Zugriffsstatistik für den Ftp-Server

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Informatik

* Zugriffsstatistik für den Ftp-Server

TOTALS FOR SUMMARY PERIOD Tue Apr 1 2014 TO Thu May 1 2014

Files Transmitted During Summary Period        248312
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period  340136265047
Systems Using Archives                           7003

Average Files Transmitted Daily                  8010
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily           10972137582

Daily Transmission Statistics

                 Number Of    Number of      Average    Percent Of  Percent Of
     Date        Files Sent  Bytes  Sent    Xmit  Rate  Files Sent  Bytes Sent
---------------  ----------  -------------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Tue Apr  1 2014        6294     7408113595   43.3 KB/s      2.53        2.18
Wed Apr  2 2014        6954     9762975624   59.0 KB/s      2.80        2.87
Thu Apr  3 2014        6235     3225225556   20.5 KB/s      2.51        0.95
Fri Apr  4 2014        6595     7127787786   25.2 KB/s      2.66        2.10
Sat Apr  5 2014        5765     6294820230   51.9 KB/s      2.32        1.85
Sun Apr  6 2014        5215     2960992304   16.9 KB/s      2.10        0.87
Mon Apr  7 2014        5025     8334892435   67.2 KB/s      2.02        2.45
Tue Apr  8 2014        6551     4276465280   74.3 KB/s      2.64        1.26
Wed Apr  9 2014        6495    10292842865   48.4 KB/s      2.62        3.03
Thu Apr 10 2014        5304    10208675282   47.1 KB/s      2.14        3.00
Fri Apr 11 2014        7952     9477381362  168.1 KB/s      3.20        2.79
Sat Apr 12 2014       30867    37289429428  160.4 KB/s     12.43       10.96
Sun Apr 13 2014        9269    11806575576   71.7 KB/s      3.73        3.47
Mon Apr 14 2014        5375     7573726496   51.9 KB/s      2.16        2.23
Tue Apr 15 2014        4911     5839464171   35.0 KB/s      1.98        1.72
Wed Apr 16 2014        4992     4200594752   20.0 KB/s      2.01        1.23
Thu Apr 17 2014       14498    14372610018   67.7 KB/s      5.84        4.23
Fri Apr 18 2014       17700    52594768045  327.8 KB/s      7.13       15.46
Sat Apr 19 2014       13271    20720465140  145.8 KB/s      5.34        6.09
Sun Apr 20 2014        4918     6430848635   49.5 KB/s      1.98        1.89
Mon Apr 21 2014       14511    19123143352  204.3 KB/s      5.84        5.62
Tue Apr 22 2014        4806     3350949414   15.5 KB/s      1.94        0.99
Wed Apr 23 2014        4983    13929858000   60.9 KB/s      2.01        4.10
Thu Apr 24 2014        6359     5709292789   10.0 KB/s      2.56        1.68
Fri Apr 25 2014        8311    14551724729   13.9 KB/s      3.35        4.28
Sat Apr 26 2014       13436    16214103971   59.6 KB/s      5.41        4.77
Sun Apr 27 2014        4415     4378987634   58.5 KB/s      1.78        1.29
Mon Apr 28 2014        6869     8132119971   25.4 KB/s      2.77        2.39
Tue Apr 29 2014        6072    10263218222   40.1 KB/s      2.45        3.02
Wed Apr 30 2014        4124     4209221661   55.7 KB/s      1.66        1.24
Thu May  1 2014         240       74990724   19.5 KB/s      0.10        0.02

Total Transfers from each Archive Section (By bytes)

