.4 KB/s      0.00        0.00
kr                    8         9795069  168.9 KB/s      0.01        0.00
lb                   14        10048834   24.6 KB/s      0.01        0.00
lt                    3         8128719  1161.2 KB/      0.00        0.00
md                    6          433675   72.3 KB/s      0.00        0.00
mg                    3         4921013  144.7 KB/s      0.00        0.00
nl                   20        60560847   94.2 KB/s      0.01        0.01
pk                    1            5768    5.8 KB/s      0.00        0.00
pl                   85      1102224442  583.8 KB/s      0.06        0.25
pt                    5        10481991  655.1 KB/s      0.00        0.00
ro                    6        38200616  477.5 KB/s      0.00        0.01
rs                   10         4359441  242.2 KB/s      0.01        0.00
ru                   50      1486403272  579.9 KB/s      0.04        0.34
sb                    3        16081991   12.2 KB/s      0.00        0.00
se                    8        34676298  1333.7 KB/      0.01        0.01
sg                    3         2305570  384.3 KB/s      0.00        0.00
sk                   10      1948585071  1241.9 KB/      0.01        0.44
su                    2         3256240  1628.1 KB/      0.00        0.00
th                   20        24307832   18.6 KB/s      0.01        0.01
tr                    1           72936   72.9 KB/s      0.00        0.00
tv                    1            5625    5.6 KB/s      0.00        0.00
tw                    4        24811131  229.7 KB/s      0.00        0.01
ua                   11        13771203  573.8 KB/s      0.01        0.00

Total Transfer Amount By Domain

             Number Of    Number of       Average    Percent Of  Percent Of
Domain Name  Files Sent   Bytes Sent     Xmit  Rate  Files Sent  Bytes Sent
-----------  ----------  --------------  ----------  ----------  ----------
ug                    5        35116532   20.4 KB/s      0.00        0.01
uk                    8        17466415  1027.4 KB/      0.01        0.00
us                    5        57448154  1149.0 KB/      0.00        0.01
uy                    1          262144   87.4 KB/s      0.00        0.00
ye                   45        13479757    1.7 KB/s      0.03        0.00
za                   14       102988760  194.0 KB/s      0.01        0.02
zm                   15        12584253   20.5 KB/s      0.01        0.00
biz                   2        23690424  1822.3 KB/      0.00        0.01
com               52619     96586438363  1269.9 KB/     38.36       22.04
edu                  21        39252833  957.4 KB/s      0.02        0.01
gov                  15        13431240   39.7 KB/s      0.01        0.00
mil                   5         4354441  311.0 KB/s      0.00        0.00
net                2135      4359821513  107.7 KB/s      1.56        1.00
org                   7        17413741  580.5 KB/s      0.01        0.00
info                  3        63377833   78.3 KB/s      0.00        0.01
unresolved        49905    260328783648  219.3 KB/s     36.38       59.41
hu-berlin.d        3470       365017063  105.2 KB/s      2.53        0.08

These figures only reflect ANONYMOUS FTP transfers.  There are many
sites which mount the archives via NFS, and those transfers are not
logged and reported by this program.


Thu Sep 1 05:00:00 MEST 2016
ftpsoft at informatik.hu-berlin.de