Zugriffsstatistik für den Ftp-Server
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Informatik
Zugriffsstatistik für den Ftp-Server
TOTALS FOR SUMMARY PERIOD Wed Jul 1 2015 TO Sat Aug 1 2015
Files Transmitted During Summary Period 258912
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period 484877390444
Systems Using Archives 4480
Average Files Transmitted Daily 8091
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily 15152418451
Daily Transmission Statistics
Number Of Number of Average Percent Of Percent Of
Date Files Sent Bytes Sent Xmit Rate Files Sent Bytes Sent
--------------- ---------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Wed Jul 1 2015 1314 4622845166 44.1 KB/s 0.51 0.95
Thu Jul 2 2015 1827 5506136849 18.6 KB/s 0.71 1.14
Fri Jul 3 2015 1282 3598168077 98.5 KB/s 0.50 0.74
Sat Jul 4 2015 772 2241416862 95.0 KB/s 0.30 0.46
Sun Jul 5 2015 526 720152609 79.2 KB/s 0.20 0.15
Mon Jul 6 2015 1432 4657421691 75.7 KB/s 0.55 0.96
Tue Jul 7 2015 1156 2822786907 65.6 KB/s 0.45 0.58
Wed Jul 8 2015 18504 160186085752 442.1 KB/s 7.15 33.04
Thu Jul 9 2015 132639 156554944675 633.1 KB/s 51.23 32.29
Fri Jul 10 2015 58404 48290008199 306.2 KB/s 22.56 9.96
Sat Jul 11 2015 1619 5533752896 29.6 KB/s 0.63 1.14
Sun Jul 12 2015 975 2399188356 52.0 KB/s 0.38 0.49
Mon Jul 13 2015 1238 3154000291 109.6 KB/s 0.48 0.65
Tue Jul 14 2015 2192 3566801204 75.4 KB/s 0.85 0.74
Wed Jul 15 2015 1346 2653930687 42.8 KB/s 0.52 0.55
Thu Jul 16 2015 1235 1074495636 28.3 KB/s 0.48 0.22
Fri Jul 17 2015 2110 2569835024 34.9 KB/s 0.81 0.53
Sat Jul 18 2015 1160 2501405377 28.4 KB/s 0.45 0.52
Sun Jul 19 2015 2330 5030286992 20.5 KB/s 0.90 1.04
Mon Jul 20 2015 2148 6521128937 33.0 KB/s 0.83 1.34
Tue Jul 21 2015 2066 5792860281 27.8 KB/s 0.80 1.19
Wed Jul 22 2015 2437 5042501067 16.6 KB/s 0.94 1.04
Thu Jul 23 2015 1540 7067345311 44.4 KB/s 0.59 1.46
Fri Jul 24 2015 1258 4091231452 29.8 KB/s 0.49 0.84
Sat Jul 25 2015 1886 8601581743 12.9 KB/s 0.73 1.77
Sun Jul 26 2015 790 1670450959 80.6 KB/s 0.31 0.34
Mon Jul 27 2015 1284 4770814157 87.8 KB/s 0.50 0.98
Tue Jul 28 2015 4173 10570829787 79.2 KB/s 1.61 2.18
Wed Jul 29 2015 2950 6523778579 39.0 KB/s 1.14 1.35
Thu Jul 30 2015 2548 2314020169 34.2 KB/s 0.98 0.48
Fri Jul 31 2015 3707 4073721420 21.7 KB/s 1.43 0.84
Sat Aug 1 2015 64 153463332 136.5 KB/s 0.02 0.03
Total Transfers from each Archive Section (By bytes)
---- Percent Of ----
Archive Section Files Sent Bytes Sent Files Sent Bytes Sent
------------------------- ---------- ------------- ---------- ----------
/pub/Mirrors/doc 223900 339942780283 86.48 70.11
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.troll.no 16058 127861977452 6.20 26.37
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.de.debia 12064 7964451000 4.66 1.64
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.kde.org 641 2539275405 0.25 0.52
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.mandrake 1890 1815623092 0.73 0.37
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.gnu.org 2005 1563517799 0.77 0.32
Index/Informational Files 9 873643071 0.00 0.18
/pub/Mirrors/opencsw.org 579 676014972 0.22 0.14
/pub/Mirrors/Adsm 132 545924057 0.05 0.11
/pub/Mirrors/tivoli 326 509721689 0.13 0.11
/pub/Mirrors/ibiblio.org. 205 225099109 0.08 0.05
/pub/SNiFF/4.2_Win 37 119956414 0.01 0.02
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.kernel.o 371 91070189 0.14 0.02
/pub/SNiFF/integrations 526 53409148 0.20 0.01
/pub/SNiFF/misc 6 32926508 0.00 0.01
/pub/Java/Linux 19 29918503 0.01 0.01
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.openbsd. 3 15969329 0.00 0.00
/pub/Mirrors/www.apache.o 11 3414640 0.00 0.00
/pub/Java/Win32 11 3276800 0.00 0.00
/pub/SNiFF/4.1.1_Unix 17 3252408 0.01 0.00
/pub/SNiFF/patches 30 2747365 0.01 0.00