                                                   ---- Percent  Of ----
     Archive Section      Files Sent Bytes Sent    Files Sent Bytes Sent
------------------------- ---------- ------------- ---------- ----------
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.troll.no      29954  147597923453    12.06      43.39
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.de.debia      87080  108380783237    35.07      31.86
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.mandrake      68923   30313205062    27.76       8.91
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.kde.org       11829   20241210374     4.76       5.95
/pub/Mirrors/doc               31729   19285276468    12.78       5.67
/pub/Mirrors/opencsw.org        4655    4825071723     1.87       1.42
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.gnu.org       10223    2962737905     4.12       0.87
/pub/Mirrors/Adsm                386    1843356773     0.16       0.54
/pub/Mirrors/tivoli              339    1291966453     0.14       0.38
/pub/SNiFF/patches               146    1266700807     0.06       0.37
/pub/SNiFF/4.2_Unix               45     534407226     0.02       0.16
/pub/Mirrors/ibiblio.org.        331     383469896     0.13       0.11
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.kernel.o        967     248538109     0.39       0.07
/pub/SNiFF/4.2_Win                30     236511831     0.01       0.07
/pub/SNiFF/integrations         1110     185586428     0.45       0.05
/pub/SNiFF/4.1.1_Win              19     108947069     0.01       0.03
Index/Informational Files          8      93913376     0.00       0.03
/pub/Mirrors/WWW                 243      89886964     0.10       0.03
/pub/SNiFF/misc                   13      68598461     0.01       0.02
/pub/SNiFF/free_stuff             93      61352567     0.04       0.02
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.openbsd.         10      58302680     0.00       0.02
/pub/Java/Linux                   26      32316971     0.01       0.01
/pub/Java/Win32                   55      10747904     0.02       0.00
/pub/SNiFF/4.1.1_Unix             10      10456401     0.00       0.00
/pub/Mirrors/de.samba.org          6       2055189     0.00       0.00
/pub/Linux/HU-Sound               20       1795058     0.01       0.00
/pub/SNiFF                         3        565570     0.00       0.00
/pub/Mirrors/www.apache.o          1        386030     0.00       0.00
/pub/local/simulant               21        186726     0.01       0.00
/usr/share/lib                    25          6094     0.01       0.00
/pub/WWW/Squid                     1           837     0.00       0.00
/pub/Linux/Distributions           3           510     0.00       0.00
/pub/Mirrors/ftp.parc.xer          1           469     0.00       0.00
/pub/local/rbg                     4           348     0.00       0.00
/pub/Work                          3            78     0.00       0.00

