Zugriffsstatistik für den Ftp-Server - Montat: 0604
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut fürInformatik

* Zugriffsstatistik für den Ftp-Server

TOTALS FOR SUMMARY PERIOD Sat Apr  1 2006 TO Mon May  1 2006

Files Transmitted During Summary Period        311877
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period  916424606060
Systems Using Archives                          10872

Average Files Transmitted Daily                 10061
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily           29562084066

Daily Transmission Statistics

                 Number Of    Number of      Average    Percent Of  Percent Of
     Date        Files Sent  Bytes  Sent    Xmit  Rate  Files Sent  Bytes Sent
---------------  ----------  -------------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Sat Apr  1 2006        3460    14261920904   59.7 KB/s      1.11        1.56
Sun Apr  2 2006       13548    22934058076   30.6 KB/s      4.34        2.50
Mon Apr  3 2006        3932    28479742624   34.5 KB/s      1.26        3.11
Tue Apr  4 2006        7876    31044219267   99.4 KB/s      2.53        3.39
Wed Apr  5 2006        9580    25804495304   76.3 KB/s      3.07        2.82
Thu Apr  6 2006        3967    32277042145  108.7 KB/s      1.27        3.52
Fri Apr  7 2006        6331    22444203872   30.9 KB/s      2.03        2.45
Sat Apr  8 2006        6866    25675984936   48.3 KB/s      2.20        2.80
Sun Apr  9 2006        8856    26802969188   79.9 KB/s      2.84        2.92
Mon Apr 10 2006        6813    34406995288   93.2 KB/s      2.18        3.75
Tue Apr 11 2006       10030    47570242379   85.4 KB/s      3.22        5.19
Wed Apr 12 2006        5818    31624882783  109.8 KB/s      1.87        3.45
Thu Apr 13 2006       16157    47737415628  106.5 KB/s      5.18        5.21
Fri Apr 14 2006       13618    43691687453   77.2 KB/s      4.37        4.77
Sat Apr 15 2006        9069    18414103201    7.6 KB/s      2.91        2.01
Sun Apr 16 2006       12430    30483854944  122.1 KB/s      3.99        3.33
Mon Apr 17 2006        8689    35611356928   98.6 KB/s      2.79        3.89
Tue Apr 18 2006       20897    49695049406   72.5 KB/s      6.70        5.42
Wed Apr 19 2006        8453    24173620214   66.2 KB/s      2.71        2.64
Thu Apr 20 2006        6507    34801861259   64.5 KB/s      2.09        3.80
Fri Apr 21 2006        5900    26888598264   79.8 KB/s      1.89        2.93
Sat Apr 22 2006        6293    19365575512   83.1 KB/s      2.02        2.11
Sun Apr 23 2006       11276    31067103078  121.9 KB/s      3.62        3.39
Mon Apr 24 2006        6171    25655443646   87.4 KB/s      1.98        2.80
Tue Apr 25 2006       10045    33139757561   94.2 KB/s      3.22        3.62
Wed Apr 26 2006        6535    21896280119   51.0 KB/s      2.10        2.39
Thu Apr 27 2006       24936    33169462402  155.9 KB/s      8.00        3.62
Fri Apr 28 2006       40433    50969900416  137.6 KB/s     12.96        5.56
Sat Apr 29 2006        8088    21583268296   88.9 KB/s      2.59        2.36
Sun Apr 30 2006        8241    22757496960   58.8 KB/s      2.64        2.48
Mon May  1 2006        1062     1996014007   30.9 KB/s      0.34        0.22