/pub/SNiFF/4.2_Unix 6 1425022 0.00 0.00
/pub/SNiFF/4.1.1_Win 7 1066794 0.00 0.00
/pub/local/simulant 13 375279 0.01 0.00
/pub/Linux/HU-Sound 3 233613 0.00 0.00
/pub/WWW/Squid 5 231447 0.00 0.00
/pub/Mirrors/WWW 3 80998 0.00 0.00
/usr/share/lib 27 7655 0.01 0.00
/pub/Linux/Distributions 1 170 0.00 0.00
/pub/Work 6 156 0.00 0.00
/pub/Mirrors/de.samba.org 1 77 0.00 0.00
Total Transfer Amount By Domain
Number Of Number of Average Percent Of Percent Of
Domain Name Files Sent Bytes Sent Xmit Rate Files Sent Bytes Sent
----------- ---------- -------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
ae 8 32369896 513.8 KB/s 0.00 0.01
ar 7 28982099 36.3 KB/s 0.00 0.01
at 16 23049433 60.5 KB/s 0.01 0.00
au 34 61129785 32.4 KB/s 0.01 0.01
ba 2 51498 25.7 KB/s 0.00 0.00
bd 1 7538110 21.4 KB/s 0.00 0.00
be 11 25040456 410.5 KB/s 0.00 0.01
bg 2 9166230 916.6 KB/s 0.00 0.00
bh 1 7989 8.0 KB/s 0.00 0.00
br 15 15235044 64.8 KB/s 0.01 0.00
by 4 2146586 178.9 KB/s 0.00 0.00
ca 35 40770767 128.6 KB/s 0.01 0.01
ch 17 68105865 920.3 KB/s 0.01 0.01
cn 3 393216 0.6 KB/s 0.00 0.00
co 2 4163550 154.2 KB/s 0.00 0.00
cu 2 7603646 10.0 KB/s 0.00 0.00
cz 9 9686523 968.7 KB/s 0.00 0.00
de 10757 11949245876 214.3 KB/s 4.15 2.46
dk 7 8708374 26.2 KB/s 0.00 0.00
ee 3 4169122 833.8 KB/s 0.00 0.00
es 12 2623921631 5311.6 KB/ 0.00 0.54
eu 3 28687139 219.0 KB/s 0.00 0.01
fi 5 4728870 945.8 KB/s 0.00 0.00
fr 204342 357154987633 1165.8 KB/ 78.92 73.66
gr 17 23626103 33.0 KB/s 0.01 0.00
hk 6 10380359 49.7 KB/s 0.00 0.00
hr 1 5029 5.0 KB/s 0.00 0.00
hu 16 3106889047 3070.0 KB/ 0.01 0.64
id 5 6773087 161.3 KB/s 0.00 0.00
il 5 9465209 473.3 KB/s 0.00 0.00
im 1 346224 346.2 KB/s 0.00 0.00
in 8 56165820 23.0 KB/s 0.00 0.01
it 99 381130900 103.6 KB/s 0.04 0.08
jp 124 93895528 28.6 KB/s 0.05 0.02
ke 1 293376 32.6 KB/s 0.00 0.00
kh 1 65536 32.8 KB/s 0.00 0.00
kr 2 39222 19.6 KB/s 0.00 0.00
lt 1 438587 438.6 KB/s 0.00 0.00
lu 1 3303181 1651.6 KB/ 0.00 0.00
ma 1 103780 20.8 KB/s 0.00 0.00
mg 5 8437769 6.5 KB/s 0.00 0.00
na 1 1596340 159.6 KB/s 0.00 0.00
nl 22 34614593 90.1 KB/s 0.01 0.01
no 10 5935491 456.6 KB/s 0.00 0.00
pg 2 7669182 144.7 KB/s 0.00 0.00
pk 1 12477511 106.6 KB/s 0.00 0.00
pl 72 3788487589 1125.9 KB/ 0.03 0.78
pt 19 1636474253 869.1 KB/s 0.01 0.34
ro 2 63882 31.9 KB/s 0.00 0.00
rs 520 449614491 411.0 KB/s 0.20 0.09
ru 64 933507800 421.6 KB/s 0.02 0.19
se 77 56461465 78.2 KB/s 0.03 0.01
sg 29 7605158 9.8 KB/s 0.01 0.00
si 1 1572864 1572.9 KB/ 0.00 0.00
Total Transfer Amount By Domain
Number Of Number of Average Percent Of Percent Of
Domain Name Files Sent Bytes Sent Xmit Rate Files Sent Bytes Sent
----------- ---------- -------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
sk 9 34749767 992.9 KB/s 0.00 0.01
th 12 37565678 125.6 KB/s 0.00 0.01
tr 4 8066433 237.2 KB/s 0.00 0.00
tv 1 1327342 331.8 KB/s 0.00 0.00
tw 20 14092934 136.8 KB/s 0.01 0.00
ua 13 22577564 1505.2 KB/ 0.01 0.00
ug 2 15076220 443.4 KB/s 0.00 0.00
uk 32 78398044 603.1 KB/s 0.01 0.02
za 11 29175704 97.3 KB/s 0.00 0.01
zw 2 131072 0.8 KB/s 0.00 0.00
biz 6 7896541 1316.1 KB/ 0.00 0.00
com 19647 16312734719 357.5 KB/s 7.59 3.36
edu 11 306347131 650.4 KB/s 0.00 0.06
gov 2 11810 5.9 KB/s 0.00 0.00
mil 17 137338310 47.6 KB/s 0.01 0.03
net 737 5213802340 139.6 KB/s 0.28 1.08
org 5 13695679 351.2 KB/s 0.00 0.00
aero 1 34731 34.7 KB/s 0.00 0.00
info 1 1218342 1218.3 KB/ 0.00 0.00
services 3 17243081 148.6 KB/s 0.00 0.00
unresolved 19508 76974447190 19.3 KB/s 7.53 15.88
hu-berlin.d 2456 2904131098 1168.7 KB/ 0.95 0.60
These figures only reflect ANONYMOUS FTP transfers. There are many
sites which mount the archives via NFS, and those transfers are not
logged and reported by this program.
Sat Aug 1 05:00:01 MEST 2015
ftpsoft at informatik.hu-berlin.de