Total Transfer Amount By Domain

             Number Of    Number of       Average    Percent Of  Percent Of
Domain Name  Files Sent   Bytes Sent     Xmit  Rate  Files Sent  Bytes Sent
-----------  ----------  --------------  ----------  ----------  ----------
ae                    7         8270863  119.9 KB/s      0.00        0.00
ar                   12      1179913965   30.1 KB/s      0.00        0.35
at                   15       581707526  599.1 KB/s      0.01        0.17
au                   26        31637441  169.2 KB/s      0.01        0.01
be                   17        54298001  1809.9 KB/      0.01        0.02
bg                    2           85135   42.6 KB/s      0.00        0.00
br                    6        15433177  203.1 KB/s      0.00        0.00
by                    2        79317437   35.6 KB/s      0.00        0.02
ca                   40        74969952   69.1 KB/s      0.02        0.02
ch                   27        59487912  164.8 KB/s      0.01        0.02
cn                   11        32682299   35.7 KB/s      0.00        0.01
co                    3            4851    1.6 KB/s      0.00        0.00
cu                    1          818394   21.5 KB/s      0.00        0.00
cz                   27         6620823   17.6 KB/s      0.01        0.00
de               121383    118194483814  365.0 KB/s     48.88       34.75
dk                   16        13633697  619.7 KB/s      0.01        0.00
ee                    4         4818911  803.2 KB/s      0.00        0.00
es                  575        88723812   95.7 KB/s      0.23        0.03
eu                   19        19049340  1002.6 KB/      0.01        0.01
fi                   19         2840592  109.3 KB/s      0.01        0.00
fm                   11           25500    2.3 KB/s      0.00        0.00
fr                  436      7854589024  287.6 KB/s      0.18        2.31
gr                   95       526718409   37.8 KB/s      0.04        0.15
hk                    2         2208059  184.0 KB/s      0.00        0.00
hr                    1          349060  116.4 KB/s      0.00        0.00
hu                   21        36354069   18.1 KB/s      0.01        0.01
id                    1          126752   10.6 KB/s      0.00        0.00
ie                    4         1957494  178.0 KB/s      0.00        0.00
il                    3         3487165  348.7 KB/s      0.00        0.00
in                    6         2426324    1.3 KB/s      0.00        0.00
is                    3         2717482  679.4 KB/s      0.00        0.00
it                  175      8953608399  122.4 KB/s      0.07        2.63
jp                 1112     10825482754  182.1 KB/s      0.45        3.18
ke                    1           54052    0.9 KB/s      0.00        0.00
lk                    1         7538110  127.8 KB/s      0.00        0.00
lt                   48       229109813  942.8 KB/s      0.02        0.07
ma                 5387      6528902618  105.2 KB/s      2.17        1.92
md                    6            3456    0.6 KB/s      0.00        0.00
mg                   13        75497472    4.4 KB/s      0.01        0.02
mx                   55        57562731   15.6 KB/s      0.02        0.02
nl                  161       110372392  207.1 KB/s      0.06        0.03
no                    9          902713   90.3 KB/s      0.00        0.00
nz                    1          349060   69.8 KB/s      0.00        0.00
pk                    1         2839478   36.4 KB/s      0.00        0.00
pl                  141       669903509  245.8 KB/s      0.06        0.20
pt                   13        10067399  529.9 KB/s      0.01        0.00
py                    2         3256240   29.3 KB/s      0.00        0.00
ro                    6        11480869  604.3 KB/s      0.00        0.00
rs                    5        19514955  929.3 KB/s      0.00        0.01
ru                  180       381427132  233.7 KB/s      0.07        0.11
se                   23       487873644  2501.9 KB/      0.01        0.14
sg                   11        93014584  334.6 KB/s      0.00        0.03
si                    3           41781   13.9 KB/s      0.00        0.00
sk                   10      1752485069  1365.9 KB/      0.00        0.52

Total Transfer Amount By Domain

             Number Of    Number of       Average    Percent Of  Percent Of
Domain Name  Files Sent   Bytes Sent     Xmit  Rate  Files Sent  Bytes Sent
-----------  ----------  --------------  ----------  ----------  ----------
th                   76      1784949740   97.6 KB/s      0.03        0.52
tj                    3          143661   47.9 KB/s      0.00        0.00
tt                   37        81495213    3.5 KB/s      0.01        0.02
tw                   11         5832777  224.3 KB/s      0.00        0.00
tz                    1            5029    5.0 KB/s      0.00        0.00
ua                   19         9111093   13.6 KB/s      0.01        0.00
uk                   20        11899050   34.7 KB/s      0.01        0.00
us                    1          374272   37.4 KB/s      0.00        0.00
uy                    2        13522149  965.9 KB/s      0.00        0.00
za                    3         3161100    3.8 KB/s      0.00        0.00
biz                   1         1628120  1628.1 KB/      0.00        0.00
com               34945     26960972264  171.6 KB/s     14.07        7.93
edu                 338       170124355   65.0 KB/s      0.14        0.05
gov                  10          403752    3.7 KB/s      0.00        0.00
mil                   3         1299266  324.8 KB/s      0.00        0.00
net               16659     35840596492  173.5 KB/s      6.71       10.54
org               11189      1201405706   94.2 KB/s      4.51        0.35
info                245         6006252   23.6 KB/s      0.10        0.00
unresolved        54013    112667886180   20.9 KB/s     21.75       33.12
hu-berlin.d         577      2274403066  3163.3 KB/      0.23        0.67

These figures only reflect ANONYMOUS FTP transfers.  There are many
sites which mount the archives via NFS, and those transfers are not
logged and reported by this program.


Thu May 1 05:00:00 CEST 2014
ftpsoft at informatik.hu-berlin.de