Total Transfers from each Archive Section (By bytes) ---- Percent Of ---- Archive Section Files Sent Bytes Sent Files Sent Bytes Sent ------------------------- ---------- ------------- ---------- ---------- /pub/Mirrors/ftp.mandrake 231148 838808194696 74.12 91.53 /pub/Mirrors/ftp.de.debia 60436 54998044439 19.38 6.00 /pub/Java/Linux 3871 8710500987 1.24 0.95 /pub/Mirrors/ftp.redhat.c 410 7969457711 0.13 0.87 /pub/Mirrors/ftp.gnu.org 15024 2849636247 4.82 0.31 /ftpserver 4 1067909120 0.00 0.12 /pub/local/rbg 23 600453024 0.01 0.07 /pub/Mirrors/ibiblio.org 162 313779387 0.05 0.03 /pub/SNiFF/4.2_Unix 16 267096989 0.01 0.03 /pub/Mirrors/doc 374 227628582 0.12 0.02 /pub/Mirrors/ftp.kde.org 20 193440676 0.01 0.02 /pub/Java/Win32 18 119536873 0.01 0.01 /pub/SNiFF/4.2_Win 13 114504765 0.00 0.01 /pub/Mirrors/ftp.kernel.o 2 81690010 0.00 0.01 /pub/local/simulant 208 33829749 0.07 0.00 /pub/Mirrors/ftp.fu-berli 9 31757374 0.00 0.00 /pub/SNiFF/patches 7 25831593 0.00 0.00 /pub/Linux/HU-Sound 57 5188229 0.02 0.00 /pub/Linux 2 2364778 0.00 0.00 /pub/Mirrors/ftp.troll.no 5 1424051 0.00 0.00 /pub/SNiFF/integrations 4 958089 0.00 0.00 /pub/SNiFF 4 501878 0.00 0.00 /pub/Mirrors/www.apache.o 1 458752 0.00 0.00 /pub/Mirrors/WWW 30 194730 0.01 0.00 /pub/Mirrors/de.samba.org 2 131149 0.00 0.00 /pub/Mirrors/Adsm 1 87762 0.00 0.00 /pub/Linux/Distributions 26 4420 0.01 0.00
Total Transfer Amount By Domain Number Of Number of Average Percent Of Percent Of Domain Name Files Sent Bytes Sent Xmit Rate Files Sent Bytes Sent ----------- ---------- -------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ac 1 3389 3.4 KB/s 0.00 0.00 ar 84 91895527 33.7 KB/s 0.03 0.01 at 1303 1926170247 79.7 KB/s 0.42 0.21 au 115 28191918 108.8 KB/s 0.04 0.00 ba 123 188883249 104.0 KB/s 0.04 0.02 be 29 7710292 3.6 KB/s 0.01 0.00 bg 51 23343656 47.9 KB/s 0.02 0.00 br 1090 934775847 35.7 KB/s 0.35 0.10 by 15 66495306 3.5 KB/s 0.00 0.01 ca 195 16409019947 389.8 KB/s 0.06 1.79 cc 1 3389 3.4 KB/s 0.00 0.00 ch 328 4750549643 251.0 KB/s 0.11 0.52 cn 1 65536 65.5 KB/s 0.00 0.00 co 1 160986 14.6 KB/s 0.00 0.00 cx 6 13558376 968.5 KB/s 0.00 0.00 cz 146 425083039 157.6 KB/s 0.05 0.05 de 74723 269661397151 159.5 KB/s 23.96 29.43 dk 3623 9464286722 85.8 KB/s 1.16 1.03 ee 31 528494 17.0 KB/s 0.01 0.00 es 770 760024088 262.0 KB/s 0.25 0.08 fi 559 2525402184 390.0 KB/s 0.18 0.28 fo 7 23723 3.4 KB/s 0.00 0.00 fr 2416 5955494479 108.1 KB/s 0.77 0.65 gr 278 523237984 38.5 KB/s 0.09 0.06 hk 9 30501 3.4 KB/s 0.00 0.00 hr 17 2234727729 352.5 KB/s 0.01 0.24 hu 3273 6033634368 204.6 KB/s 1.05 0.66 id 8 27112 2.3 KB/s 0.00 0.00 ie 7 23723 3.4 KB/s 0.00 0.00 il 185 1239207637 21.5 KB/s 0.06 0.14 in 4 13556 3.4 KB/s 0.00 0.00 is 18 736719824 30.6 KB/s 0.01 0.08 it 8830 39628618283 94.3 KB/s 2.83 4.32 jp 1486 32702812 8.3 KB/s 0.48 0.00 ke 135 2916577614 1.2 KB/s 0.04 0.32 kr 10 33890 3.4 KB/s 0.00 0.00 li 7 23723 3.4 KB/s 0.00 0.00 lt 48 2195780444 1550.7 KB/ 0.02 0.24 lu 69 1468222 4.0 KB/s 0.02 0.00 lv 12 8313956 415.7 KB/s 0.00 0.00 ma 43 933041551 19.7 KB/s 0.01 0.10 md 21 2204973341 749.7 KB/s 0.01 0.24 mx 70 58035078 43.3 KB/s 0.02 0.01 my 10 468919 46.9 KB/s 0.00 0.00 nl 521 3335056576 25.3 KB/s 0.17 0.36 no 64 2253977639 298.3 KB/s 0.02 0.25 nu 14 45519 2.5 KB/s 0.00 0.00 nz 10 42898 3.9 KB/s 0.00 0.00 pe 1 75203 9.4 KB/s 0.00 0.00 pl 11049 43238307040 32.8 KB/s 3.54 4.72 pt 48 788215140 701.9 KB/s 0.02 0.09 ro 22 670599 27.9 KB/s 0.01 0.00 ru 6268 11175670970 11.5 KB/s 2.01 1.22 sa 3 455770 76.0 KB/s 0.00 0.00
Total Transfer Amount By Domain Number Of Number of Average Percent Of Percent Of Domain Name Files Sent Bytes Sent Xmit Rate Files Sent Bytes Sent ----------- ---------- -------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- se 392 362200343 117.5 KB/s 0.13 0.04 sg 28 52212253 3.6 KB/s 0.01 0.01 si 1311 3374098108 1267.0 KB/ 0.42 0.37 sk 47 41636952 55.2 KB/s 0.02 0.00 su 3 72314 24.1 KB/s 0.00 0.00 sy 2 5471066 64.4 KB/s 0.00 0.00 th 11 534455 48.6 KB/s 0.00 0.00 tk 2 6778 3.4 KB/s 0.00 0.00 to 3 10167 3.4 KB/s 0.00 0.00 tr 88 155672990 3.5 KB/s 0.03 0.02 tt 7 23723 3.4 KB/s 0.00 0.00 tv 4 13556 3.4 KB/s 0.00 0.00 tw 123 968370 7.9 KB/s 0.04 0.00 ua 161 1526227 5.9 KB/s 0.05 0.00 uk 160 211561909 83.8 KB/s 0.05 0.02 us 11 263101 21.9 KB/s 0.00 0.00 uy 39 5827683 32.9 KB/s 0.01 0.00 ws 1 3389 3.4 KB/s 0.00 0.00 yu 20 2265034703 30.2 KB/s 0.01 0.25 za 127 104205781 43.3 KB/s 0.04 0.01 biz 6 20334 3.4 KB/s 0.00 0.00 com 7278 29788598800 90.8 KB/s 2.33 3.25 edu 254 36833801 112.6 KB/s 0.08 0.00 gov 10 687337253 383.8 KB/s 0.00 0.08 mil 27 19134710 637.8 KB/s 0.01 0.00 net 83369 240733571579 106.2 KB/s 26.73 26.27 org 226 70559191 249.3 KB/s 0.07 0.01 info 6 20334 3.4 KB/s 0.00 0.00 unresolved 39540 150270858843 37.4 KB/s 12.68 16.40 hu-berlin.d 60463 55463082538 574.2 KB/s 19.39 6.05 These figures only reflect ANONYMOUS FTP transfers. There are many sites which mount the archives via NFS, and those transfers are not logged and reported by this program.
Mon May 1 07:50:00 MEST 2006